Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schöllgen, Georg" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schöllgen, Georg" )' returned 10 results. Modify search
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Apollonius the Antimontanist,
(105 words)
[German Version] an early Anti-montanist from Asia Minor, composed c. 200 (?) a lost polemic against Montanism. It is said to have refuted the prophecies of the Montanists (Eusebius
Hist. eccl. V 18.1);
ibid. 2–11 preserves 6 fragments criticizing the teaching of Montanus and the lifestyle of well-known Montanists, especially their greed, extravagance, and arrogance. According to Jerome
Vir. ill. 40, Tertullian dedicated the 7th book of his lost
De ecstasi to refuting Apollonius. Georg Schöllgen Bibliography CPG 1, 1328 A. v. Harnack,
Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur I/1,…
Religion Past and Present
(116 words)
[German Version] “Alogi” is the name given by Epiphanius to certain heretics who rejected John and Revelation on the grounds that they were written by the Gnostic Cerinthus. The word is probably a collective term for groups from Asia Minor (origin?) and Rome (Gaius) – not necessarily considered heretical by their contemporaries (c. 200) – whose rejection of the Johannine literature was probably also motivated by anti-Montanist motives (against reliance on the promise of the Paraclete, John 14:16; Montanism). Georg Schöllgen Bibliography A. Bludau,
Die ersten Gegner der …
Religion Past and Present
Virgins of Christ
(193 words)
[German Version] By the early 2nd century at the latest, the church included women who chose to live as virgins; they enjoyed great respect. In the late 2nd century, there developed an order of virgins, which attracted many women. Originally they bound themselves by private pledges, later by public consecration and vows, the breaking of which incurred severe ecclesiastical and civil penalties. These virgins lived primarily with their families, but after the 4th century also in domestic communities…
Religion Past and Present
Sprengel (Parish/Diocese)
(147 words)
[German Version] The German
Sprengel, originally an implement for sprinkling (holy) water, denotes the area of a priest’s responsibility (and in Austria, also a secular administrative area). Historically, it first denoted the area of a bishop’s responsibility (bishopric). As a synonym of parish, in pre-Carolingian times it could also already stand for the area of a priest’s responsibility. Beginning with the Reformation reor-¶ dering of church law structures (cf. the 1533 Wittenberg church order),
Sprengel comes to refer generally to a specific area (under the persona…
Religion Past and Present
Callistus I
(308 words)
[German Version] (217–222), bishop of Rome. His life and teachings are known almost exclusively from the portrayal by his competitor and opponent Hippolytus (
Haer. 9.11f.; 10.27), who depicts him as a social climber and careerist. Born a slave, Callistus was entrusted with the banking affairs of his Christian master. A conflict with Roman Jews (debtors?) led to his condemnation as a Christian and to forced labor in the Sardinian mines. After a pardon, manumission, and a decade-long sojourn in …
Religion Past and Present
Diognetus, Letter to
(325 words)
[German Version] The
Letter to Diognetus (titled simply “To Diognetus” in the authoritative manuscript) is not a letter at all but an anonymous apologetic and protreptic tract. After an introduction listing the topics of discussion (ch. 1), a refutation of the gods of the Greeks (ch. 2), and derision of the Jewish cult and ritual law (chs. 3f.), which follow the traditional schemes …
Religion Past and Present
(919 words)
[German Version] I. Early Church – II. Orthodox Canon Law
I. Early Church The metropolitanate is an outgrowth of the emergence of synods, which in the late 2nd century slowly began to develop into the most important regional ecclesiastical authorities (see also Church polity: I, 3.a). As soon as synods began to assemble regularly on a provincial level (Ecclesiastical province), the bishop of the provincial capital acquired new authority, which increasingly became legally codified. At the beginning of the 4…
Religion Past and Present
Community of Goods
(1,409 words)
[German Version] I. New Testament – II. History – III. Ethics
I. New Testament The summary descriptions in Acts paint a picture of the first Christian community in Jerusalem in which the ¶ unanimity of the believers finds expression in the community of goods (2:44f.; 4:32–35). This community is depicted as free, not forced (5:4), and not egalitarian: The goods offered to the community were divided according to the needs of each individual (2:45; 4:35). The community of goods is only an element of the
koinōnía of worship, prayer and Eucharist that charact…
Religion Past and Present
(5,831 words)
[German Version] I. New Testament – II. Church History – III. Dogmatics and Canon Law – IV. Missiology
I. New Testament The NT contains no evidence of the episcopate in the traditional Catholic sense (a single bishop at the apex of a hierarchical clerical ministry functioning as head of a Christian community), but it does use the word ἐπίσκοπος (
epískopos; the etymological source of
bishop) for functionaries and officials exercising oversight in the community (Acts 20:28; Phil 1:1; 1 Tim 3:1–7; Tit 1:7–9). For the primitive church, it is therefore better ¶ to speak of
episkopoi rathe…
Religion Past and Present
Canon Law/Church Law
(11,049 words)
[German Version] I. History – II. The Present – III. Orthodox Church – IV. The Study of Canon Law and Church Law – V. Practical Theology – VI. Oriental Orthodox Canon Law
I. History
1. Early Church. The church has had laws ever since Christians recognized the need for a generally recognized authority to regulate the uncertainties, problems, and controversies involving church discipline brought about by the rapid expansion of Christianity. After the death of the initial authority figures (e.g. the fou…
Religion Past and Present