
Your search for 'dc_creator:( Kinzl, AND Konrad AND (Peterborough) ) OR dc_contributor:( Kinzl, AND Konrad AND (Peterborough) )' returned 90 results. Modify search

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(242 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Mehl, Andreas (Halle/Saale)
(Διόδοτος). [English version] [1] Autor des Volksbeschlusses über das Schicksal der Mytilenaier 428/7 v. Chr. 428/7 v.Chr. Autor des psḗphisma (“Volksbeschluß”) über das Schicksal der Mytilenaier. D. hielt eine Rede gegen Kleon (Thuk. 3,41-49,1). Traill, PAA 328540. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography B. Manuwald, Der Trug des D., in: Hermes 107, 1979, 407-422  C. Orwin, in: American Political Science Review 78, 1984, 485-494  W.C. West III, (Bibliogr.), in: P.A. Stadter (Hrsg.), Speeches in Thuc., 1973, 156f. [English version] [2] Satrap von Baktrien und Sogdiane …


(192 words)

Author(s): Decker, Wolfgang (Köln) | Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
(Φρύνων). [English version] [1] Olympiasieger Olympiasieger. Moretti [1. Nr. 58] datiert seinen Sieg (eher im Pankration als im Stadion) [2. 213: A 68] in die 36. Ol. = 636 v.Chr. Ant. Überl. zufolge starb er 607/6 im Zweikampf mit Pittakos von Mytilene um den Besitz von Sigeion. Die Tätigkeit als oikistḗs (Koloniegründer) legt aristokratische Herkunft nahe ([3. 63], anders [4. 160 Anm. 59]). Decker, Wolfgang (Köln) Bibliography 1 L. Moretti, Olympionikai, 1957 2 D.G. Kyle, Athletics in Ancient Athens, 21993 3 H.W. Pleket, Zur Soziologie des ant. Sports, in: MededRom, n…


(632 words)

Author(s): Waldner, Katharina (Berlin) | Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
(Πεισίστρατος). [English version] [1] Begleiter des Telemachos Sohn des Nestor [1], des Herrschers von Pylos, und der Eurydike. Er begleitet den gleichaltrigen Telemachos nach Sparta (Hom. Od. 3,400-483; 15,44ff.; Paus. 4,1,4). Waldner, Katharina (Berlin) [English version] [2] Sohn des Peisistratos [1] Sohn des P. [1], Enkel Nestors [1]. Er geht als einziger der Neliden nicht nach Athen, als diese von den Herakliden aus Messenien vertrieben werden (Paus. 2,18,8f.; Hdt. 5,65). Waldner, Katharina (Berlin) Bibliography J. Andrée-Hanslik, s.v. P., RE 19, 155f. [English version] [3…


(225 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Furley, William D. (Heidelberg)
(Χαρῖνος). [English version] [1] Gegner Megaras, 5. Jh. v.Chr. Beantragte 433/32 v.Chr. im Sinne des Perikles ein Gesetz zu ewigem Haß und tätiger Feindschaft gegen Megara wegen Ermordung eines Herolds (Plut. Perikles 30,3; mor. 812C-D; PA 15434). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Develin 101  P.M. Fraser, E. Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek personal names, Bd. 2, 1994, 475, Nr. 4. [English version] [2] Athener, ca. 340 v.Chr. Makedonenfreundlicher Athener, ca. 340 v.Chr. (Demosth. or. 58,37f.; Deinarch. 1,63; PA 15437). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography P.M. Fra…


(526 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Höcker, Christoph (Kissing)
(Μεγακλῆς). Im Athener Alkmaionidenhaus (Alkmaionidai) vom 7.-5. Jh.v.Chr. zunehmend häufiger Name. [English version] [1] nach Plutarch árchōn (632/1? v.Chr.) Der erste histor. M.; Plutarch (Solon 12,1) bezeichnet ihn mit Namen und als árchōn (632/1?), der für die Niederschlagung des kylonischen Putsches (Kylon [1]) und den daraus folgenden Alkmaionidenfluch (Hdt. 5,71; Thuk. 1,126) verantwortlich sei. Peisistratidai Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Develin, 30f.  PA 9688  Traill, PAA 636340. [English version] [2] Politiker und Machtmensch im Athen des…


(202 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Günther, Linda-Marie (München)
(Πολυάρατος). [English version] [1] Reicher Athener Amtsträger um 400 v. Chr. Reicher ([Demosth.] or. 40,24) Athener aus Cholargos (IG I3 375,21), erste Nennung 410/409 v. Chr. (ebd., Z. 20 f.) als próhedros des hellēnotamías ( hellēnotamíai ) Anaitios von Sphettos; dann 405/4 als grammateús ( grammateís ) der bulḗ (IG I3 126,5). P.' Frau war die Tochter des Menexenos und Schwester der Dikaiogenes [1], um dessen Erbe sich Dikaiogenes' Adoptivsohn und P., dann P.' wohl ältester Sohn Menexenos, stritten (Isaios 5; 389 v. Chr.). Die Familie war bi…


(169 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Engels, Johannes (Köln)
(Αὐτοκλῆς). [English version] [1] Strategos 425-23 und 418/7 v. Chr., schloß mit Sparta 423 einen Waffenstillstand Von Anaphlystos (IG I3 370,17), Sohn des Tolmaios. Strategos 425/24 (mit Nikias u.a. vor Kythera, Thuk. 4,53,1), 424/23 und 418/17 v.Chr. (IG ebd.). Schloß, mit Nikias u.a., Waffenstillstand mit Sparta 423 (Thuk. 4,119,2; Schol. Aristoph. Equ. 796). Traill, PAA 239060. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Davies, 2717. [English version] [2] athen. Rhetor und Strategos, 5. Jh. v. Chr. Sohn des Strombychides aus dem Demos Euonymon, athenischer Rhetor …


(256 words)

Author(s): Meier, Mischa (Bielefeld) | Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
(Ἀνδροκλῆς). [English version] [1] Messenischer König kurz vor Ausbruch des 1. Messenischen Krieges Sohn des Phintas, nach ant. Tradition zusammen mit seinem Bruder Antiochos messenischer König kurz vor Ausbruch des 1. Messenischen Krieges (Paus. 4,4,4). A. soll, nachdem sich die Differenzen zw. Sparta und Messenien durch die Ermordung des spartanischen Königs Teleklos bereits zugespitzt hatten, in einem neuerlichen Konflikt mit Sparta eine gemäßigte, auf friedlichen Ausgleich hin angelegte Politik vertreten…


(313 words)

Author(s): Binder, Carsten (Kiel) | Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm (Bochum) | Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough)
(Τεισαμενός/ Teisamenós, Lat. Tisamenus). [German version] [1] Son of Thersander Son of Thersander, the king of Thebes and of Demonassa [1] (Paus. 9,5,15) and therefore a grandson of Polyneices (Hdt. 6,52). After the death of his father in Mysia, Peneleus at first led the Theban contingent to Troy in place of T. who was still too young (Hom. Il. 2,494). T. became king of Thebes only after Peneleus died. Under his rule, the curse on his lineage was supposedly dormant. His son Theras is said to have settled the island of Thera (Hdt. 4,147; Paus. 3,15,6 f.). Binder, Carsten (Kiel) …


(427 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Fornaro, Sotera (Sassari) | Neudecker, Richard (Rome)
(Νικήρατος; Nikḗratos). [German version] [1] Athenian trierarch, 410/409 BC Son of Nicias [1]; learned reciter of Homer (Xen. Symp. 3,5; 4,6; Aristot. Rhet. 1413a). Athenian trierarch (Trierarchy) in 410/409 BC (IG I3 375,36). Of the wealth his grandfather had acquired from silver mines and mine slaves, at the time of his murder by the Thirty ( Triákonta ) in 404/3 BC only 14 talents were left (Lys. 19,47; Xen. Hell. 2,3,39; Diod. 14,5,5). After his murder his uncle Diognetus [1] interceded against the Thirty with the Spartan king Pausanias by placing N.'s son on his knee (Lys. 18,6-10). Kin…


(301 words)

Author(s): Käppel, Lutz (Kiel) | Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Hünemörder, Christian (Hamburg)
(Φαίαξ; Phaíax). [German version] [1] Ancestor of the Phaeaces Mythical ancestor of the Phaeaces, father of Alcinous [1] and Locrus [3] (Diod. Sic. 4,72,2; differenly: Hom. Od. 7,54ff.; Nausithous [1]). Käppel, Lutz (Kiel) [German version] [2] Mythical naval officer of Theseus Mythical naval officer of Theseus, together with Nausithous [3] (Plut. Theseus 17). Käppel, Lutz (Kiel) Bibliography Deubner, 225. [German version] [3] Athenian politician, 5th cent. BC Athenian, son of Eresistratus, Acharnian (Aeschin. 3,138; ostraka [3. 78 no. 152]); from a prominent fa…


(320 words)

Author(s): Käppel, Lutz (Kiel) | Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Neudecker, Richard (Rome)
(Μενέστρατος; Menéstratos). [German version] [1] A son of Niobe One of the sons of Niobe (Hellanicus FGrH 4 F 21 with commentary by Jacoby). Käppel, Lutz (Kiel) [German version] [2] Sacrifices himself for his lover Cleostratus M. of Thespiae, who sacrifices himself for his lover Cleostratus, by volunteering to take his place and be thrown to the dragon that on Zeus's instructions is fed a young man each year. Barbs on his armour kill the monster (Paus. 2,26,7f.) Käppel, Lutz (Kiel) [German version] [3] Athenian, denounced in 415 BC Athenian, one of 18 denounced by Teucer in connexio…


(460 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Beck, Hans (Cologne) | Weißenberger, Michael (Greifswald)
(Νεοκλῆς; Neoklȇs). [German version] [1] Father of the Athenian politician Themistocles The politically inactive father of the Athenian politician and commander Themistocles (Plut. Themistocles 1; [1. 60-66; 69f.]; therefore Themistocles is called a ‘newcomer ’in Hdt. 7,143) ; aristocrat (Nep. Themistocles 1), a member of the Lycomidae family. N.'s wife was possibly non-Athenian. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography 1 F.J. Frost, Plutarch's Themistocles, 1980. Davies, 212ff.  Traill, PAA 706445. [German version] [2] Probable son of Themistocles Probably eldest s…


(487 words)

Author(s): Hölkeskamp, Karl-Joachim (Cologne) | Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Schmitz, Winfried (Bielefeld)
(Φείδων; Pheídōn). [German version] [1] Ph. the Corinthian From Corinth, legislator, early 7th cent. BC According to Aristot. Pol. 1265b 12-16, he was one of the 'oldest legislators' who is said to have been the originator of a law in which the number of houses had to equal the number of citizens; it appears therefore to have served to protect the owners of plots of land and to maintain the balance of land ownership ratios ( klḗros ). Like the similar law of Philolaus [1], the law is probably authentic; it was possibly still in use in the time of the Bacchiadae regime (early 7th cent. BC). Hölkeskamp…


(190 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Ameling, Walter (Jena) | Zimmermann, Bernhard (Freiburg)
(Θρασυκλῆς/ Thrasyklês). [German version] [1] Representative of Athens in the Peace of Nicias, 2nd half of the 5th cent. BC Athenian, who in 421/0 BC requested the proxenía for a resident of the Peloponnese (IG I3 80,7) and belonged to those who swore an oath on the truce and the alliance between Sparta and Athens in the so-called Peace of Nicias [1] in 421 (Thuc. 5,19,2; 24,1). In 412/1, T. was strategos along with Strombichides in the campaign to Asia Minor (Thuc. 8,15,1; 17,3; 19,2). Peloponnesian War Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Traill, PAA 517180 Develin 157; 141. …


(609 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Engels, Johannes (Cologne) | Neudecker, Richard (Rome)
(Πολύευκτος/ Polýeuktos). [German version] [1] Son of the Athenian Themistocles Third son of Themistocles and his first wife Archippe, daughter of Lysander of Alopece (who adopted the second son, Diocles); nothing is known of his life. Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Davies, 6669  R. Frost, Plutarch's Themistocles. A Historical Commentary, 1980, ad 32,1  Traill, PAA, 778325. [German version] [2] Athenian rhetor, 2nd half of 4th cent. BC Son of Sostratus of the Sphettus deme, Athenian rhetor of the 2nd half of the 4th cent. BC, in the circle of Demost…


(1,023 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Neudecker, Richard (Rome) | Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
(Μύρων; Mýrōn). [German version] [1] Name of several persons from Sicyon Several persons from Sicyon named M. are mentioned in literature: a) Hdt. 6,126,1: Sicyonian nobleman (7th century BC), son of Andreas, father of Aristonymus, grandfather of the ‘tyrant’ Cleisthenes [1]. b) Paus. 6,19,1f.: the ‘tyrant’ M., victor in the chariot race at Olympia (648 BC), founder of the Sicyonian treasure house (thesauros) at Olympia. c) Nicolas of Damascus, FGrH 90 F 61: one of the three tyrant brothers descended from Orthagoras (evil M., good Isodemus, cunning Cleisthenes) from the ‘ Orthagorides…


(1,099 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Pollmann, Karla (St. Andrews) | Wermelinger, Otto (Fribourg)
(Μιλτιάδης; Miltiádēs). From the 7th (Paus. 4,23,10; 8,39,3) to the 4th cent. BC, a name belonging to the family of the Philaïdae in Athens. [German version] [1] M. the Elder Victor in the four-horse chariot race at Olympia, probably in 548 BC. Son of Cypselus (archon 597/6 BC), grandson (?) of the tyrant Cypselus [2] of Corinth, relative ([7. 7]: adoptive son) of Hippocleides (archon 566/5); from the same mother as the three-time Olympian victor Cimon [1]. M. was victor in the four-horse chariot race at Olympia (548?). ‘Dynast’ alongsi…


(246 words)

Author(s): Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Hübner, Wolfgang (Münster) | Simons, Roswitha (Düsseldorf)
(Πολέμαρχος/ Polémarchos). [German version] [1] Metic (resident foreigner) in Athens, brother of the orator Lysias Wealthy métoikos in Athens, son of Cephalus [2] and brother of the orator Lysias [1], who unsuccessfully brought Eratosthenes [1], the main culprit amongst the Thirty Tyrants ( triákonta ) of the murder of P., to trial (Lys. Or. 12). Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) Bibliography Traill, PAA 776500. [German version] [2] P. of Cyzicus Greek astronomer, c. 380-370 BC Astronomer who, between 380 BC and 370 BC, worked as the student of Eudoxus [1] and as teacher …


(409 words)

Author(s): Hölkeskamp, Karl-Joachim (Köln) | Kinzl, Konrad (Peterborough) | Schmitz, Winfried (Bielefeld)
(Φείδων). [English version] [1] Ph. “der Korinther” von Korinth, Gesetzgeber, frühes 7. Jh. v. Chr. nach Aristot. pol. 1265b 12-16 einer der “ältesten Gesetzgeber”, soll der Urheber einer Regelung gewesen sein, nach der die Zahl der “Häuser” und der Bürger gleich sein mußte; sie scheint also dem Schutz der Besitzer von Landlosen und der Stabilisierung der Grundbesitzverhältnisse gedient zu haben ( klḗros ). Wie das ähnliche Gesetz des Philolaos [1] dürfte das Gesetz authentisch sein; es gehört vielleicht noch in die Zeit des Regimes der Bakchiadai (frühes 7. Jh.v.Chr.). Hölkeskamp,…
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