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Community of Goods
(1,409 words)
[German Version] I. New Testament – II. History – III. Ethics
I. New Testament The summary descriptions in Acts paint a picture of the first Christian community in Jerusalem in which the ¶ unanimity of the believers finds expression in the community of goods (2:44f.; 4:32–35). This community is depicted as free, not forced (5:4), and not egalitarian: The goods offered to the community were divided according to the needs of each individual (2:45; 4:35). The community of goods is only an element of the
koinōnía of worship, prayer and Eucharist that charact…
Religion Past and Present
(435 words)
[German Version] The rare term “Hellenists” appears in the Acts of the Apostles and in a number of patristic texts from the post-Nicean period. It is derived from the verb ἑλληνίζειν/
hellēnízein and designates a group that belongs to the Greek culture. The Lukan usage is not entirely clear: Luke applies the term sucessively to a Christian community in Jerusalem (Acts 6:1), to Jews that are hostile to Paul (Acts 9:29), and to the non-Jewish population of Antioch (Acts 11:20); however, his intention throughout is to emphasize …
Religion Past and Present