
Your search for 'dc_creator:( Kinzl, AND Konrad AND (Peterborough) ) OR dc_contributor:( Kinzl, AND Konrad AND (Peterborough) )' returned 90 results. Modify search

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(50 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Τελέσιππος; Telésippos). Great-nephew of Pericles [1], son of Hippocrates [3], from Cholargus. C. 420 BC he and his brothers Demophon and Pericles were the target of comedic mockery (Aristoph. Nub. 1001; fr. 116 and 568 PCG; Eupolis fr. 112 PCG). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Davies, 11811, 456 f.


(112 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Πεισίαναξ; Peisíanax). Athenian, Alcmaeonid (Alcmaeonids), brother of Isodice who married Cimon [2] in around 480 BC . P. endowed the Stoa Peisianakteios built around 460 on the northern side of the Athenian Agora near the Panathenaean Way. Its foundations have been partly uncovered north of the modern Hadrian's Road. Four large plates (e.g. Battle of Marathon: [1]) decorated this hall that was later known as the Stoa Poikile. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography 1 E. Harrison, The South Frieze of the Nike Temple and the Marathon Painting in the…


(80 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Πλαγγών/ Plangṓn). Daughter of the Athenian stratēgós of 389 BC, Pamphilus [1], b. before 404. First wife of Mantias [1], to whom she bore Boeotus (alias Mantitheus) and, out of wedlock following the divorce and the death of her successor, Pamphilus. On the legal dispute over the right to bear the name between 'Mantitheus' and his half-brother Mantitheus [3], cf. Dem. Or. 38 and [Dem.] Or. 39f. ( c. 350). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Davies, 365f.  Traill, PAA 774575.


(67 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Φανόμαχος; Phanómachos). Athenian stratēgós 430/ 429 BC: successful siege of Poteidaia in 430 BC; he was impeached on account of his alleged lenience towards the Poteidaians and acquitted. He was killed during the Athenians’ devastating defeat at Spartolus in the early summer of 329 BC (Thuc. 2,70; 79; Diod. Sic.12,47,3; Paus. 1,29,7: stele for the fallen at the Dipylon Gate). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)


(111 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Μέλτας; Méltas). His name is mentioned only by Pausanias (2,19,2): son of (‘king’; Plut. mor. 89e) Lakedas, descendant in the tenth generation of Medon (the grandson of Temenos), the last king of the Argives (mostly identified with the last Temenid king mentioned but not named in Diod. 7,13,2). Non historical character, neither the son of Leokedes mentioned in Hdt. 6,127,3 or the son of Pheidon (ca. 1st half of 6th.cent.BC) nor the magistrate ( basileús) Melantas c. 450 BC (ML 42, Z. 43). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography T. Kelly, History of Argos, 1976, 107f. M.…


(53 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Δεινομάχη; Deinomáchē). Daughter (Plut. Alc. 1,1) of Megacles (son of Hippocrates from Alopece); great-niece of Cleisthenes; wife (Plat. Alc. 105d; Ath. 5,219c) of the Cleinias killed in 447/46 BC; mother of Alcibiades [3] (Plat., Ath. ibid.; Prt. 320a). Traill, PAA 302530; Davies 600, 9688, Table 1. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)


(81 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Μυρρίνη/ Murrhínē). Athenian noblewoman, daughter of Callias [2], mother of five children by Hippias [1] (Thuc. 6,55,1). Born probably no later than 570 BC; year of death and other information unknown; object of ridicule in Aristophanes (Equ. 449). Added by Jacoby to the text of Cleidemus (FGrH 323 F 15) as the daughter of Charmus, the polemarch of c. 557/6 (regarding this and other entanglements [1. 450]). Myrtle; Peisistratus; Peisistratids Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography 1 Davies 2 PA 10485 3 Traill, PAA, 662355.


(904 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Θεμιστοκλῆς). Athenian, of the Phrearrhii deme in the Leontis phyle, and of the family of the Lycomidae, b. c. 525 BC, the son of Neocles [1] (Hdt. 7,143 et alibi; Nep. T. 1,1; Plut. T. 1,1 and 4; Aristid. 5,4) and a perhaps non-Athenian mother (cf. Nep. T. 1,1; Plut. T. 1,2); an important politician at the time of the Persian Wars [1]. Mnesiphilus is said to have been the teacher of T., who was reputed to have been headstrong (cf. Thuc. 1,138,3; Nep. T. 1,2; Plut. T. 2) and to set little store by artistic education (Ion …


(60 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Τιμώνασσα; Timṓnassa). Daughter of a Gorgilus of Argus. At first the wife of the Cypselid Archinus, tyrant of Ambracia. Later the second wife of Peisistratus [4], the father of her two sons Iophon [1] and Hegesistratus [1]  (Aristot. Ath. pol. 17,3). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Davies 11793,VI, p. 449  L. de Libero, Die archaische Tyrannis, 1996, 88.


(490 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Πεισιστρατίδαι; Peisistratídai). Athenian aristocratic oíkos from Brauron (Plut. Solon 10,3; Pl. Hipparch. 228b), which is said to go back Neleus, son of Zeus, via Nestor [1] of Pylos (Hdt. 5,65; Peisistratus [1] and [2]). Herodotus only refers to the Athenian sons of the tyrant Peisistratus [4] and their offspring as P. (528/7-511/10 BC), whereas later and modern literature often includes all generations: in 669/8 BC, a  Peisistratus [3] is árchōn (Paus. 2,24,7); the name of Hippocrates [1], the father of Peisistratus [4], is remembered because o…


(69 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Νικίδης/ Nikídēs). Son of Phoenicides, of the dḗmos of Melite (IG I3 422 col. III, 212; 216; 424,17f.; 426 col. II, 75; And. 1,12f.: Nikiades). In 415 BC, he was condemned to death in absentia in a sacrilege case (see Mutilation of the Herms) upon denunciation by Andromachus; his property was sold (IG, ibid.). Alcibiades [3]; Meletus [1] Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Davies, 408  Traill, PAA 713050.


(102 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Μητίοχος; Mētíochos). Eldest son of Miltiades [2], half-brother of Cimon [2]. Commanded one of the five triremes used by Miltiades to flee from the Chersonesus [1] to Athens in 493 BC at the end of the Ionian Revolt. It was the one the Persians seized, but Darius [1] gave him a fief and a wife and children were regarded as full Persians (Hdt. 6,41,2-4; non-Herodotean tradition in Marcellinus, Thucydides Vita 12, but cf. e.g. [1. 302]). Nothing is known of his probably Athenian mother or any siblings. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography 1 Davies 2PA 10132 3 Traill, PAA…


(70 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] Phoenician from Tyre (Diod. Sic. 14,98) or Citium (Theopomp. FGrH 115 F 103), who murdered the Tyrian usurper of Salamis c. 415 BC (Isoc. Or. 9,26).  Evagoras, who fled to Soli under A., returned in 411 (Isoc. Or. 9,26-32; Diod. Sic. loc. cit.) and restored the Greek monarchy. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography H. Berve, Die Tyrannis bei den Griechen, 1967, 341 F. G. Maier, Cyprus and Phoenicia, CAH 62, 312.


(106 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Ταυρέας; Tauréas). As a son of a cousin of Leogoras [1] (whose son, the orator Andocides [1], boasted he was from the “oldest of all the noble houses”, And. 1,47), he belonged to the Athenian nobility. Between 430 and 415 BC he was trounced by Alcibiades [3] in a dispute over a choregia; denounced in the scandal of the Mutilation of the Herms (Herms, Mutilation of the) in 415, he was released when Andocides confessed. At about this time T. already had an adult son. Plato [1] knows of a palaestra belonging to T. (Plat. Charm. 153a). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Davie…


(80 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[German version] (Φιλοκτήμων; Philoktḗmōn). According to Isaeus (Or. 6) he was the oldest son of Euctemon from Cephisia, whose great fortune (brothels and bath houses, herds of goats and mules) caused a dispute. P. served as a knight; he died as a trierarch (captain of a trireme) around 370 BC off the coast of Chios. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Davies 15164; vgl. 14093  R.F. Wevers, Isaeus, 1969  W.E. Thompson, Isaeus VI: The Historical Circumstances, in: CR 20, 1970, 1-4.


(74 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[English version] (Μυρρίνη). Adelige Athenerin, Tochter des Kallias [2], Mutter von fünf Kindern des Hippias [1] (Thuk. 6,55,1). Geb. kaum nach 570 v.Chr., Todesjahr oder sonstiges unbekannt; bei Aristophanes (Equ. 449) Gegenstand des Spottes. Von Jacoby in den Text von Kleidemos (FGrH 323 F 15) eingefügt als Tochter des Charmos, des Polemarchen von ca. 557/6 (zu dieser und anderen Verwirrungen [1. 450]). Peisistratos; Peisistratidai Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography 1 Davies 2 PA 10485 3 Traill, PAA, 662355.


(90 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[English version] (Μέλτας). Name nur von Pausanias (2,19,2) genannt: Sohn des (“Königs”; Plut. mor. 89e) Lakedas, 10. Nachfahre des Medon, des Enkels des Temenos, letzter Argeierkönig (meist mit dem namentlich nicht gen. letzten Temenidenkönig bei Diod. 7,13,2 identifiziert). Unhistor. Gestalt, weder Sohn des bei Hdt. 6,127,3 genannten Leokedes oder Sohn des Pheidon (ca. 1. H. 6. Jh.v.Chr.) noch der Magistrat ( basileús) Melantas ca. 450 v.Chr. (ML 42, Z. 43). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography T. Kelly, History of Argos, 1976, 107f.  M. Wörrle, Unt. zur Verfassungsg…


(436 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[English version] (Πεισιστρατίδαι). Athenischer Adels- oíkos aus Brauron (Plut. Solon 10,3; Plat. Hipparch. 228b), der über Nestor [1] von Pylos auf den Zeussohn Neleus zurückgehen soll (Hdt. 5,65; Peisistratos [1] und [2]). Herodot bezeichnet nur die athen. Söhne des Tyrannen Peisistratos [4] und deren Nachkommen als P. (528/7-511/10 v.Chr.), die spätere und die mod. Lit. oft alle Generationen: 669/8 v.Chr. ist ein Peisistratos [3] árchōn (Paus. 2,24,7); an den Namen des Hippokrates [1], des Vaters des Peisistratos [4], erinnert man sich wegen dessen (wohl …


(58 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[English version] (Νικίδης). Sohn des Phoinikides, aus dem dḗmos Melite (IG I3 422 col. III, 212; 216; 424,17f.; 426 col. II, 75; And. 1,12f.: Nikiades). 415 v.Chr. im Mysterienprozeß (s. Hermokopidenfrevel) auf Andromachos' Denunziation in Abwesenheit zum Tod verurteilt; Verkauf des Besitzes (IG, ebd.). Alkibiades [3]; Meletos [1] Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Davies, 408  Traill, PAA 713050.


(98 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
[English version] (Πεισίαναξ). Athener, Alkmaionide (Alkmaionidai), Bruder der Isodike, die um 480 v.Chr. Kimon [2] heiratete. P. stiftete die um 460 auf der Nordseite der athen. Agora beim panathenaiischen Weg errichtete Stoa Peisianakteios, deren Fundamente nördlich der h. Hadrianu-Straße teilweise freigelegt sind. Vier große Bildtafeln (z.B. Marathonschlacht: [1]) zierten diese später als Stoa Poikile bekannte Halle. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography 1 E. Harrison, The South Frieze of the Nike Temple and the Marathon Painting in the Painted St…
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