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(2,226 words)
[German Version] I. Western Hagiography – II. Eastern Hagiography – III. Medieval and Modern Judaism
I. Western Hagiography Western hagiography, as a literature that has no scholarly purpose but serves to venerate saints, first followed Greek examples. Its most important genre, the lives of the saints, is shaped less by the panegyric biography of the martyr bishop Cyprian of Carthage, written by the deacon Pontius (2nd half of 3rd cent. ce), than by the
vitaes of the desert father Anthony of Padua, written by Athanasius (with two Latin translations), and of Martin …
Religion Past and Present
Church Year
(2,193 words)
[German Version] I. General Background and History – II. Practical Theology – III. Orthodox Church
I. General Background and History The church year – like church art, architecture, etc. – is one of the great cultural products of the Christian faith. It attempts to give cultural form to the gospel by means of the human perception of time. It thus stands alongside other attempts to cultivate the experience and perception of time, and to structure it meaningfully. As a sign of salvation…
Religion Past and Present
Liturgy of the Hours
(3,593 words)
[German Version] I. History – II. Liturgical Practice – III. Catholicism – IV. Orthodox Church – V. Protestantism – VI. Music
I. History Praying “at all times” reflects belief in a God who is always present as Lord of every time and all time. The Early Church continued the practice of Israel, but soon enriched the anamnestic remembrance of God's saving work at certain times (deliverance in the morning, preservation of the creation in the evening) with the remembrance of experiences of salvation in the life of th…
Religion Past and Present
(6,849 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Israel – III. Christianity
I. Religious Studies The term comes from the Lat. “altare,” which is derived from “adolere,” “burn” (thus already Sextus Pompeius Festus,
De verborum significatione, v. 14: “altaria sunt in quibus igne adoletur”). In addition to “altare/altaria”, the common term “ara” (from “areo,” “burn”) has the same meaning. Accordingly, the Roman altar could be defined as “place of fire” or “sacrificial hearth.” In Greek, there are a number of alternating terms. Of these θυμέλη/
thymélē and θυσιαστήριον/
thysiastḗrion (fr…
Religion Past and Present
(7,504 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies Etymologically the term
priest derives from Greek πρεσβύτερος/
presbýteros, “elder”; it denotes a religious functionary, especially an expert responsible for the cult. The Greek word did not originally have this meaning. A second semantic strand puts a priest (Gk ἱερεύς/
hiereús, Lat.
sacerdos) in charge of things that are sacred (Sacred and profane). The characteristics that comparative religion usually associates with priesthood are often transferred globally from Christianity, especially Roman Cathol…
Religion Past and Present
(8,314 words)
[German Version] I. Old Testament – II. Judaism – III. New Testament – IV. Early Church – V. Patriarchates – VI. Islam – VII. Religious and Political Situation Today – VIII. Archaeology
I. Old Testament Jerusalem (ירושׁלם/
yerûšālēm, MT
yerûšālayim) was founded c. 1800 bce as a fortified town in the central Palestinian uplands at a strategic point for transportation between northern and southern Palestine. Outside the Bible, the name appears from the 18th century on in the Egyptian execration texts and the Amarna letters (as Akkad.
uruu-ru-sa-lim). It derives from the verb
yrh I…
Religion Past and Present
(5,831 words)
[German Version] I. New Testament – II. Church History – III. Dogmatics and Canon Law – IV. Missiology
I. New Testament The NT contains no evidence of the episcopate in the traditional Catholic sense (a single bishop at the apex of a hierarchical clerical ministry functioning as head of a Christian community), but it does use the word ἐπίσκοπος (
epískopos; the etymological source of
bishop) for functionaries and officials exercising oversight in the community (Acts 20:28; Phil 1:1; 1 Tim 3:1–7; Tit 1:7–9). For the primitive church, it is therefore better ¶ to speak of
episkopoi rathe…
Religion Past and Present
Trinity/Doctrine of the Trinity
(11,509 words)
[German Version] ¶
I. Terminology To an unusual degree, the theology of the Trinity is characterized by a strained combination of narrative biblical language and speculative philosophical language. The word
trinitas was first used by Tertullian (
Prax. 2.1–4), as a translation of Greek τριάς/
triás (orig. “threeness”). To denote the divine unity (God: V, 1), the 4th-century debates showed that the term οὐσία/
ousí (“Essence”; see also Divine essence) borrowed from Greek philosophy was theologically legitimate. The term ὑπόστασις/
hypóstasis (Hypostasis) was sometimes used i…
Religion Past and Present
(5,513 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies Relics are the remains (Lat.
reliquiae) of individuals endowed with power, such as warriors, chiefs, sorcerers, heroes, prophets, martyrs, and saints – their bodies, their clothing, or objects they have used. Veneration of relics reflects the belief that these forces continue beyond the grave; the intent is to benefit from this power or blessing by erecting structures over the grave, lighting candles or leaving flowers, processions, touching or kissing, or burial near…
Religion Past and Present
Marriage Ceremonies
(4,074 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religion – II. Church History – III. Practical Theology – IV. Liturgics – V. Law – VI. Orthodox Church – VII. Judaism – VIII. Islam
I. History of Religion In Christendom marriage was considered a secular act until well into the Middle Ages, before it was declared a sacrament in 1184. Many religions view marriage as a religious duty, and nuptial rites (Rites of passage; see III below) often have sacral character, but civil marriages are also obligatory in certain countries. Regulations gover…
Religion Past and Present
(5,925 words)
[German Version] I. Terminology – II. Church History – III. Liturgy – IV. Customs and Traditions – V. Homiletics and Education – VI. Art History
I. Terminology
Easter (cf. Ger.
Ostern) is the English word for the feast of Jesus Christ's resurrection (II). The name in other Germanic and Romance languages derives instead from Gk πάσχα/
páscha (Aram. פַּסְחָא/
pascha' or פִּסְחָא/
pischa' for Heb. פֶּסַח/
pesah. [from פסח/
psh., “limp/go past”, etymology not entirely clear]; Lat. as
pascha or
passa), for example,
Påske (Danish and Norwegian),
Pasen (Dutch),
Påsk (Swedish),
Pasqua (…
Religion Past and Present
(7,716 words)
[German Version] I. History – II. Christian Liturgy – III. Practical Theology – IV. Art History – V. Music
I. History
1. Origins. “Christmas,” the nativity feast or birthday celebration of Christ on Dec 25, comes from Middle English
Christmesse, Christ's Mass; cf. Dutch
Kerstmis. The German
Weihnachten, “holy nights,” refers to the twelve days between Dec 24 and Jan 6. The Lat.
natalis, dies
nativitatis, or
domini nostri Jesu Christi is reflected in Span.
navidad, Ital.
natale. Gk ἡ γενέθλιος ἡμέρα τὰ γενέθλια, ἡ κατὰ σάρκα γέννησις τοῦ κυρίου/
hēgenéthlios h…
Religion Past and Present
(13,915 words)
[German Version]
I. Terminology and Scope The book of Psalms is a unique collection of 150 poetic texts compiled to make a work
sui generis. Its Hebrew title תְּהִלִּים(סֵפֶר) /(
tĕhillîm, “(Book of) Praises,” is already found at Qumran (earliest instance: 4QMa [= 4Q491] 174, 1st cent. bce). As in the New Testament occurrences from about a century later (Luke 20:42; Acts 1:20: βίβλος ψαλμῶν/
bíblos psalmṓ
n), it appears to be used primarily in the technical sense of a scroll containing psalms (cf. the frgm. 4QPs), but it might also denote a form of the Psalter. In 11QPsa, a collectio…
Religion Past and Present
(22,186 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religion – II. New Testament – III. Church History – IV. Dogmatics – V. Practical Theology – VI. History of Liturgy – VII. Law – VIII. Missions – IX. Art
I. History of Religion From the standpoint of the history of religion, baptism is not a general type of rite (Rite and ritual) but a lustration ritual that is carried out not only in Christianity but also in historically related religions such as …
Religion Past and Present