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(1,333 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Philosophy – III. Philosophy of Religion
I. Religious Studies Images are among the oldest and simplest human expressions which can “survive” their original communicative setting. It is this relative independence of their origin which in religious contexts has led to attribute an efficacy to sketches, colorful murals (Art and Religion, Prehistoric art), as well as to the three-dimensional statue, which significantly exceeds the possibilities and intentions of the pr…
Religion Past and Present
(3,625 words)
1. DefinitionHermeneutics in the narrow sense means the theory (or art) of interpreting texts, in the broad sense the general theory of understanding and methodology of interpreting meaningful structures of all kinds (symbols, texts, images). Interpretation is a purposeful activity, which is necessary when something is not immediately understood; its primary goal is to arrive at a correct understanding. Hermeneutics attempts to guide this activity systematically and judge its conclusions rational…
(3,443 words)
1. BegriffH. im engeren Sinne meint die Kunstlehre der Interpretation von Texten, im weiteren Sinne die allgemeine Theorie des Verstehens und die Methodologie der Interpretation von Sinngebilden aller Art (Zeichen, Texten, Bildern). Interpretieren ist eine zielgerichtete Tätigkeit, die erforderlich ist, wenn etwas nicht unmittelbar verstanden wird, und deren primäres Ziel es ist, zu einem korrekten Verständnis zu gelangen. Die H. versucht, diese Tätigkeit methodisch anzuleiten und ihre Ergebnisse vernünftig zu beu…
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