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(2,647 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Philosophy of Religion – III. Dogmatics – IV. Ethics
I. Religious Studies In every age and culture, people have felt the need to explain inescapable situations and unforeseeable events. From the perspective of cultural anthropology, however, this need does not make fate a clearly definable concept; it is instead a summary term encompassing a multiplicity of culturally divergent ideas to which individual religions often assign very different values. The concept of fat…
Religion Past and Present
Dulon, Rudolph
(182 words)
[German Version] (Apr 30, 1807, Stendal – Apr 13, 1870, New York). In 1843, he became pastor of the Reformed congregation in Magdeburg; in 1848, after the outbreak of the Revolution, he was elected pastor of the Church of the Beloved Virgin in Bremen; in 1852, the senate of Bremen suspended him, and he emigrated to the USA. Dulon's efforts to reform the church internally (he reje…
Religion Past and Present
Eß, Leander van
(331 words)
[German Version] (baptized as: Johann Heinrich; Feb 15, 1772, Wartburg – Oct 13, 1847, Affolderbach) became a Benedictine in Marienmünster near Paderborn in 1790; was ordained in 1796; after the secularization of the monastery (1802), he became pastor in Schwalenberg; from 1812 to 1822 he was pastor and professor of Catholic theology in Marburg; he received the Dr.theol. in 1818; he was relieved of his post at his own request in 1822, from which point onward he was a private scholar in Darmstadt, Alzey, and elsewhere. Eß's chief activity consisted in the translation and distri-¶ bution of…
Religion Past and Present