
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Arens, Edmund" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Arens, Edmund" )' returned 3 results. Modify search

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Narrative Theology

(417 words)

Author(s): Arens, Edmund
[German Version] appreciates story-telling and narrative in the light of their anthropological dimension, theological significance, and practical relevance. Both have validity as elementary linguistic-social performances and as essential forms of religious articulation. Story-telling and narrative represent a basic form of biblical literature, Christian church tradition, and the transmission, appropriation, and practice of faith. Starting from this basis, narrative theology contests or relativizes…


(2,650 words)

Author(s): Grundmann, Christoffer H. | Arens, Edmund | Francis, Mark R. | Hoedemaker, Bert | Wolfinger, Franz
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Systematic Theology – III. Liturgical Importance – IV. Missiology – V. Ecumenical Importance I. Religious Studies While the concept of inculturation is on the point of becoming a standard term in missiology (see IV below), the field of religious studies uses it to refer to the fundamental cultural-hermeneutical problem of determining a significant difference between culture and religion, this being a particularly relevant issue for the articulation of identity in the co…

Narrative Theologie

(394 words)

Author(s): Arens, Edmund
[English Version] würdigt das Erzählen und die Erzählung im Blick auf deren anthropologische Dimension, theol. Bedeutung und praktische Relevanz. Beide kommen als elementare sprachlich-soziale Vollzüge sowie als wesentliche Artikulationsformen von Rel. zur Geltung. Das Erzählen und die Erzählung stellen eine Grundform der bibl. Lit., der christl.-kirchl. Überlieferung sowie der Weitergabe, Aneignung und Praxis des Glaubens dar. Von diesem Befund ausgehend, bestreitet bzw. relativiert n.Theol. die …