Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Zchomelidse, Nino" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Zchomelidse, Nino" )' returned 7 results. Modify search
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Jacob's Ladder
(451 words)
[German Version] The dream in which the patriarch Jacob beholds the ladder that leads to heaven (Gen 28:11–15) is already given a typological interpretation in the New Testament (John 1:51) and in patristic literature (e.g. Aug.
Civ. XVI 38; CChr.SL 48, 543f.). In the artistic renderings of the subject, Jacob is depicted lying on the ground, while an inclined ladder carrying two or three angels and situated immediately next to him is shown leading upward. The oldest preserved representation is found in the synagogue of Dura-Europos (II; 245–256 ce), in which the angels' conspicuous…
Religion Past and Present
(357 words)
[German Version] While the ecclesiological interpretation of the ship as a symbol was already well-developed in early Christianity (2nd cent.; Tert.
Bapt. 12; CSEL 20, 212), the earliest representations of ships on sepulchral steles of the 3rd and 4th centuries reflected Greek concepts of the hereafter (II, 4) and the journey of the departed in ¶ Charon’s ferry. That these reliefs can be interpreted in a Christian sense is shown by the motifs of the chi-rho on the mast and the dove with a branch symbolizing the departed soul. In the 4th century, the …
Religion Past and Present
Cain and Abel
(1,259 words)
[German Version] I. Old Testament – II. Art History
I. Old Testament Cain and Abel, the children of the first human couple Adam and Eve, are the protagonists of one of the characteristic fraternal narratives of the book of Genesis (cf. Jacob and Esau). Their names are semantically associated with the pre- or non-priestly Paradise narrative of Gen 3*: While the meaning “transitoriness” may be discerned in the name Abel (הֶבֶל, Gen 4:2, 4, 8f., 25), the name Cain (קַיִן, Gen 4:1–25, Tubal-Cain Gen 4:22 [a description of metallurgical skills], as a tribal name in Nu…
Religion Past and Present
Tree of Life
(2,095 words)
[German Version]
I. Old Testament The motif of the tree of life (םייִּחַהַ ץעֵ/
ʿeṣ haḥayyîm), a variation of the idea of the “sacred tree” that appears in Canaanite, Mesopotamian and Egyptian texts, and also in the Indo-European area, is found in Gen 2:9; 3:22,24; Prov 3:18; 11:30; 13:12; 15:4 and Isa 65:22 LXX. The tree, on the basis of its cyclical sef-renewal, functions as a symbol of the regeneration of the cosmos, as an image of fertility, and thus also of immortality (Gen 3:22). The related concept of a …
Religion Past and Present
Dreams/Interpretation of Dreams
(5,513 words)
[German Version] I. Neurobiology and Psychology – II. Religious Studies – III. Ancient Near East and Old Testament – IV. Early Judaism – V. Greco-Roman Antiquity – VI. New Testament – VII. Church History – VIII. Fundamental Theology – IX. Practical Theology – X. Missiology – XI. Art History
I. Neurobiology and Psychology Dreams are hallucinatory experiences that generally occur during sleep. Unlike real experiences, they involve associations that are temporally, spatially, and emot…
Religion Past and Present
(9,630 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies The English word
temple derives from Latin
templum. In the technical vocabulary of religious studies, it is more specialized than
sanctuary, shrine, cult site, or
place of worship. The usage of the originally Latin term beyond the sphere of classical antiquity is well established, particularly for structures that appear comparable in regard to their architectural form (monumentality, stone construction) or religious function (dwelling place of a god or goddess). But this usage does not reflect a precise defi-¶ nition it is based primarily …
Religion Past and Present
Sin, Guilt, and Forgiveness
(17,599 words)
[German Version]
I. Terminology Sin is a human breach of relationship with God. The term is emptied of content if it is used only for moral lapses. Only if a moral transgression in the mundane world is understood as a dimension of human alienation from God can it properly be called sin. The fundamental act of sin is unfaith (Unbelief ). In unfaith we close our eyes to the fact that we owe our existence to God and that he turns to us in love. We resist the idea that he determines our lives totally. T…
Religion Past and Present