
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Hahn, Ferdinand" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Hahn, Ferdinand" )' returned 5 results. Modify search

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(4,171 words)

Author(s): Colpe, Carsten | Janowski, Bernd | Hahn, Ferdinand
1. General 1.1. Words and Concept The English words “sacrifice” and “offering” come from Lat. sacrificium and offero. Ger. Opfer goes back to Lat. operari, “be active.” The terms suggest an active relation to the reality concerned in the different religions. The various ways in which the relation is described may thus affect the concept. Even though a distinction might arise between real and symbolic sacrifice, sacrifice is always at the heart of religion and widely influences human conduct in other spheres as well. In religious history we may un…


(1,420 words)

Author(s): Hahn, Ferdinand | Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane
[German Version] I. New Testament – II. Representations of the Apostles I. New Testament 1. The term. The verbal adjective ἀπόστολος/ apóstolos (from apostéllein), as a term for being sent was also used in Greek substantivally, but was not a terminus technicus. Outside political contexts, it occurs rarely in philosophical texts. The roots of the NT concept lie in the OT and Judaism, where the verb שׁלח/ šalaḥ plays an important role; the participle is rare, the noun is l…

Word of God

(7,795 words)

Author(s): Prenner, Karl | Levin, Christoph | Hahn, Ferdinand | Krötke, Wolf | Meyer-Blanck, Michael | Et al.
[German Version] See also Heavenly voice, Memra, Revelation. I. Religious Studies Humans experience messages from the deity or divine beings (Inspiration/Theopneusty, Revelation) in the form of speech. Formally we must distinguish (a) the word of the deity himself, as recorded in sacred scripture after a phase of oral transmission (Torah, Qurʾān, Vedas, Avesta); (b) words communicated by individuals specially chosen and called by God (the word that calls); (c) words spoken by elect individuals having a spe…

Vielhauer, Philipp

(129 words)

Author(s): Hahn, Ferdinand
[German Version] (Dec 3, 1914, Bali, Cameroon – Dec 23, 1977, Bonn), Protestant New Testament scholar. He received his doctorate from Heidelberg in 1939 and his habilitation from Göttingen in 1950; in 1951 he was appointed full professor at Bonn. As a student of M. Dibelius, he combined form-critical and history-of-religions approaches in incisive textual analy-¶ ses. He was particularly interested in the literary history of primitive Christianity, without ignoring the theological and hermeneutical task of exegesis. In his articles and reviews, he pr…


(26,590 words)

Author(s): Hahn, Ferdinand | Markschies, Christoph | Angenendt, Arnold | Kaufmann, Thomas | Koch, Ernst | Et al.
[German Version] I. New Testament – II. Church History – III. Dogmatics – IV. Liturgical History – V. Practical Theology – VI. Missiology I. New Testament 1. Background Sacred meals are common to all religions. Before examining them in the context of the NT, it is necessary first to inquire into their background in the OT and in Judaism, whereupon it becomes evident that sacrificial meals play no role in them. Only the dai…