
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum)" )' returned 930 results. Modify search

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(224 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Will, Wolfgang (Bonn)
Plebeischer Gentilname (Weiterbildung von Aurunceius, ThlL 2,1532f. [1. 354]); die Familie ist seit dem 3.Jh. v.Chr. in Rom nachweisbar, in der Kaiserzeit aber bedeutungslos. [English version] [1] A., C. Praetor 209 v. Chr., propraetor in Sardinia 208 v. Chr. praetor 209 v.Chr. und propraetor 208 in Sardinia (MRR 1,285; 291). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [2] A., L. Praetor urbanus 190 v. Chr. praetor urbanus 190 v.Chr., 189 unter den Gesandten zur Ordnung der Verhältnisse in Kleinasien (MRR 1, 356; 363). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Schulze. …


(327 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Name eines Geschlechtes wohl sabinischer Herkunft [1]. Im öffentlichen Leben der republikanischen Zeit traten Namensträger erst im 1. Jh. v. Chr. in Erscheinung. Der Name wird vor allem im 1. Jh. n. Chr. durch den Epiker M. A.Lucanus und durch den Rhetor L. A. Seneca und seinen gleichnamigen Sohn, den Philosophen und Politiker, bekannt; s. a. Cornutus I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] Brocchus, C., Senator 73 v. Chr. Brocchus, C., Senator 73 v. Chr. (wohl Ädilizier), unter Verres in Sizilien ([2] Cic. Verr. 2,3,93 u.ö.; MRR 2, 115). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliograp…


(119 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Weitverbreitetes röm. Cognomen (“Gallier”). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [1] Schöpfer der Liebeselegie, geb. 69/68 v. Chr. s. Cornelius [II 18] Gallus Eck, Werner (Köln) [English version] [2] P.G. Ritter, 65 n. Chr. verbannt Ritter, der mit dem praef. praet. Faenius Rufus und dem Consular Antistius [II 12] Vetus befreundet war; deshalb 65 n.Chr. verbannt (PIR2 G 66). Bei Tacitus wird der Name als Publius Gallus überliefert, was ausgeschlossen ist. Hinter Publius verbirgt sich ein nomen gentile, vielleicht Publilius? Eck, Werner (Köln) Bibliography W. Eck, in:…


(629 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Röm. plebeischer Gentilname, wohl nicht von faber (“Schmied”), sondern von etr. hapre wie Faberius u.a. [1; 2]. Vielleicht nach Rom eingewandert [3], gelangte die Familie im 3. Jh. v.Chr. mit F. [I 3] zur Nobilität, ohne diesen Status im 2. Jh. halten zu können. In Rom gab es ein compitum Fabricium (Fest. 180L) bzw. einen vicus Fabrici (ILS 6073) zwischen Caelius und Palatin, vielleicht nach dem Wohnort von F. [I 3] benannt [4], und den pons Fabricius, F. [I 1]. I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [1] F., L. Volkstribun 62 v.Chr. 62 v.Chr. wohl Volkstribun (MRR 2, 141, Anm…


(372 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Will, Wolfgang (Bonn)
Plebeischer Gentilname, bezeugt seit dem 2.Jh. v.Chr. (Schulze, 144; ThlL, Onom. 137f.). [English version] [1] C. Gallus, L. Volkstribun 56 v.Chr. Volkstribun 56 v.Chr., wollte erfolglos die Wiedereinsetzung des Ptolemaios Auletes in Ägypten durchführen lassen (MRR 2,209). 56 wurde er von Cicero verteidigt (fam. 7,1,4), war 51 in Athen häufig mit ihm zusammen und besuchte ihn 46 in Rom. Er starb 44. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [2] C. Gallus, L. Consul 37 v.Chr. Sohn von C. 1, Konsul 37 v.Chr. mit M. Vipsanius Agrippa (MRR 2,395; PIR 22 C 389). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (B…


(248 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Röm. Gentilname, seit dem 1.Jh. belegt (Schulze 136f.; ThlL, Onom. 54f.). I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] C., M. Amtsträger 1. Jh. n. Chr. 74 v.Chr. Richter im ersten Prozeß gegen A. Cluentius Habitus, 70 Richter im Verres-Prozeß, 69 curulischer Aedil zusammen mit Cicero (Cic. Verr. 1,29; MRR 2,132). Wohl 66 Praetor, da er als Kandidat für den Konsulat von 63 galt (Cic. Att. 1,1,1); wohl identisch mit dem von Cicero (Att. 12,11) erwähnten C. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) II. Kaiserzeit [English version] [II 1] L.C.Lucillus Macer Rufinianus Consul suff. um 225/23…


(428 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
[English version] I. Republikanische Zeit Italischer Familienname (ThlL, Onom. 2, 543); seine Träger gehörten seit dem 2. Jh.v.Chr. zum röm. Ritterstand und stiegen in der Kaiserzeit vereinzelt in den Senat auf. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [I 1] C., P. Röm. Ritter aus Spoletium (1. H. 1. Jh. v. Chr.) Röm. Ritter aus Spoletium und Bekannter Ciceros, klagte zusammen mit seinem Bruder C.C. 74 v.Chr. den L. Aelius Staienus (Cic. Cluent. 100), 66 und 65 den von Cicero verteidigten Volkstribunen C. Cornelius [I 2] erfolglos wegen maiestas an (Ascon. 59-62C; Cic. Brut…


(357 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
[English version] [1] Q., röm.Offizier (46 v. Chr.) Q., Offizier (Militärtribun ?) des Pompeius in Spanien 46 v. Chr. (Dio 43,29,3) [1]. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [2] Cn. (Mitte 1. Jh. v. Chr.) Cn., Ankläger des M. Saufeius 52 v. Chr. (Ascon. 55C). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Nicolet 2, 779-781. [English version] [3] gest. 43 v. Chr. im J. 43 v. Chr. proskribiert und ermordet (App. civ. 4,26). Eck, Werner (Köln) [English version] [4] gest. 68 n. Chr. Delator unbekannten sozialen Ranges, nach Neros Tod vom Volk in Rom gelyncht (Plut. Galba 8,7). Eck, We…


(225 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Italischer Eigenname, mit und ohne Gemination des s bezeugt (Schulze, 159; ThlL, Onom. 2,667f.). I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] C., L. Praetor 73 v.Chr., fiel gegen Spartacus Praetor (?) 73 v.Chr., fiel gegen Spartacus (Sall. hist. 3,94; Plut. Crassus 9,4f.). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography F. Ryan, The Praetorship of Varinius, Cossinius and Glaber, in: Klio 78, 1996, 376. [English version] [I 2] C., L. Dialogpartner bei Varro und Cicero Spricht als Dialogpartner bei Varro (rust. 2) über Viehzucht, wohl identisch mit einem zwischen 60 und…


(206 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Röm. Gentilname, histor. erst seit dem 2. Jh.v.Chr. bezeugt. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [1] N., L. Volkstribun 471 v. Chr. Mitglied des ersten vollständig bekannten Volkstribunencollegiums von 471 v.Chr. (Calpurnius Piso fr. 23 HRR = Liv. 2,58,1; Diod. 11,68,8). Müller, Christian (Bochum) [English version] [2] N., P. Volkstribun 449 v. Chr., Großvater oder -onkel der Verginia In der Überl. erscheint N. als Großvater oder (Groß)onkel der Verginia, der gemeinsam mit ihrem Verlobten L. Icilius [1] diese vor der Begierde des Decemvirn…


(133 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Leppin, Hartmut (Hannover)
Röm. Cognomen (“in der toga praetexta gekleideter Knabe”). Beiname des L. Papirius [I 23] P. und in der Familie der Sulpicii; in der Kaiserzeit weit verbreitet. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [1] Vettius Agorius P. Praefectus urbi 265-267 n. Chr. etwa 320-384 n. Chr. Nach Quaestur und Praetur war er vor 362 corrector Tusciae et Umbriae, 362/4 als Günstling des Iulianus [11] proconsul Achaiae, 365/7 praefectus urbi in Rom, dann Praetorianerpraefekt von Illyrien, Italien, Africa; 384 zum Consul designiert; mehrfach Gesandter des Senats. Er wa…


(1,220 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Kierdorf, Wilhelm (Köln)
Römisches Cognomen vielleicht etr. Herkunft [1. 310, 315, 418], in Verbindung mit catus (“scharfsinnig”, “gewitzt” [2; 3. 250]. In republikanischer Zeit verbreitet in den Familien der Hostilii und Valerii, prominent bei den Porcii, nach deren Vorbild C. gelegentlich synonym für einen konservativen Römer gebraucht wird; ganz vereinzelt auch als Gentiliz [1. 303]. Porcius Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [1] Porcius C., M. der Ältere, Politiker und Schrifsteller, 234-149 v. Chr. (234-149 v.Chr.), “Cato der Ältere”, “Censorius”, energischer Politiker…


(158 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Bartels, Jens (Bonn)
Name einer röm. plebeiischen Familie (gelegentlich mit Laetorius verwechselt), erst im 2. Jh. v.Chr. zu einigem Ansehen gelangt, in der Kaiserzeit unbedeutend. [English version] [1] P. Cestianus, L. Quaestor 43/2 v. Chr. 43/42 v.Chr. Quaestor unter M. Iunius [I 10] Brutus; emittierte Denare, die mit der Darstellung eines pilleus zwischen zwei Dolchen und der Legende Eid(ibus) Mart(iis) die Ermordung Caesars an den Iden des März 44 v.Chr. feierten (RRC 508). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [2] P. Cestianus, M. Verm. 63/2 Statthalter von Makedonien War vor 69 v.C…


(372 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Smolak, Kurt (Wien)
Röm. Cognomen, die Adoption aus der gens Octavia (Octavius) bezeichnend, in der röm. Kaiserzeit auch Familienname. [English version] [1] Erster röm. Kaiser (Augustus) Mit O. wird in der wiss. Lit. häufig der erste röm. Kaiser, Augustus, in der Zeit von der testamentarischen Adoption durch Caesar 44 v.Chr. bis zur Annahme des Beinamens Augustus 27 v.Chr. bezeichnet. Geb. als C. Octavius, übernahm dieser 44 zunächst den Namen seines Adoptivvaters C. Iulius Caesar. Den weiteren Beinamen O. verwendete er allerdings nie, da er nur auf seine unbedeuten…


(159 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Plebeischer Gentilname. [English version] [1] s. Albanius A. s. Albanius, C. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [2] A., L. L. (1. H. 4. Jh. v. Chr.) brachte beim Galliereinfall 387 v. Chr. die Vestalinnen nach Caere in Sicherheit (Liv. 5,40,9). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [3] A., M. (L. ?) M. (L. ?) Konsulartribun 379 v. Chr. Konsulartribun 379 v. Chr. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [4] A. Paterculus, L. Paterculus, L., Volkstribun 494 bzw. 493 v. Chr. einer der ersten Volkstribunen 494 bzw. 493 v. Chr. Er wird nicht in allen…


(76 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Verbreitetes röm. Cognomen und Familienname (“Binse”) [1. 729; 2. 334]. [English version] [1] I., M. Praetor 76 v.Chr. Praetor 76 v.Chr. s. Iunius [I 22] I., M. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Walde/Hofmann 1 2 Kajanto, Cognomina. [English version] [2] I. Vergilianus Senator, gehörte zum Kreis um Messalina und Silius Senator, der zum Kreis um Messalina und Silius gehörte und von ihrer Heirat wußte; 48 n.Chr. hingerichtet. Sein Name vielleicht Iunius I. Vergilianus, PIR2 J 712. Eck, Werner (Köln)


(80 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Lütkenhaus, Werner (Marl)
[English version] [1] Röm. Cognomen Röm. Cognomen (“Schafhirte”), nur in der Spätant. vorkommend. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Degrassi, FCIR, 260 2 Kajanto, Cognomina, 323. [English version] [2] Beamter unter Odoacer Zu einer unbestimmten Zeit zw. 476-490 n.Chr. comes sacrarum largitionum unter Odoacer, vielleicht aus Ligurien [2. 183]. Er wird in den Variae des Cassiodorus erwähnt. O.s Söhne Cyprianus und O. hatten unter Theoderich d.Gr. Ämter inne. Lütkenhaus, Werner (Marl) Bibliography 1 PLRE 2, 807f. 2 D. Henning, Periclitans res publica, 1999, 10…


(1,275 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Plebeischer Gentilname (Schulze 133; ThlL 2,1674f.). Die Familie trat seit dem 2. Pun. Krieg hervor, aber ohne in der Republik dauerhaft in die ersten Ränge der röm. Nobilität aufzusteigen. Die wichtigste Familie ist die der Tamp(h)ili. In der Kaiserzeit stellen die Baebii zahlreiche Beamte in der Reichsverwaltung. I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] B. (Tamphilus), M. Volkstribun 103 v. Chr. (?), leistete als Volkstribun 103 v.Chr. Widerstand gegen die lex agraria des L. Appuleius Saturninus (Vir. ill. 73,1). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [I 2] B. …


(107 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
[English version] [1] Frau des L. Cornelius Cinna (1. H. 1. Jh. v. Chr.) Frau des L. Cornelius Cinna († 84), dann des M. Pupius Piso Frugi, cos. 61 v. Chr. (Vell. 2,41,2). Vielleicht Schwester von A. [I 12] und Tochter von C. Annius [I 15] Rufus. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [2] A. Aurelia Galeria Lucilla s. Lucilla Aug. Gattin des L. Verus Lucilla Aug. Eck, Werner (Köln) [English version] [3] A. Galeria Faustina s. Faustina I. Gattin des Antoninus Pius, s. Faustina I. Eck, Werner (Köln) [English version] [4] A. Galeria Faustina s. Faustina II. Gattin des Marcus Aurelius…


(140 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
(Attidius), selten belegter Eigenname (vgl. das Municipium Attidium in Umbrien, Schulze 558; ThlL 2,1174). [English version] [1] Senator, Exilant bei Mithridates VI., 67 v. Chr. getötet Senator, Exilant bei Mithradates VI., von diesem 67 v.Chr. getötet (App. Mithr. 410). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [2] A. Geminus Statthalter in Griechenland unter Augustus nach 29 v. Chr. Statthalter in Griechenland ( praetor Achaiae, Tac. ann. 4,43,3) unter Augustus nach 29 v.Chr., auf dessen Entscheidung sich die Messenier 25 n.Chr. beriefen. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) …


(213 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Losemann, Volker (Marburg/Lahn)
Roman cognomen (‘golden yellow’, ‘blond’, probably named after the hair colour), in the Republican period for C. Alfius [I 6] F., the family of the Decimii, Sp.  Larcius F. and L.  Lucretius Triticipinus F. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [1] Of the Cheruscan tribal aristocracy, father of Italicus, also after AD 9 on the side of Rome Brother of  Arminius, of the Cheruscan tribal aristocracy. Son of  Segimerus, son-in-law of the Chatti princeps Actumerus (Tac. Ann. 11,16,1), father of  Italicus [1. 201f.]. F. remained on the side of Rome…


(838 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Schmidt, Peter L. (Constance)
Roman cognomen (‘blond’, ‘radiant’, with ablaut, related to flavus [1]), in the Republican period epithet of C. Aquilius [I 11] F. and L. Mestius F. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [1] P. Annius F. Lat. poet and writer, 1st/2nd cent. AD Under the cognomen Florus (in conjunction with the family name Annius or Ann(a)eus and the first name P. or L.) four works or groups of works are known: 1. the introduction to a dialogue Vergilius orator an poeta (P. Annius F.), 2. and 3. fragment of a correspondence (Charisius, Gramm. 66,10f.; 157,21f. B.) and an exchange o…


(1,322 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Kierdorf, Wilhelm (Cologne) | Krasser, Helmut (Gießen)
Roman nomen gentile, which can almost certainly be traced back to the praenomen G. attested from the beginning of the 3rd cent. BC. There is evidence of the bearers of the name in the political life of Rome from the 2nd cent. BC. [German version] [1] Stepbrother of L. Marcius Philippus (Cos. 56 BC) Stepbrother of L. Marcius Philippus ( cos. 56 BC), otherwise unknown supporter of P. Clodius [I 4] from the equestrian class, defamed by Cicero as ‘the wet-nurse of all revolutionaries’ (Cic. Vatin. 4; Cic. Sest. 110-112). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [2] G., Cn. Rom. historia…


(856 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Kierdorf, Wilhelm (Cologne) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Plebeian gentilicium, also Coilius, in surviving manuscripts often confused with Caelius (Schulze 155; ThlL, Onom. 2, 523-525). Bearers of this name are documented since the 2nd cent. BC, usually belonging to the Tribus Aemilia. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] C. Antipater, L. Historiographer, late 2nd cent. BC Possibly the brother of the senator C. Coelius C.f. [1; 2. 16], a highly educated scholar of law and rhetoric (Cic. Brut. 102; Dig. 1,2,2,40), considered the teacher and friend of L. Licinius Crassu…


(223 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Giaro, Tomasz (Frankfurt/Main)
Name of a plebeian family (further development of Fufius [1]), prominent in Arpinum, the home town of Cicero. [German version] [1] Rom. eques, 1st cent. BC Roman equestrian, in 57 BC creditor to Apollonia in Illyria (Cic. Pis. 86). Possibly identical with the F. from whom Cicero bought a country estate in Arpinum for his brother in 54 (Ad Q. fr. 3,1,3), who appointed Cicero joint heir in 47 (Att. 11,13,3) and whom Horace attacked as a profiteer (Sat. 1,2,12-22). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography Nicolet 2, 882f. [German version] [2] F., L. Propraetor 80 BC Allegedly ex-centurio (O…


(465 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Rives, James B. (Toronto)
[German version] [1] Name Rare Roman cognomen (‘priest’), in the Republican period attested for the Licinii (Licinius [I 41]), in the Imperial period for Marius Plotius [II 5] Claudius S. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography Kajanto, Cognomina, 319. [German version] [2] Priest (plur. sacerdotes). The second part of the Latin word is derived from the Indo-European *dhe- (cf. Greek tithénai, Lat. facere, English do): a sacerdos was thus 'someone who performed sacra '. Sacerdotes became the umbrella term for all religious functionaries, but its meaning as a tech…


(936 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne) | Stärk, Ekkehard (Leipzig)
Plebeian tribe, from which senatorial representatives already emerged in the 2nd cent. BC. [German version] [1] L., homo novus, consul 60 BC L., homo novus, supporter of Pompey, distinguished himself as his legate 77-73 (?) BC in the war against Sertorius (Plut. Sert. 19,3 ff.); 72 (?) praetor, 71-67 (?) as proconsul in Spain (conquest of Calagurris, triumph). 66-62 legate in the war against Mithridates. With the support of Pompey, he became consul together with Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer in 60 BC. In 55, sent by Pomp…


(1,157 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne) | Leppin, Hartmut (Hannover)
Name of a family that came from Praeneste, which is documented there already in the Republican era. An Anician achieved the consulate in 160 BC (see [I 4]), but otherwise the tribe does not distinguish itself again in the Republic. In the imperial era, however, the gens blossomed; from the post-Diocletian era until the 4th cent. AD as an urban Roman family, and then, continued by the members of the female line, emerged as Christian aristocracy of great significance in the 5th cent [1]. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican era [German version] [I 1] A., C. Senator (middle of the …


(565 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Portmann, Werner (Berlin) | Wermelinger, Otto (Fribourg)
[German version] [1] Roman cognomen Roman cognomen (“child desired by parents”), very widespread in the Imperial period; equally commonly a slave name. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Kajanto, Cognomina, 75; 77; 296 2 H. Solin, Die stadtrömische Sklavennamen, vol. 1, 1994, 110-111. [German version] [2] Flavius O. Imperial grammar teacher, 4th cent. AD Grammar teacher of the son of the emperor Licinius [II 4]. Allegedly, because of his wife's beauty he had great influence under Constantine [1] the Great and was appointed consul b…


(182 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Liebermann, Wolf-Lüder (Bielefeld)
Roman cognomen probably of Etruscan origin, as a praenomen passed down for the Aequian king G. Cloelius in 458 BC (Liv. 3,25,5). As cognomen prominent in the family of the Sempronii, especially with the people's tribunes Ti. and C.  Sempronius Gracchus. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [1] Writer of Lat. tragedies Writer of Latin tragedies ( Thyestes, Atalanta, Peliades), only a short fragment of each is extant (for Inc. inc. fab. 120-124 2R see [4]); Ov. Pont. 4,16,31 names him together with L.  Varius Rufus in a catalogue of contemporary writers. This…


(589 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Nadig, Peter C. (Duisburg)
Nomen gentile of an Etruscan family (or Perpenna on inscriptions ); the family must have received citizenship early: its rise to political power began with P. [2]. P. [3] was the first person with a non-Roman name to become consul, although he lost his citizenship in 126 BC. [German version] [1] P., C. Praetor no later than 91 BC, legate of consul P. Rutilius Lupus in 90 Probably brother of P. [4], praetor no later than 91 BC, was defeated in 90 as legate of consul P. Rutilius Lupus in the Civil War [3] (App. B Civ. 1,179; 183). MRR 2, 20; 29. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [2] P., M. L…


(229 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Bowie, Ewen (Oxford) | Graßl, Herbert (Salzburg)
[German version] [1] Roman cognomen Common Roman cognomen, initially an individual epithet ('bow-legged', cf. Plin. HN 11,254). Recorded for Alfenus [3; 5], Aternius, Licinius [I 46-47], Quinctilius [I 1-3; II 7-8], Vibius. The best known bearer was P. Quinctilius [II 7] V. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography Degrassi, FCap., 149 Id., FCIR, 271 Kajanto, Cognomina, 242. [German version] [2] Sophist from Perge, c. 150 (Οὔαρος/ Oúaros). Sophist from Perge, c. AD 150, from a noble family, presumably the Plancii (Plancius; cf. [1. 22; 2]). Son of one Callic…


(257 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne) | Bartels, Jens (Bonn)
[German version] [1] Wife of L. Cornelius Cinna (1st half of 1st cent. BC) Wife of L. Cornelius Cinna († 84), then of M. Pupius Piso Frugi, cos. 61 BC (Vell. Pat. 2,41,2). Perhaps sister of A. [I 12] and daughter of C.  Annius [I 15] Rufus. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [2] A. Aurelia Galeria Lucilla see Lucilla Aug. Spouse of L. Verus  Lucilla Aug. Eck, Werner (Cologne) [German version] [2a] A. Fundania Faustina daughter of M. Annius [II 9] Libo, married to T. Pomponius Proculus Vitrasius [4] Pollio; executed under Commodus (AD 180-192, HA Comm. 7,7). PIR2 A 713. Eck, Werner…


(561 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Common nomen gentile in the late Republic and early Principate; its bearers are generally of little political importance (Schulze, 221; 462). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] R., C. (?) People's tribune, 122 BC As people's tribune in 122 BC, he laid down a law concerning the foundation of the colony of Carthage by C. Sempronius Gracchus (Plut. C. Gracchus 10,2; mentioned as lex Rubria CIL I2 585, ch. 59; perhaps also mentioned in Sherk 16, l. 12). MRR 1,517; 3,182. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [I 2] R. Propraetor of Macedonia i…


(128 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Albiani, Maria Grazia (Bologna)
[German version] [1] Roman cognomen Roman cognomen (derived in popular etymology from pisere, 'trample', Plin. HN 18,10), hereditary within the family of the Calpurnii (Calpurnius [I 8-23; II 12-24]) and transferred to the Pupii (Pupius); in many other families in the Imperial Period. Also the name of an Aquitanian prince who fell fighting for Caesar in 55 BC (Caes. B Gall. 4,12,3-6); his father or grandfather may have taken the name from L. Calpurnius [I 17] P. ( cos. 112 BC). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography Degrassi, FCIR, 262. [German version] [2] Epigrammatist Otherwise…


(1,031 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Will, Wolfgang (Bonn) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Initially cognomen in the gens  Livia (ThlL, Onom. 3,256-260). According to Suet. Tib. 3,2, an otherwise unknown Livius (in the 3rd cent. BC) assumed the epithet, after he had won a duel with the Celtic leader Drausus, and passed it on to his family. Through  Livia's first marriage, with Ti. Claudius [I 19] Nero, the cognomen passed into the Claudian branch of the domus Augusta through her son Nero Claudius [II 24] (D. Maior), brother of the second Princeps  Tiberius; D. appears in the name of the son of D. Maior,  Germanicus, of the latter's son D. [II 2], …


(656 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld)
Latin name of an ancient dynasty from Tusculum (in manuscripts frequently confused with Manilius and Manlius). Because the city was considered a foundation of Telegonus, the son of Odysseus and Circe, the Mamilii, from the early 2nd cent. BC at the latest, traced their lineage to Odysseus, via Mamilia, the daughter of Telegonus (coins: RRC 149; 362; in literature, from the Augustan period: Fest. 116f. L; Liv. 1,49,9; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 4,45,1). In the 5th cent. BC, with M. [I 1] the family was accepted in Ro…


(761 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Frigo, Thomas (Bonn) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Roman family name, probably derived from the Latin city of Norba [1] (‘man from Norba’). The family first attained Roman citizenship with N. [I 1], owing its advancement to Caesar and Augustus, and then disappeared. In the Imperial period N. was also a cognomen. I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] N., C. Praetor 89 BC, homo novus Novus homo of non-Roman descent (the nomen gentile indicates origins from Norba [1]). As people's tribune in 103 BC and follower of L. Appuleius [I 11] Saturninus, he brought a case against C. Servilius Caepio ( cos. 106) over the defeat at Arausio in …


(634 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Strothmann, Meret (Bochum) | Calboli, Gualtiero (Bologna)
Plebeian family name, attested since the 1st cent. BC; also occurred in Praeneste (ThlL, Onom. 354f); the family is politically insignificant [2]. I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] C. Architect in the late republican period Architect of the pons Cestius between the right bank of the Tiber and Tiber Island, probably during the late republican period; otherwise unknown. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [I 2] C., C. Praetor (?) 44 BC Praetor (?) 44 BC; probably proscribed by Antonius in 43. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [I 3] C., L. Praetor and …


(273 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Neudecker, Richard (Rome) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Roman family name (Schulze, 168, 276, A.7; ThlL, Onom. 2, 587), related to copo ‘innkeeper’ in popular etymology (Mart. 3,59), attested since the 1st cent. BC. [German version] [1] C., C. Praetor under Pompey 49 BC Cicero praised him and his brother T.C. as adulescentes in 56 BC (Balb. 53; Cael. 24). In 53 BC, he was praefectus in Syria, in 49 BC, praetor and mint master under Pompey (RRC 444), and in 48, as propraetor, he lost his fleet in a storm at sea. He is probably identical to the C. who was proscribed in 43 and who owed his life to his wife's …


(1,990 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne) | Eder, Walter (Berlin)
Hereditary cognomen in the younger line of the Claudii family (Claudius; from the 2nd half of the 3rd cent. BC); according to ancient etymology of Sabine origin, meaning ‘brave’ (Suet. Tib. 1.2; Gell. NA 13.23.7f., etc.). With Livia's children [2] from her first marriage with Ti. Claudius [I 19] Nero - the later princeps Tiberius and N. Claudius [II 24] Drusus (the Elder) - the name passed into the Julio-Claudian imperial house (stemma: Augustus). Whereas Tiberius retained N. as an epithet, his brother bore it as praenomen, as did their sons Drusus [II 1] (the Younger) and…


(2,546 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Blänsdorf, Jürgen (Mainz) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Widespread plebeian gentilicium, verifiable since the 5th cent. BC, alternative form Ateilius, Greek Ἀτείλος, Ἀτίλλιος ( Ateílos, Atíllios; Schulze 151; 440; ThlL 2,1172f.). A M.A. under Tarquinius Priscus (Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 4,62,4) is fictional. The most important families are in the 3rd cent. BC the Atilii Reguli, in the 2nd and 1st cents. the Sarani (in the newer form Serrani). In the imperial era the significance of the bearers of this name declines in public life.   Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republic [German version] [I 1] Author of  palliata, 2nd cent. BC Author of  palli…


(225 words)

Author(s): Rix, Helmut (Freiburg) | Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn)
Rare Roman praenomen , principally used by the patrician families Aemilii, Sergii and Valerii and by the plebeian Acilii, most often in Upper Italy (rarely nomen gentile: ILS 6230 and M. [I 2] below), acronym: a five-stroked M (, , in print M'.). Two alternatives for the name's origin have been proposed since antiquity: derivation from mane ‘in the morning’ (Varro, Ling. 6,60; Fest. 135 L.; Liber de Praenominibus 5: ‘one born in the morning’) or from manus ‘good’ i.e. from the di manes , euphemistically the ‘good gods’ (Zos. 2,3,2). Neither of the two has yet been convincingly argued. Rix, H…


(590 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Rare Roman nomen gentile (epigraphically Numesius, ILS 9231). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican era [German version] [I 1] One of the praetors of the Latin league in 340 BC One of the two chief magistrates ( praetores) of the Latin League, who, with his colleague L. Annius [I 3], attempted to enforce perfect equality between the Latins and the Romans in 340 BC, firstly through negotiations and then by means of war; he also continued the war after the defeat of the Latins on Mt. Vesuvius (Liv. 8,3,9; 11,5-12). Müller, Christian (Bochum) [German version] [I 2] N. (?) Nucula Membe…


(289 words)

Author(s): Schmidt, Peter Lebrecht | Eck, Werner (Cologne) | Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum)
[German version] [1] Comic poet, 2nd cent. BC Roman comic poet in the palliata genre, younger contemporary of Terentius [III 1], died according to Hier. Chron. p. 148 Helm 104 BC. Fragments survive of 13 plays with uniformly Greek titles; his main source was Menander [4]. With Caecilius [III 6] and Terence, who was dramaturgically close to him, T. represents the increasingly Hellenizing and Classicizing development of palliata, whereas multiplicity of metre and colour of language separate him from the stylistic purity of Terence and rather link him to Plaut…


(785 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Eigler, Ulrich (Zürich) | Leppin, Hartmut (Hannover)
[German version] [1] Roman cognomen, epithet of Q. Caecilius Metellus N. and his son Roman cognomen (‘grandson’) to distinguish a boy from his father and grandfather of the same name. Epithet of Q. Caecilius [I 28] Metellus N. and his homonymous son [I 29]. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) Bibliography Kajanto, Cognomina, 79; 304. [German version] [2] Cornelius N. Biographer and historian, 1st cent. BC ( c. 100-24 BC) represents the dynamic of intellectual culture in Rome during the 1st cent. BC. He hailed from the Transpadana region and was an equestrian. N. …


(422 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Haase, Mareile (Toronto) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Roman nomen gentile of Etruscan origin (in Antiquity probably seen as a variant of Tarquinius , cf. Fest. 496). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] T. Priscus Technical author, 1st cent. BC? Latin writer perhaps of the 1st cent. BC (cf. Verg. Catal. 5,3); mentioned in Macrobius [1] (Sat. 3,20,3; 5. cent. BC) as the author of an ostentarium arborarium (Etrusci, Etruria III with ill. on Etrusca disciplina), probably an ordered and annotated list of trees and shrubs ( arbores) of significance in divination. T. may also be meant in Plin. HN 2; …


(572 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Bartels, Jens (Bonn)
Roman nomen gentile, sometimes confused with Sextius. The family surfaced as patrician with S. [1] and [5] in the mid 5th cent. BC. In the late Republic, it had only (politically insignificant) plebeian members. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [1] S., L. In order to illustrate the just administration of the first collegium of decemviri , especially the justice of C. Iulius [I 13] Iullus, Livy (3,33,9 f.) and Cicero (Rep. 2,61) tell the anecdote that after a corpse was found buried in the house of S., Iulius - who,…


(265 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Giaro, Tomasz (Frankfurt/Main)
Roman family name, probably derived from a place name (Treba, Trebula), very common in the Imperial Period. [German version] [1] Samnite leader in the Social Wars, c. 100 BC Leader ( praetor) of the Samnites in the Social Wars [3], he was defeated in 89 BC by C. Cosconius [I 1] on the Aufidus and escaped to Canusium (App. Civ. 1,228). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [2] T. Testa, C. Roman lawyer, 1st cent. BC Roman jurist ( c. 84 BC until after AD 4), pupil of Q. Cornelius Maximus (Dig. 1,2,2,45) and teacher of  Antistius [II 3] Labeo (Dig. 1,2,2,47). He wa…


(381 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Bringmann, Klaus (Frankfurt/Main)
Roman family name (in inscriptions also Opeimius), possibly derived from the (undocumented) cognomen Opimus (cf. Quint. Decl. 302). The family gained notoriety through O. [1] in the 2nd cent. BC, but in the 1st cent. BC no longer played a role in politics. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [1] O., L. Consul in 121 BC, declared opponent of the Gracchi In 125 BC, he was praetor urbanus and destroyed the rebellious town of Fregellae, which had risen up against Rome after M. Fulvius [I 9] Flaccus's initiative to give Roman citizenship to the Italic all…
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