
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Knobloch, Stefan" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Knobloch, Stefan" )' returned 3 results. Modify search

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Mission to the People (Volksmission, Home Mission)

(772 words)

Author(s): Knobloch, Stefan
[German Version] I. The Rediscovery of Mission – II. Existing Home Mission Practice – III. History of Home Mission – IV. Perspectives


(1,740 words)

Author(s): Knobloch, Stefan | Thöle, Reinhard | Greiner, Dorothea
[German Version] I. Catholicism – II. Orthodox Church– III. Protestantism I. Catholicism Blessings are said to come from above.” This persistent conviction seems to be gaining ground in the context of the re-sacralization of contemporary life which can be observed in esoteric religion (Esotericism), magic rituals (Rite and ritual: I), and occult and spiritualist practices (Occult; Spiritism). These …


(414 words)

Author(s): Knobloch, Stefan
[German Version] The Capuchins, the third branch of the Franciscan order, after and along with the Minorites and Franciscans, to view Francis of Assisi as the father of their order, owe their origin to a reform movement with the Franciscans at the beginning of the 16th century. In 525, Matthäus of Bascio settled in the region of Ancona, Italy, following the oral permission of pope Clement VII based on his brothers’ support, with the intention …