
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "James, Aaron" ) OR dc_contributor:( "James, Aaron" )' returned 1 result. Modify search

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(1,320 words)

Author(s): Brändle, Werner | James, Aaron
[German Version] I. Systematic Theology – II. Ethics I. Systematic Theology The word “character” derives from Gk χαράσσειν ( charássein: “sharpen, carve, mark”) and means a note, a mark, a stamp; it also expresses a proprietary relationship, for example between master and slave (Seal/Stamp). Theophrastus (c. 300 bce) applied the term metaphorically to human types; since the French moralist La Bruyère ( Les caractères, 1688), it has been used to express the “characteristic” nature of an individual's desires and actions. Augustine used the term to explai…