
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)" )' returned 231 results. Modify search

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(1,324 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Thür, Gerhard (Graz)
This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Christianity | Dark Ages | Grain Trade, Grain Import | Hellenistic states | Hellenistic states | Crete | Apollo | Limes | Macedonia, Macedones | Pompeius | Rome | Rome | Education / Culture [German version] I. Location One of the biggest and most important cities of Crete, in the Mesara plain on the river Lethaeus, between the villages of Agi Deka and Mitropolis, 16 km (Str. 10,4,7: 90 stadia) from the Libyan Sea, also transmitted as Gortyna and Gortyne. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) [German version] II. Historical development The earli…


(123 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
(Νάπη/ Nápē, ‘wooded gorge, valley’). [German version] [1] Settlement on Lesbos Settlement on Lesbos, in the territory of Methymna, with a temple of Apollo Napaios (Str. 9,4,5; Steph. Byz. s.v. N.). N. cannot be precisely located. The temple, however, may have been the cultic site to the west of the modern village of Napi in the district of Klopedi. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography H.-G. Buchholz, Methymna: Archäologische Beiträge zur Geschichte und Topographie von Nordlesbos, 1966, 206f.  W. Günther, s.v. N., in: Lauffer, Griechenland, 454f. [German version] [2] In Att…


(1,262 words)

Author(s): Frahm, Eckart (Heidelberg) | Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] I. Ancient Orient and Egypt Forcible deportations of combatants and civilians during wars were common practice (though on varying scales) in many periods of the history of the Ancient Orient and Egypt. Deportations had a dual purpose: they made possible the creation of an unfree and, therefore, easily exploited labour force, and they were a convenient means of lastingly weakening the military and economic potential of defeated tribes, cities and states. In Mesopotamia deportations appear to have been a source of unfree labour as early as the late 4th…


(374 words)

Author(s): Drew-Bear, Thomas (Lyon) | Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
(Ἱεράπολις; Hierápolis). [German version] [1] Important town in south-west Phrygia This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Christianity | Natural catastrophes | Oracles | Pergamum Important town in south-west Phrygia (as opposed to the town of same name in the ‘Pentapolis’ of central Phrygia) at the edge of the Lycus valley on the road in the Hermus valley from Sardis to Apamea, famous for its thermal springs whose water leaves white limestone terraces when evaporating; they gave the place its modern name Pa…


(128 words)

Author(s): Pera, Rossella (Genoa) | Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] [1] Island in the Ligurian Sea (modern Gallinara). Small uninhabited island in the Ligurian Sea (Varro, Rust. 3,9); place of refuge for St. Martinus and Hilarius (Sulp. Sev. Sanctus Martinus 6,5; Sozom. Hist. eccl. 3,14; Ven. Fort. Sanctus Hilarius 35). Archaeological finds in the sea off the coast. Pera, Rossella (Genoa) Bibliography G. Forni (ed.), Fontes Ligurum et Liguriae Antiquae (Atti della Società ligure di storia patria 16), 1976 G. Spadea, Archeologia Subacquea in Liguria, in: Bollettino di Archeologia Subacquea 2-3, 1995/6, 103. [German version] [2] W…

Camara [II]

(116 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Karttunen, Klaus (Helsinki)
(Καμάρα; Kamára). [German version] [1] Harbour settlement in eastern Crete Harbour settlement in eastern Crete, originally Lato (Λατὼ πρὸς or ἐπὶ Καμάραι, Ptol. 3,17,5; Hierocles, Synekdemos 650,1), modern Agios Nikolaos. Close political links with  Lato [1. no. 72, p. 428]. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 A. Chaniotis, Die Verträge zw. kret. Poleis in der hell. Zeit, 1996. F. Gschnitzer, Abhängige Orte im griech. Alt., 1958, 49-51. [German version] [2] Empórion on India's south-eastern coast According to Peripl. M. Rubr. 60, an   empórion

Ad Flexum

(116 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence)
[German version] [1] Roman road station Roman road station (  statio ) between  Brixia and  Beneventum (It. Burd. 558,9). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 981. [German version] [2] Statio, San Pietro in Fine   Statio , named after the curve in the via Latina between  Casinum and  Venafrum, at the 96th milestone near Ad Flexum (CIL X 6901); today San Pietro in Fine (Caserta). Strategically significant, dominated by walls in a polygonal pattern near San Eustachio and Marena-Falascosa, in opus quadratum and incertum near Muraglie Abbandonate. Uggeri, Giovanni (Flo…


(279 words)

Author(s): Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence) | Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] [1] C. Inui Town of the Rutuli (Sil. Pun. 8,359) in the centre of Latium, founded by the kings of Alba Longa (Verg. Aen. 6,775). Abandoned in the archaic period, often confused with C. Novum in Etruria (Rut. Namat. 1,227). Uggeri, Giovanni (Florence) Bibliography A. Nibby, Analisi storico-topografica-antiquaria della Carta de' Dintorni di Roma 1, 1848, 440 Nissen 2, 579 O. Toti, 1984. [German version] [2] C. Novum Settlement on the southern coast of Etruria This item can be found on the following maps: Socii (Roman confederation) | Tribus …


(171 words)

Author(s): Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart) | Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
(Πολίχνη; Políchnē). [German version] [1] Settlement in the Olympieum in the SW of Syracusae Settlement in the Olympieum, a sanctuary of Zeus on the right bank of the Anapus in the south west of Syracusae, where in 414 BC Gylippus stationed part of his cavalry to hamper the Athenians on the Plemmyrium from foraging in the Syracusan hinterland (Thuc. 7,4,7; Diod. Sic. 13,7,5; cf. [1. 41, 4110]). Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 H.-P. Drögemüller, Syrakus (Gymnasium Beiheft 6), 1969. [German version] [2] Town in NW Crete This item can be found on the following maps: Crete Town …


(318 words)

Author(s): Burian, Jan (Prague) | Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] [1] Locality in Moesia superior This item can be found on the following maps: Thraci, Thracia | | Legio | Limes | Moesi, Moesia Locality (posting station) in Moesia superior (Tab. Peut. 7,1; It. Ant. 221,4; Νοοῦαι/ Nooûai: Ptol. 3,15,5), 4 km east of modern Svištov (Bulgaria). N. was founded around AD 30; the legio I Italica  was stationed here under Vespasian (garrison on the right bank of the Danube near a river-crossing). A civilian settlement grew up nearby. Extensive archaeological and epigraphical finds (fortress wall with gate …


(1,586 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Niehoff, Johannes (Freiburg)
(Κρήτη, Krētē, Latin Creta). [German version] A. Settlement geography C. is the largest Greek island, with an east-west extension of 250 km and a north-south extension of max. 60 km. The narrowest part is the Isthmus of Hierapytna in the east. The island's topography is shaped by its mountains. Three large mountain ranges dominate: in the west the ‘White Mountains’ (  Leúka órē , 2,482 m), in the centre the  Ida Mountains (Piloritis, 2,456 m) and in the east the  Dicte Range (highest elevation 2,147 m) with the Lassithi Plateau (moun…


(137 words)

Author(s): Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster) | Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
(Ἁλίσαρνα; Halísarna). [German version] [1] Small city in the border region of the regions Mysia and Troas Small city, dynastic seat in the border region of the regions of Mysia and the Troad. In Xenophon (Hell. 3,1,6; An. 7,8,17) H. is mentioned in connection with the Spartan-Persian war 400-396 BC. The dynast Procles named there is the descendant of the Spartan king Damaratus, who was exiled there at the beginning of the 5th cent. BC and received H. along with Pergamum and Teuthrania from Darius I as a gift (Paus. 3,7,8). The exact location and further history are unknown. Schwertheim, El…


(128 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Pappalardo, Umberto (Naples)
[German version] Statio on the via Popilia (Tab. Peut. 7,1), after which Sala Consilina is named, in the liber regionum of 120 praefectura Consiline in provincia Lucaniae. Inhabited market site (Cassiod. Var. 8,33) near an old spring (Marcellianum). In the 5th cent. AD an episcopal seat. The old fortification mentioned in Pliny (Plin. HN 3,95) may possibly be associated with Padula in the Tanagro valley (thus already in [3]), where a fortified embankment was found on a hill and prehistoric graves in the valley (archaic g…


(439 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Schwertheim, Elmar (Münster)
(Ἴδη, Ἰδαῖον ὄρος; Ídē, Idaîon hóros). [German version] [1] Highest mountain range in Crete Highest mountain range in Crete, modern Psiloritis, with the peak Timios Stavros (2,456 m). Still heavily forested in antiquity (cf. the name I. = ‘wooded mountains’), predominantly with cypresses (Eur. Hipp. 1253; Theophr. Hist. pl. 3,2,6; 4,1,3; Plin. HN 16,142). Used early on for mining metals (FGrH 239,11; Diod. Sic. 5,64,5) and agriculture (Theophr. De ventis, fr. 5,13 Wimmer; [1]). The cave considered the birthpl…


(200 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Olshausen, Eckart (Stuttgart)
(Λύκαστος; Lýkastos). [German version] [1] City in Crete City in Crete (Steph. Byz. s.v. Λ.; Plin. HN 4,59; Mela 2,113), about 11 km south of Knossos, modern Kanli Kastelli. In Hom. Il. 2,647 participant in the Trojan War. Autonomous in phases but mostly dependent on Knossos and belonging to its territory. In 184 BC, conquered by Gortyn (Pol. 22,19) until revised by Roman arbitration [1]. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 A. Chaniotis, Die Verträge zw. kret. Poleis in der hell. Zeit, 1996, 281-285, no. 40. I. F. Sanders, Roman Crete, 1992, 154. [German version] [2] River River f…


(338 words)

Author(s): Drew-Bear, Thomas (Lyon) | Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
(Ἱεράπολις). [English version] [1] Bed. Stadt in SW-Phrygia Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Christentum | Naturkatastrophen | Orakel | Pergamon | Theater Bed. Stadt in SW-Phrygia (zu unterscheiden von der gleichnamigen Stadt in der “Pentapolis” in Zentral-Phrygia) am Rand des Lykos-Tals an der Straße im Hermos-Tal von Sardeis nach Apameia, berühmt für die warmen Quellen, deren Wasser beim Verdunsten weiße Kalksinterterassen entstehen läßt; sie haben dem Ort den h. Namen Pamukkale (“Baumwollschloß”) geg…


(103 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Karttunen, Klaus (Helsinki)
(Καμάρα). [English version] [1] Hafenort in Ost-Kreta Hafenort in Ost-Kreta, urspr. Lato (Λατὼ πρὸς bzw. ἐπὶ Καμάραι, Ptol. 3,17,5; Hierokles, Synekdemos 650,1), h. Agios Nikolaos. Enge polit. Anbindung an Lato [1. Nr. 72, S. 428]. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 A. Chaniotis, Die Verträge zw. kret. Poleis in der hell. Zeit, 1996. F. Gschnitzer, Abhängige Orte im griech. Alt., 1958, 49-51. [English version] [2] empórion an der SO-Küste Indiens Nach peripl. m. r. 60 ein empórion an der SO-Küste Indiens, vielleicht mit Chaberis des Pto…

Ad Flexum

(116 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Uggeri, Giovanni (Florenz)
[English version] [1] Röm. Straßenstation Röm. Straßenstation ( statio ) zw. Brixia und Beneventum (Itin. Burdig. 558,9). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 981. [English version] [2] Statio, h. San Pietro in Fine Statio , benannt nach der Kurve welche die via Latina zw. Casinum und Venafrum am 96. Meilenstein bei A. machte (CIL X 6901), h. San Pietro in Fine (Caserta). Strategisch bedeutend, beherrscht von Mauern in Polygonalmauerwerk bei San Eustachio und Marena-Falascosa, in opus quadratum und incertum bei Muraglie Abbandonate. Uggeri, Giovanni (Florenz) Bib…


(1,442 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) | Niehoff, Johannes (Freiburg)
Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Ägäische Koine | Ägäische Koine | Athleten | Attischer Seebund | Bildung | Byzantion, Byzanz | Handel | Hellenistische Staatenwelt | Kleinasien | Kolonisation | Naturkatastrophen | Peloponnesischer Krieg | Pergamon | Pompeius | Roma | Roma | Schrift | Theater (Ῥόδος). [English version] I. Geographie Insel im südöstl. Aigaion Pelagos vor der SW-Küste von Kleinasien, h. der Inselgruppe Dodekanes zugeordnet, mit einer Fläche von 1400 km2. Die ant. Gesch. der Insel Rh. wurde zu einem guten Teil von ihrer geogr. Situation …


(1,205 words)

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