
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Lampart, Fabian" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Lampart, Fabian" )' returned 6 results. Modify search

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Historischer Roman

(1,538 words)

Author(s): Lampart, Fabian
1. DefinitionDer H. R. ist eine Untergattung des Romans, in der authentische histor. Personen, Ereignisse und Verhältnisse in unterschiedlichen Graden der Fiktionalisierung gestaltet werden bzw. in der Fiktion und Historie in narrativen Konfigurationen überkreuzt werden (Fiktionalität). Der Begriff H. R. (engl.
Date: 2019-11-19

Historical novel

(1,698 words)

Author(s): Lampart, Fabian
1. DefinitionThe historical novel is a subgenre of the novel in which authentic historical personages, events, and circumstances are presented in varying degrees of fictionalization, or in which fiction and history are melded in a narrative configuration (Fictionality). The term historical novel (French  roman historique, Italian  romanzo storico, German historischer Roman) became established in European-Angloamerican litera…
Date: 2019-10-14

Manzoni, Alessandro

(350 words)

Author(s): Lampart, Fabian
[German Version] (Mar 7, 1785, Milan – May 22, 1873, Brusuglio near Milan), Italian poet. Owing to the early separation of his parents Count Pietro Manzoni and Giulia Beccaria (daughter of Cesare Beccaria), Manzoni was raised and educated in religious boarding schools until 1800, where he developed a liberal anticlericalism. From 1805 to 1810, Manzoni lived in Paris, where he came into contact with the progressive Idéologues. His marriage to Enrichetta Blondel (1808), a Calvinist from Geneva, was followed by her conversion to Catholicism, and very soon (1810) also by his. From ¶ then on…


(4,164 words)

Author(s): Lampart, Fabian | Thimann, Michael | Lauer, Gerhard | Hühn, Lore | Rosenau, Hartmut
[German Version] I. As Epoch 1. Literature. The term “romantic” (from Old Fr. romanz, roman; cf. Ger. romantisch) appeared as early as the 17th century with the meaning “unbridled,” “fantastic,” “wild”; while Romanticism in Europe denotes a period in culture and art. As a movement in literary studies it runs from 1790 to 1825, with offshoots to c. 1850. ¶ Literary Romanticism in Germany is divided into early, high, and late Romanticism. Around 1798, the so-called Jena or early Romantic group (until c. 1806) formed around the journal Athenäum, represented by Friedrich v. Hardenberg …

Fairy Tales

(1,964 words)

Author(s): Lampart, Fabian | Hartinger, Walter | Halbfas, Hubertus
[German Version] I. Literary History – II. Religious History – III. In Religious Education I. Literary History The fairy tale (the diminutive German term Märchen derives from MHG maere, “tidings,” “news,” “story, narrative”; the English term has been variously derived from ME faie, fei< MF feie, fee< Lat. fata; a genre term since the 16th cent.) as a basic genre of literary narrative is ¶ characterized by elements of the fantastic, miraculous, and supernatural. Neither the authors nor the circumstances of origin of fairy tales are known; although over the …


(3,767 words)

Author(s): Lampart, Fabian | Thimann, Michael | Lauer, Gerhard | Hühn, Lore | Rosenau, Hartmut
[English Version] I. Als Epochenbegriff 1.Literarisch Während der Begriff (von altfranz. romanz, roman, »volkssprachlich, nicht lat.«) als engl. romantic und dt. romantisch bereits im 17.Jh. auftrat und »zügellos«, »phantastisch«, »wild« bedeutete, war die R. in Europa eine kultur- und kunstgesch. Epoche; als lit.-wiss. Bewegung ist sie zw. 1790 und 1825 anzusiedeln, mit Ausläufern bis ca.1850. Die lit. R. in Deutschland wird in Früh-, Hoch- und Spätromantik unterteilt. Um 1798 bildete sich um die Zeitschrift »Athenäum…