
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Campi, Emidio" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Campi, Emidio" )' returned 35 results. Modify search

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(315 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] Sarpi, Paolo (24.8.1552 Venedig – 15.1.1623 ebd.), Theologe, Historiker, seit 1566 Servit, 1579 venetianischer Provinzialoberer, 1585–1588 Generalprokurator seines Ordens in Rom, dann wieder in Venedig. 1605–1607 wurde S. in den großen Konflikt zw. dem Hl. Stuhl und Venedig hineingezogen, in dessen Verlauf das Interdikt über die Republik verhängt wurde. Als Staatskonsultor und im Sinne des Gallikanismus verteidigte er die staatskirchenrechtlichen Ansprüche der Signorie in zahlreic…


(367 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] (Familie). Aus Lucca stammendes altes Geschlecht, das aus rel. Gründen seit 1587 in Zürich und 1592 in Genf niedergelassen war. Bedeutende Theologen: 1.Bénédict (9.11.1588 Zürich – 4.3.1631 Genf), 1612 Pfarrer und Prof. an der Akademie (Genf: II.). Er zeichnete sich aus als Vertreter der calvinistischen Theol., bes. in der Verteidigung der Genfer Bibel gegen den Jesuiten Pierre Coton. – 2.François (17.10.1623 Genf – 28.9.1687 ebd.), Sohn von 1., 1648 Pfarrer und 1653 Prof. an der Akademie. Er lehrte im Sinne der Beschlüsse der Dordr…


(188 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] Olivetanus, Pierre Robert (ca.1506 Noyon [Picardie] – 1538 Italien), franz. ref. Theologe (die Familie gehörte zu Calvins Verwandtschaft). Nach dem Studium in Orle´ans und Straßburg bei M. Bucer und W. Capito wirkte O. 1531–1532 als Präzeptor in Genf und Neucha^tel, anschließend zog er als Lehrer zu den Waldensern in die Hochtäler des Piemonts. Auf Anregung G. Farels und im Auftrag der Waldenser fertigte er die erste ref. Übertragung der Bibel ins Franz. an (Bibelübersetzungen: II., 2., a, α). Die erste Ausg. erschien im Juni 1535 in Neucha^tel und blieb,…


(285 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] Vermigli, Petrus Martyr (8.9.1499 Florenz – 12.12.1562 Zürich), trat 1514 in Fiesole den Augustiner-Chorherren bei, studierte 1518–1526 an der Universität Padua und wirkte seit 1533 als Abt von Spoleto. 1537 siedelte er ins Kloster San Pietro ad Aram in Neapel über, wo er enge Beziehungen mit den um J. de Valdés gescharten »Spirituali« knüpfte. Dort gelangte V. zur reformatorischen Überzeugung zwinglischer Prägung. V. floh im August 1542 vor der Inquisition über Zürich nach Straßbu…


(275 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] Ricci, Scipione de (9.1.1741 Rignana bei Florenz – 27.1.1810 ebd.), Bf. von Pistoia und Prato, einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des ital. Jansenismus. Seit 1775 als Generalvikar in Florenz und bes. während seines Episkopats in Pistoia und Prato (1780–1791) verfolgte der jansenistisch gesinnte R. unablässig Reformziele im Einklang mit der Kirchenpolitik des Großherzogs Peter Leopold von Toskana und späteren Kaisers Leopold II. 1783 gründete R. eine theol. Akademie in Prato, setzte …


(289 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] . Die in der älteren Lit. als »P.« bez. Theologenschule am ehem. Zürcher Großmünsterstift (Zürich) hat während des 16.Jh. verschiedene Wandlungen durchgemacht. Ihre Wurzel bildete die bibl.-exegetische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, die auf Zwingli zurückgeht und die – gemäß seinem Verständnis von 1Kor 14,29 – in der Kirchenordnung von 1535 »Prophecey« genannt wird [CR 91, 701]. Aus ihr erwuchs der auf die bestehende Lateinschule aufbauende Vorlesungsbetrieb im »Lectorium«; diese Hohe Schu…

Zwingli, Ulrich

(5,172 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] (Huldrych, Huldreich; 1.1.1484 Wildhaus – 11.10.1531 bei Kappel am Albis) I. Leben und Schriften 1.Jugend und Studienzeit Z.s Biogr. bis zu seiner Wahl als Leutpriester am Großmünster in Zürich (Schweiz) i.J. 1518 ist trotz zahlreicher Arbeiten nur lückenhaft bekannt. Als drittes Kind des vermögenden Bergbauern Ulrich Z. und seiner Frau Margaretha geb. Bruggmann kam er 1489 in die Obhut seines Onkels, des Dekans Bartholomäus Z. in Weesen am Walensee, wo er die dortige Schule besuchte. 1494 we…


(258 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] Vergerio, Pier Paolo (d.J.; 1498 Capodistria, Istrien – 4.10.1565 Tübingen). Nach dem Studium der Jurisprudenz in Padua trat er in päpstl. Dienste ein. 1533 wurde er Nuntius in Wien, 1535 warb er als Legat Pauls III. in Deutschland für die Einberufung des Konzils. Im Mai 1536 wurde V. zum Bf. von Modruš, bald darauf von Capodistria ernannt. Durch seinen Einsatz für ein allg. Konzil beim Religionsgespräch von Worms (1540; Religionsgespräche: I.,4., b) sowie wegen der Neuerungen in s…


(146 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] Tremellius, Immanuel (1510 Ferrara – 9.10.1580 Sedan), stammte aus jüd. Elternhaus, studierte in Padua, wo er sich 1540 in R. Poles Haus zum Christentum bekehrte. In Lucca, im Kreis von P.M. Vermigli, erlebte er seine Konversion zum Protestantismus. 1542 floh T. vor der Inquisition und wirkte als Hebräischlehrer in Straßburg, 1548–1553 als Prof. des AT in Cambridge. Der engl. Aufenthalt endete mit dem Thronantritt der kath. Maria Stuart. T. amtierte 1554–1558 als Prinzenerzieher i…


(356 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] Ochino, Bernardino (eigentlich Tomasini, Benedetto; 1487 Siena – Ende 1564 Slavkov [Austerlitz]), wurde in Siena im Stadtteil Oca (von dem sich sein späterer Name herleitet) geboren. Er trat ca.1503 in den Franziskaner-Observanten-Orden (Franziskaner) ein, den er jedoch nach Zwistigkeiten 1534 verließ, um sich den asketischeren Kapuzinern anzuschließen. 1538 und 1541 wurde er zum Generalvikar gewählt. O. geriet seit 1536 unter dem Einfluß von J. de  Valde´s in Kontakt mit den Refo…


(267 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[English Version] Zanchi, Hieronymus (2.2.1516 Alzano – 19.11.1590 Neustadt) trat 1531 in Bergamo den Augustiner-Chorherren bei. 1541 nach Lucca entsandt, trat er unter dem Einfluß P.M. Vermiglis zum Protestantismus über. Nach seiner Flucht aus Italien 1551 und zehnmonatigem Aufenthalt in Genf fand er 1553–1563 Zuflucht in Straßburg, wo er die Professur für AT versah, bis er im Konflikt mit dem luth. J. Marbach wegen seiner ref. Prädestinations- und Abendmahlslehre aus der Hohen Schule vertrieben w…

Turrettini Family

(401 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] an ancient family from Lucca, which for religious reasons settled in Zürich in 1587 and Geneva in 1592. It included several significant theologians. 1. Bénédict (Nov 9, 1588, Zürich – Mar 4, 1631, Geneva), pastor and professor at the Académie from 1612 (Geneva: II). He was a conspicuous advocate of Calvinistic theology, especially in defending the Geneva Bible against the Jesuit Pierre Coton. 2. François (Oct 17, 1623, Geneva – Sep 28, 1687, Geneva), son of Bénédict. He became a pastor in 1648 and a professor at the Académie in 1653. He taugh…

Ochino, Bernardino

(384 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (actually Tomasini, Benedetto; 1487, Siena – end of 1564, Slavkov [Austerlitz]), was born in the Oca quarter of Siena, from which his later ¶ name is derived. In 1503 he entered the Order of Franciscan Observants (Franciscans), which he left, however, in 1534 following disputes, in order to join the more ascetic Capuchins. In 1538 and 1541 he was elected their vicar general. From 1536, under the influence of P. Waldo, he came in contact with Reformation ideas, which became increasingly prominent in his p…

Peter Martyr Vermigli

(330 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Petrus; Sep 8, 1499, Florence – Dec 12, 1562, Zürich), joined the Canons Regular of St. Augustine in Fiesole in 1514, studied from 1518 to 1526 at the University of Padua, and was elected abbot of Spoleto in 1533. In 1537 he moved to the monastery of San Pietro ad Aram in Napels, where he established close ties with the spirituali gathered around J. de Valdés. ¶ There Vermigli became convinced of the Reformers’ teaching, in a Zwinglian vein. In August of 1542 he fled to Strasbourg via Zürich to escape the Inquisition; in Strasbourg he taught as …

Muratori, Ludovico Antonio

(238 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Oct 21, 1672, Vignola near Modena – Jan 23, 1750, Modena), historian and theologian. By his study in Modena of philosophy, theology and law he laid the ground for universal education. In 1695 he became prefect of the Ambrosiana in Milan, and in 1700 city archivist and librarian in Modena, where his life-long occupation with a wide variety of scholarly activities unfolded. In addition, as provost of S. Maria della Pomposa (1716–1734) he excercised his clerical office with equal de…

Ricci, Scipione de’

(289 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Jan 9, 1741, Rignana near Florence – Jan 27, 1810, Rignana), bishop of Pistoia and Prato, one of the most important representatives of Italian Jansenism. From 1775 as vicar general in Florence, and especially during his episcopate in Pistoia and Prato (1780–1791), Ricci, who inclined towards Jansenism, tirelessly pursued reforming aims in agreement with the church policy of Grand Duke Peter Leopold of Tuscany, later Emperor LeopoldII. In 1783 Ricci founded a theological academy i…

Gribaldi, Matteo

(155 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Mofa; c. 1500, Chieri, Italy – Sep 1564, Farges, France), a jurist from Piemont, taught in various European universities. In 1548, he moved to Padua where he made the decision to convert to Protestantism. For this reason, he left Italy in 1555 and traveled via Zürich to Geneva, where he met Calvin. Calvin suspected him of anti-Trinitarianism. Summoned to Tübingen at the prompting of Bonifacius Amerbach, he secretly left the city and the university in 1557 because of accusations o…

Zanchius, Hieronymus

(311 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Feb 2, 1516, Alzano, near Bergamo – Nov 19, 1590, Neustadt). In 1531 Zanchius joined the Augustinian Canons in Bergamo. In 1541 he was sent to Lucca, where he converted to Protestantism under the influence of Peter Martyr Vermigli. Fleeing Italy in 1551, he stayed in Geneva for ten months and took refuge in Straßburg (Strasbourg) from 1553 to 1563. He served as professor of Old Testament at the College of St. Thomas until he was forced to leave Straßburg as a result of his confli…

Sarpi, Paolo

(359 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Aug 24, 1552, Venice – Jan 15, 1623, Venice), theologian and historian. He joined the Servites in 1566 and became the superior of the Venetian province in 1579; from 1585 to 1588 he served as procurator general of his order in Rome, then returned to Venice. Between 1605 and 1607 he was drawn into the bitter conflict between the Holy See and Venice, in the course of which the republic was placed under interdict. As theological counselor to the republic and in the spirit of Gallica…

Gonzaga, Giulia

(175 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (1514, Gazzuolo, Italy – Apr 16, 1566, Naples). Giulia Gonzaga, whose extraordinary beauty was the subject of a poem by Ludovico Ariosto (1474–1533), was married to Vespasiano Colonna, the count of Fondi near Naples. Widowed at the age of 16, she ruled the small territory with discretion and made it a cultural center, frequented by such literati as Francesco Berni (1497–1535) and Francesco Maria Molza (1489–1544) and by reforming spirits like Pietro Carnesecchi (1508–1566) and P.P…

Caracciolo, Galeazzo

(131 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Jan 1517, Naples – May 7, 1586, Geneva), count of Vico and nephew of Carafa (Paul IV), came into contact with reformation ideas in the circle around J. de Valdés and especially through his encounter with Peter Martyr Vermigli. In 1551, Caracciolo fled to Geneva, where he was instrumental in the establishment of the Italian refugee community. After 1559, he participated in the politics of the republic as a member of parliament, earning universal regard. Calvin, whose friendship Caracciolo enjoyed, dedicated his commentary on 1 Corinthians to him. Emidio Campi Bibliogra…

Tremellius, Immanuel

(183 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (1510, Ferrara – Oct 9, 1580, Sedan), who was born to a Jewish family, studied at Padua, where he converted to Christianity in 1540 in the house of R. Pole. In Lucca he experienced a conversion to Protestantism in the circle of Peter Martyr Vermigli’s followers. In 1542 he fled the Inquisition and taught Hebrew at Strasbourg. From 1548 to 1553 he served as professor of Old Testament at Cambridge. His stay in England ended when the Catholic Mary Stuart of Scotland came to the thron…

Diodati, Giovanni

(193 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Jun 6, 1576, Geneva – Oct 3, 1649, Geneva). From an old family of the city of Lucca who had settled in Geneva in 1567 for religious reasons, Diodati was the youngest professor in the Academy of ¶ Geneva, first of Hebrew (1597–1606) and later of theology (1599–1645). He participated in a failed attempt to introduce the Reformation in Venice and maintained contact in person and in correspondence with P. Sarpi. He represented…

Curione, Celio Secondo

(160 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (1503, Cirie, Piemont – 1569) accepted Reformation ideas in the course of his study of literature and jurisprudence at the University of Turin. His critique of traditional religion brought him into increasing conflict with the church authorities. In 1536, he was called as professor to the University of Pavia, but was already dismissed three years later under ¶ pressure from the Inquisition. He moved to Venice, Ferrara and Lucca, and enjoyed a friendship with Peter Martyr Vermigli and H. Zanchius until he had to flee …

Olivétan, Pierre-Robert

(186 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (c. 1506, Noyon, Picardy –1538, Italy), French Reformed theologian; his family was related to Calvin. After studying in Orléans and Strasbourg under M. Bucer and W. Capito, Olivétan worked in 1531/1532 as preceptor in Geneva and Neuchâtel, then went as a teacher to the Waldenses in the high valleys of Piedmont. At the suggestion of G. Farel, and commissioned by the Waldenses, he made the first Reformed translation of the Bible into French (Bible translations: II, 2.a.α). Its first edition appeared in June 1535 in Neuchâtel, and with numerous revisions the…


(324 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Zürich Theological School). In the older literature called the Prophezei, the theological school at the former Zürich Großmünsterstift (Zürich) underwent various transformations during the 16th century. It was rooted in the biblical-exegetical working group that went back to Zwingli and which – in accordance with his understanding of 1 Cor 14:29 – was called Prophecey in the church order of 1535 [CR 91, 701]. From it grew the lectorium lecture system, which was built on the existing Latin school; this “upper school” (Schola Tigurina) was the prec…

Giberti, Gian Matteo

(160 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Sep 20, 1495, Palermo – Dec 30, 1543, Verona). Before he became bishop of Verona in 1524, as secretary and adviser to Clement VII, he supported the pope's anti-Habsburg policy and pushed him to forge an alliance with Franz I. After the Sacco di Roma (1527) and the collapse of the policy he proposed, he withdrew to his diocese. Associated with personalities such as Cajetan of Tiene, G. Contarini, R. Pole and J. Sadoleto, he enacted reforms that made him the most important reform bishop before C. Borromeo. He strengthened ep…

Mansi, Giovanni Domenico

(186 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Feb 16, 1692, Lucca – Sep 27, 1769, Lucca), regular cleric of the Congregatio Matris Dei. He first taught moral theology in Naples, and was then theological adviser to Archbishop Colloredo in Lucca, where he founded an academy for church history and liturgy. In 1765 he became archbishop of Lucca. His learning and keen collector's zeal, but also his lack of critical sense and independent judgment, are attested by the range and breadth of his activity as editor and translator (including ed. with comm. of C. Baronius's Annales ecclesiastici, 38 vols., 1738–1759; Lat. t…

Vergerio, Pier Paolo, the Younger

(280 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (1498, Capodistria, Istria – Oct 4, 1565, Tübingen). After studying law at Padua, Vergerio entered the service of the papacy. In 1553 he was appointed nuncio in Vienna; in Germany in 1535, as a legate of Paul III he urged the convocation of a general council. In May of 1536 he was appointed bishop of Modruš and soon afterwards bishop of Capodistria. His advocacy of a general council at the Colloquy of Worms (1540; Disputations, Religious: I, 4.b) and innovations in his diocese ope…

Zwingli, Ulrich

(5,896 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Huldrych, Huldreich; Jan 1, 1484, Willdhaus Oct 11, 1531, near Kappel am Albis) I. Life and Works 1. Youth and education. Despite much work, we have only fragmentary knowledge of Zwingli’s biography prior to 1518, when he was appointed a stipendiary ¶ priest at the Great Minster in Zürich (Switzerland). As the third child of Ulrich Zwingli, a prosperous mountain farmer, and his wife Margaretha ( née Bruggmann), in 1489 he came under the care of his uncle Bartholomäus Zwingli, a cleric in Weesen, on the Wallensee, where he attended the local sch…

Bullinger, Heinrich

(568 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Jul 18, 1504, Bremgarten– Sep 17, 1575, Zürich), a follower of Zwingli in Zürich and a Reformer of European significance. He studied from 1519 to 1522 at the University of Cologne, where he earned the degree of Magister Artium. Through the influence of humanistic teachers, the study of the church fathers, and the reading of the works of Erasm…

Manz, Felix

(236 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (c. 1500 – Jan 5, 1527, Zürich), alongside K. Grebel and Jörg Blaurock (c. 1492–1529) a leading figure among the Zürich Anabaptists. Manz, the son of a Grossmünster canon, received a Humanistic education. Early on he joined the circle of reform-minded clergy and laity that gathered around Zwingli. By the fall of 1523, a noticeable rift had opened between the Reformer and his colleagues Grebel and Manz over questions of church discipline. The breach came when they concentrated thei…

Morata, Olympia Fulvia

(165 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (1526, Ferrara – Oct 26, 1555, Heidelberg), Humanist and poet. Under the tutelage of her father, who was sympathetic to Calvinism, and during her studies at the d'Este court (1540–1548), she acquired a supreme mastery of Latin and Greek language and literature. In 1550 she married Andreas Grundler, a Schweinfurt physician who received his doctorate at Ferrara, and she returned to Schweinfurt with him. There she conducted a voluminous correspondence, admired by J.W. v. Goethe, amon…

Fabri, Johann

(307 words)

Author(s): Campi, Emidio
[German Version] (Faber; 1478, Leutkirch im Allgäu – Aug 21, 1541, Vienna). Although his birth name was Heigerlein (or Heugerlein), in 1525 as the son of a smith he followed humanistic custom by adding the name Faber or (filius) Fabri. He earned his Doctor of Laws in Freiburg im Breisgau in 1510/11, was an admirer of Erasmus and an advocate of inner church reform, albeit of reform from the top down and only in stages. In 1513 he became the highest episcopal official in Basel and in 1514 a priest i…


(256 words)

Author(s): Scheible, Heinz | Campi, Emidio
[English Version] 1.? Alfonso de (ca.1500 Cuenca – 6.10.1532 Wien). Seit mindestens 1520 Sekretär in der Kanzlei Kaiser Karls V., dessen Politik er ab 1525 publizistisch vertrat. Anwesend bei den Reichstagen in Worms 1521 und Augsburg 1530, wo er u.a. mit Melanchthon verhandelte. Heinz Scheible Bibliography J.C. Nieto (EncR 4, 1996, 212) E. Wenneker (BBKL 12, 1997, 1035–1037) K. Ganzer (LThK 3 10, 2001, 511). 2. Juan de (1509? Cuenca – August 1541 Neapel), Bruder von 1., span. Humanist und Theologe. Ab 1526 studierte er an der Universität von Alcalá, wo die …
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