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Bishops, Consecration of
(532 words)
[German Version] I. Practical Theology – II. Orthodox Church
I. Practical Theology Episcopal ordination is the rite whereby a person chosen as bishop receives his office (the legal aspect) and is empowered to exercise this (the spiritual aspect). After Vatican II, episcopal ordination in the Roman Catholic church was given a structure parallel to the ordination rites of deacons and …
Religion Past and Present
(265 words)
[German Version]
Homiliarium ([
homiliarius) refers to Early Church and medieval collections of preaching (Homily) of the church fathers arranged according to the calendar and the pericopes of the church year. From the early Middle Ages onward, contemporary sermons could also be included in
homiliaria. They were used primarily for reading in the mass, in which, after the Council of Vaison (529), they could replace the sermon. They became indispensable in the monastic liturgy of the hours from the 6th century since the reading of the…
Religion Past and Present
(1,708 words)
[German Version]
I. History The evening service of the Western churches in the the Liturgy of the Hours has been shaped by various traditions. Congregations gather for a liturgy of the Word in which certain Psalms are sung, Bible lessons are read, sermons are preached, and prayers are offered. Monastic communities include this service in their systematic recitation of the entire Psalter in course (
Psalterium currens). A tradition associated with house churches and cathedral churches adopted the practice of hailing the newly-lit lights of evening – among Chris…
Religion Past and Present
(1,482 words)
[English Version]
I. Historisch Der Abendgottesdienst im Kontext der Ordnung der Tagzeitenliturgie (Stundengebet) ist in den Westkirchen von unterschiedlichen Traditionen geprägt. Die Gemeinden versammeln sich zu Wortgottesdiensten, in denen bestimmte Psalmen gesungen, bibl. Lesungen vorgetragen, Predigten gehalten und Bittgebete gesprochen wurden. Mönchsgemeinden beziehen diesen Gottesdienst in ihre Ordnungen des den Psalter durchgehenden Cursus der Psalmenlesung ein (»Psalterium currens«). Eine T…