
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Lewis, B." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Lewis, B." )' returned 172 results. Modify search

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(197 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, a Turkish word meaning cameleer, the name given to certain regiments of the corps of janissaries [see yeni čeri ], forming part of the D̲j̲emāʿat , and performing escort duties with the supply columns. They were also called by the Persian term s̲h̲uturbān . The Deved̲j̲is originally formed the first five ortas of the Ḏj̲emaʿat (four according to D’Ohsson), and were later augmented to include many others. They wore heron’s feathers in their crests (see sorguč ); when attending the dīwān they wore velvet trimmed with sable and lynx fur. Deved̲j̲i officers enjoyed high precedence among the or…

Ḏj̲emʿiyyet-i ʿIlmiyye-i ʿOt̲h̲māniyye

(372 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
the Ottoman Scientific Society, was founded in Istanbul in 1861 by Munīf Pas̲h̲a [ q.v.]. Modelled on the Royal Society of England, and perhaps inspired by the reopening of the Institut d’Egypte [ q.v.] in Alexandria in 1859, it consisted of a group of Turkish officials, dignitaries and scholars, some of them educated in Europe. It was the third such learned society to appear in 19th century Turkey, having been preceded by the End̲j̲umen-i Dānis̲h̲ in 1851 (see and̲j̲uman ), and by the ‘learned society of Bes̲h̲iktas̲h̲’ in the time of Maḥmūd II (see D̲j̲ewdet, Taʾrīk̲h̲ 2

Tunali̊ Ḥilmī

(226 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, Turkish writer and politician. Born in Eskid̲j̲uma in 1863, he became involved in illegal political activities while still a medical student. After serving a brief term of imprisonment, he fled to Europe in 1895, and joined the Young Turk group in Geneva, where in 1896 he founded, with others, the Ottoman Revolutionary Party ( ʿOt̲h̲mānli̊ Ik̲h̲tilāl Fi̊rḳasi̊ ); he was particularly effective as a writer and propagandist with a simple and direct popular appeal. In 1900, together with ʿAbd Allāh D̲j̲ewdet and Isḥāḳ Sükūtī [ qq.v.], he made his peace with the Sultan and was appoi…


(728 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, in Turkish defterdār , keeper of the daftar [ q.v.], an Ottoman term for the chief finance officer, corresponding to the Mustawfī [ q.v.] in the eastern Islamic world. According to Ḳalḳas̲h̲andī ( Ṣubḥ , iii, 485, 494, 525, 526), the title Ṣāḥib al-Daftar already existed in the Fāṭimid administration, for the official in charge of the Daftar al-Mad̲j̲lis , that is, of accounts and audits. The title Daftark̲h̲ w ānDaftar -reader—appears in the time of Saladin (B. Lewis, Three Biographies from Kamāl ad-Dīn , in Fuad Köprülü Armağanı , Istanbul 1953, 343), and r…

Duyūn-i ʿUmūmiyye

(706 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, the Ottoman public debt, more particularly the debt administration set up in 1881. The Ottoman government had made its first attempts to raise money by internal loans in ¶ the late 18th and early 19th centuries (see ashām and ḳāʾime ). The needs and opportunities of the Crimean War brought a new type of loan, floated on the money markets of Europe. The first such foreign loan was raised in London in 1854, the second in the following year. They were for £ 3,000,000 at 6% and £ 5,000,000 at 4% respectively. Betwee…


(1,706 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, descendants of ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib, who had eighteen sons (according to most works on ʿAlid genealogy, but fourteen according to another version given by al-Ṭabarī and eleven according to al-Masʿūdī), and seventeen daughters. His sons were as follows: By Fāṭima; al-Ḥasan, al-Ḥusayn, and al-Muḥsin (or Muḥassin). The third does not appear in all sources. By Ḵh̲awla; Muḥammad, known as Ibn al-Ḥanafiyya. By Umm al-Banīn; ʿAbbās the elder, ʿAbd Allāh, ʿUt̲h̲mān the elder, Ḏj̲aʿfar the elder. By al-Ṣaḥbāʾ, called Umm Ḥabīb; ʿUmar. By Laylā bint Masʿūd; Abū Bakr ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, ʿUbayd Allāh. B…

Bazīg̲h̲ b. Mūsā

(189 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, called al-ḥāʾik , S̲h̲īʿite heretic. A disciple of Abu ’l-Ḵh̲aṭṭāb [ q.v.], he was, like his master, denounced by the Imām Ḏj̲aʿfar al-Ṣādiḳ as a heretic and was even, according to Nawbak̲h̲tī, disowned by Abu ’l-Ḵh̲aṭṭāb himself. Kas̲h̲s̲h̲ī reports a tradition that when Ḏj̲aʿfar al-Ṣādiḳ was told that Bazīg̲h̲ had been killed, he expressed satisfaction. This would place Bazīg̲h̲’s death before that of D̲j̲aʿfar in 148/765. Like many of the early extremist S̲h̲īʿites, Bazīg̲h̲ was an artisan—a weaver of …

Ḥātim b. Hart̲h̲ama

(381 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, the son of Hart̲h̲ama b. Aʿyan [ q.v.], held a number of appointments in the service of the Caliphs. In a letter from al-Amīn to Ṣāliḥ, dated S̲h̲awwāl 192/July-August 808, i.e., nearly a year before the death of Hārūn al-Ras̲h̲īd, the heir apparent advises his brother to confirm Ḥātim b. Hart̲h̲ama, like his father a man of proved loyalty, in his post, and to entrust him with the guarding of the Caliphal palaces (Ṭabarī, iii, 769; cf. Gabrieli, Documenti relativi al califfato di al-Amīn in aṭ-Ṭabarī , in Rend. Lin ., Ser. vi, vol. iii (1927), 203). Later, al-A…


(326 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, ‘head of a thousand’, a Turkish military rank. The word appears at an early date among the Western Turks, and is already used in connexion with the military reorganisation said to have been made by Ork̲h̲ān in 729/1328-9 ( e.g., Saʿd al-Dīn, Tād̲j̲ al-Tawārīk̲h̲ , i, 40— ‘onbas̲h̲i̊s , yüzbas̲h̲i̊s , and biñbas̲h̲i̊s were appointed to them ...’). In the form miñbas̲h̲i̊ the term also occurs among the Eastern Turks, and is used, for example, of a rank in the Ṣafawid forces in Persia (V. Minorsky, Tad̲h̲kirat al-Mulūk , London 1943, 36, 74, 155). The title miñ-begi , wi…


(192 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, abu ’l-naṣr muḥammad b. masʿūd b. muḥammad b. ʿayyās̲h̲ , a S̲h̲īʿite writer of the 3rd/9th century. He was a native of Samarḳand, and was said to have been descended from the tribe of Tamīm. Originally a Sunnī, he was converted while still young to S̲h̲īʿism, and studied under the disciples of ʿAlī b. al-Ḥasan b. Faḍḍāl (d. 224/839-al-Ṭūsī 93) and of ʿAbd Allāh b. Muḥammad b. Ḵh̲ālid al-Ṭayālisī (al-Astarābādī, 211). He spent his patrimony of over 300,000 dīnārs on scholarship and…

ʿAyn Ḏj̲ālūt

(947 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, spring of Goliath, mentioned by the mediaeval geographers as a village between Baysān and Nābulus, in the Ḏj̲und of Filasṭīn. It stood at the head of the Wādī Ḏj̲ālūt, and is said to have owed its name to a tradition that by it David slew Goliath (cf. A. S. Marmardji, Textes géographiques arabes sur la Palestine , Paris 1951, 152; G. Le Strange, Palestine, 384, 461). In the chronicles of the Crusaders the neighbourhood is called Tubania or Tubanie. It first achieves mention in ḎJ̲um. II 578/Sept. 1183, when the armies of Saladin and of the Franks camped th…


(811 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, the two holy places, usually referring to Mecca and Medina, occasionally, in both Mamlūk and Ottoman usage, to Jerusalem and Hebron [see al-ḥaram al-s̲h̲arīf , al-k̲h̲alīl , al-ḳuds , al-madīna , makka . On the title Servant (or Protector) of the two holy places see k̲h̲ādim al-Ḥaramayn ]. The following article deals with the administration of Ottoman waḳfs in favour of the Holy Places. Such waḳfs were established, from early times by the Ottoman Sultans and by members of their household and court, and in the 9th/15th century were already administered by spe…

ʿArūs Resmi

(383 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, also resm-i ʿarūs, resm-i ʿarūsāne, ʿādet-i ʿarūsī, etc., in earlier times gerdek deg̲h̲eri and gerdek resmi; an Ottoman tax on brides. The standard rates were sixty aspers on girls and forty or thirty on widows and divorcees. There are sometimes lower rates for persons of medium and small means. In some areas the tax is assessed in kind. Non-Muslims are usually registered as paying half-rates, but occasionally double rates. On timar lands the tax was normally payable to the timar-holder, thou…


(497 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
(a.), from Ifrand̲j̲ [ q.v.], lit. “adopting, imitating or aping the manners and customs of the Franks, i.e. the Europeans”. The term was used by the pioneer journalist Ḵh̲alīl al-Ḵh̲ūrī in his satirical novella Way id̲h̲an lastu bi-Ifrand̲j̲ī (“Alas then, I am not a European”), published in the magazine Ḥadīḳat al-Ak̲h̲bār in 1860, and may be older. The Turkish alafranga [ lik ], from Italian alla franca, and the Persian g̲h̲arbzada [ ], literally “West-struck[ness]”, convey the same meaning. The latter term has been variously rendered as “Westosis” and “Westoxication”. During the…


(1,646 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, in Turkish d̲j̲ūmhūriyyet , republic, also republicanism, a term coined in Turkey in the late 18th century from the Arabic d̲j̲umhūr , meaning the crowd, mass, or generality of the people, and first used in connexion with the first French Republic. In classical Arabic, as for example in Arabic versions and discussions of Greek political writings, the usual equivalent of the Greek πολιτεία or Latin res publica, i.e., polity or commonweal, was madīna ; thus, the ‘democratic polity’ of Plato’s classification is called, by Fārābī and others, madīna d̲j̲amāʿiyya (Fārābī, Arāʾ ahl al-madī…


(371 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, in Turkish tongueless, the name given to the deaf mutes employed in the inside service ¶ ( enderūn ) of the Ottoman palace, and for a while also at the Sublime Porte. They were also called by the Persian term bīzabārī , with the same meaning. They were established in the palace from the time of Meḥemmed II to the end of the Sultanate. Information about their numbers varies. According to ʿAṭāʾ, three to five of them were attached to each chamber ( Kog̲h̲us̲h̲ ); Rycaut speaks of ‘about forty’. A document of the time of Muṣṭafā II (d. 1115/1703), cited by U…


(282 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, an Arabic word meaning lover, frequently in the mystical sense. Among the Anatolian and Ād̲h̲arbāyd̲j̲ānī Turks, from the late 9th/15th or 10th/16th century, it is used of a class of wandering poet-minstrels, who sang and recited at public gatherings. Their repertoire included religious and erotic songs, elegies and heroic narratives. At first they followed the syllabic prosody of the popular poets, but later were subjected to Persian influence, both directly and through the Persian-influenced…


(4,995 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, a stitched or bound booklet, or register, more especially an account or letter-book used in administrative offices. The word derives ultimately from the Greek διφθέρα “hide”, and hence prepared hide for writing. It was already used in ancient Greek in the sense of parchment or, more generally, writing materials. In the 5th century B.C. Herodotus (v, 58) remarks that the lonians, like certain Barbarians of his own day, had formerly written on skins, and still applied the term diphthera to papyrus rolls; in the 4th Ctesias ( in Diodorus Siculus ii, 32; cf. A. Christensen, Heltedigtning og …


(199 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, Muṣṭafā Ras̲h̲īd , Ottoman historian and poet, one of a family of ʿulamāʾ founded by the Ḳāḍīʿasker of Rumelia, Čes̲h̲mī Meḥmed Efendi (d. 1044/1634) A grandson of the S̲h̲ayk̲h̲ al-Islām Meḥmed Ṣāliḥ Efendi, and the son of a ḳāḍī in the Ḥid̲j̲āz, he entered the ʿIlmiyye profession, and held various legal and teaching posts. After the resignation of the Imperial historiographer Meḥmed Ḥākim Efendi [ q.v.], he was appointed to this office, which he held for a year and a half. He then returned to his teaching career, which culminated in his appointment as müderris at…


(636 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, a Turkish word meaning envoy, from el or il, country, people, or state, with the occupational suffix či (= d̲j̲i ). In some eastern Turkish texts the word appears to denote the ruler of a land or people; its normal meaning, however, since early times, has been that of envoy or messenger, usually in a diplomatic, sometimes, in mystical literature, in a figurative religious sense. In Ottoman Turkish it became the normal word for an ambassador, together with the more formal Arabic term sefīr . From an early date the Ottoman sultans exchanged occasional diplo…


(607 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, Abu ’l-Ḥasan ʿAli b. Muḥammad. the tenth Imām of the Twelver S̲h̲īʿa. He is commonly known as al-Naḳī and al-Hādī. He was the son of the ninth Imām Muḥammad b. ʿAlī al-Riḍā [ q.v.], and was born in Medīna. Most S̲h̲īʿite authorities give the date of his birth as Rad̲j̲ab 214/Sept. 829, though others say that he was born in Ḏh̲u ’l-Ḥid̲j̲d̲j̲a 212 or 213/Feb.-March 828 or 829. His mother, according to some sources, was Umm al-Faḍl, the daughter of al-Maʾmūn; according to others she was a Mag̲h̲ribī Umm Walad called Sumāna or Sūsan. The latter story seems more l…


(771 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
a town in the Dobrud̲j̲a, now part of Rumania. Its Turkish name refers to the semi-legendary dervish (Baba) Sari̊ Salti̊ḳ, who is said to have led a number of Anatolian Turcomans to the Dobrud̲j̲a in the mid-thirteenth century, and to have settled with them in the neighbourhood of Babadag̲h̲i̊. (On this settlement see Paul Wittek, Yazijiog̲h̲lu ʿAlī on the Christian Turks of the Dobruja , in BSOAS, 1952 xvi, 639 ff.). There are several tombs of Sari̊ Salti̊ḳ in various towns; the most generally accepted is that of Babadag̲h̲i̊. What appears to be the first refer…

Ḥasan Fehmī

(190 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, a Turkish journalist who achieved a brief celebrity in 1909 as editor of the newspaper Serbestī , in which he made violent attacks on the Committee of Union and Progress [see ittiḥād we teraḳḳī ]. His murder on the Galata bridge by an unknown assailant on the night of 6-7 April 1909 (n.s.) was blamed by both the liberals and the Muhammadan Union [see ittiḥād-i muḥammedī ] jon the Committee, and his funeral was made the occasion for hostile demonstrations and speeches. A period of mounting tension followed, culminating in the mutiny of troops of the First Army Corps on 31 March o.s. = 13 April n.s. (…

K̲h̲alaf b. Mulāʿib al-As̲h̲habī

(263 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, with the laḳab sayf al-dawla , ruler of Ḥimṣ and Afāmiya in the late 5th/11th century. He was ¶ accused of various misdeeds, including brigandage, and is said, during a siege of Salamiyya, to have thrown the S̲h̲arīf Ibrāhīm al-Hās̲h̲īmī against the tower from a mangonel. In 483/1090, complaints were sent to the Sultan Maliks̲h̲āh, who ordered his brother Tutus̲h̲, the ruler of Damascus, and other rulers of Syrian cities to proceed against him. A joint expedition captured Ḥimṣ, and K̲h̲alaf was sent in an iron c…

D̲j̲ānīkli Ḥād̲j̲d̲j̲i ʿAlī Pas̲h̲a

(459 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, Ottoman soldier and founder of a Derebey [ q.v.] family. He was born in Istanbul in 1133/1720-21, the son of Aḥmed Ag̲h̲a, a ḳapi̊d̲j̲i̊-bas̲h̲i̊ at the Imperial palace. As a youth he accompanied his elder brother Suleymān Pas̲h̲a to D̲j̲ānīk, where he eventually succeeded him as ruler with the title, customary among the autonomous derebeys, of muḥaṣṣil [ q.v.]. During the Russo-Turkish war of 1182/1768-1188/1774. he held a number of military commands. Serving first in Georgia, he was appointed in D̲j̲umādā II 1183/September-October 1769 to the staff …


(147 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
( bas̲h̲wakīl ), theTurkish for Prime Minister. The term was first introduced in 1254/1838, when, as part of a general adoption of European nomenclature, this title was assumed by the Chief Minister in place of Grand Vezir or Ṣadr-i Aʿẓam [ q.v.]. The change of style was of short duration, lasting only for 14½ months, after which the old title was restored. A second attempt to introduce the European title was made during the first constitutional period. Introduced in Ṣafar 1295/Feb. 1878, it was dropped after 114 days, restored in S̲h̲…


(245 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
chief taster, a high official of the Ottoman court. Already under the Sald̲j̲ūḳids and other Anatolian dynasties the čas̲h̲nagīr , amīr čas̲h̲nagīr or amīr-i d̲h̲awwāḳ appears among the most important officers of the Sultan. Ibn Bībī ( Al-Awāmir al-ʿAlāʾiyya , edd. Necati Lugal and Adnan Sadık Erzi, Ankara 1957, 164) mentions the čas̲h̲nagīr together with the mīr āk̲h̲ūr and the amīr mad̲j̲lis . In the Ḳānūnnāme of Meḥemmed II ( TOEM Supplement 1330 A.H. 11-12) the čas̲h̲nagīr-bas̲h̲i̊ appears as one of the ag̲h̲as of the stirrup, in the group headed by the ag̲h̲a

Ibn ʿAttās̲h̲

(504 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, ʿAbd al-Malik , an Ismāʿīlī dāʿī who in the mid-5th/11th century was in charge of the Daʿwa in ʿIrāḳ and western Persia. Information about him is scanty. According to the autobiography of Ḥasan-i Ṣabbāḥ [ q.v.], he went to Rayy in Ramaḍān 464/May-June 1072, and enrolled Ḥasan in the Daʿwa. He is also said to have won over the Raʾīs Muẓaffar of Girdkūh, later one of the most active leaders of the Nizārīs. Ẓahīr al-Dīn and Rāwandī also allude to his relations with Ḥasan-i Ṣabbāḥ. According to this version, ʿAbd al-Malik, a resident of Iṣfahān, …


(129 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, mot turc signifiant vie ou moyens d’existence. Dans l’empire ottoman, on l’employait pour désigner le revenu fourni par l’État, directement ou indirectement, pour l’entretien de personnes à son service. Ce terme est utilisé surtout pour les fiefs militaires [voir Tīmār], mais s’applique également aux traitements [voir ʿUlūfa], salaires, et dotations de tout genre accordées en guise de traitement aux fonctionnaires des gouvernements central et provinciaux. Il ne s’applique pas normalement aux fermes d’impôt, dont le principe repose sur la n…

Tunali̊ Ḥilmī

(230 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, écrivain et homme politique turc. Né à Eskid̲j̲uma en 1863, il fut mêlé à des activités politiques illégales alors qu’il était étudiant en médecine. Après un court séjour, en prison, il s’enfuit en Europe en 1895, et rallia le groupe des Jeunes Turcs à Genève où, avec quelques autres, il fonda en 1896 le Parti Révolutionnaire Ottoman ( ʿOt̲h̲mānli̊ Ik̲h̲tīlāl Fi̊rḳasi̊); il fut particulièrement efficace comme écrivain et propagandiste en s’adressant au peuple simplement et directement. En 1900, en même temps que ʿAbd Allāh Ḏj̲ewdet et Isḥāḳ Sükūtī [ q.v.], il se réconcilia avec le …


(676 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
(turc defterdār), teneur de daftar [ q.v.], terme ottoman désignant le principal fonctionnaire des finances, correspondant au mustawfī [ q.v.] du monde musulman oriental. D’après al-Ḳalḳas̲h̲andī ( Ṣubḥ, II, 485, 494, 525, 526), le titre de ṣāḥib al-daftar existait déjà dans l’administration fāṭimide et désignait l’employé chargé du daftar al-mad̲j̲lis, c’est-à-dire des comptes et vérifications. Le titre de daftark̲h̲wān «lecteur de daftār» apparaît à l’époque de Saladin (B. Lewis, Three Biographies from Kamāl al-Dīn, dans Fuad Köpru̲lü Armağani, Istanbul 1953, 343) et r…

Ḥasan Fehmī

(1,074 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
Efendi, connu sous le nom d’Aḳs̲h̲ehirli, s̲h̲ayk̲h̲ al-Islām ottoman. Fils de ʿOt̲h̲mān Efendi d’Ilgin, il naquit en 1210/1795-6, et occupa plusieurs postes dans la branche enseignante de la profession ʿilmiyye [ q.v.]. En 1275/1858-9, à la mort de Yaḥyā Efendi [ q.v.], il fut nommé au poste de ders wekīli et chargé d’enseigner et de prêcher au nom du s̲h̲ayk̲h̲ al-Islām. Ḏj̲ewdet, qui avait des raisons d’être hostile à Ḥasan Fehmī, précise qu’il fut nommé faute de mieux et ajoute que les étudiants l’avaient surnommé kad̲h̲ūbī — le menteur ( Tezakir 13-20, éd. Cavid Baysun, Ankara 1…


(617 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Muḥammad, dixième imām des S̲h̲īʿites duodécimains. Il esé communément connu sous le nom d’al-Naḳī -et d’al-Hādī. Fils du neuvième imām Muḥammad b. ʿAlī al-Riḍā [ q.v.], il naquit à Médine. La plupart des autorités s̲h̲iʿites le font naître en rad̲j̲ab 214/septembre 829, mais d’autres en d̲h̲ū l-ḥid̲j̲d̲j̲a 212 ou 213/février-mars 828 ou 829. Selon certaines sources, sa mère était Umm al-Faḍl, la fille d’al-Maʾmūn; selon d’autres, elle était uni umm walad mag̲h̲ribine du nom de Sumāna ou Sūsan Cette dernière affirmation semble la plus vraisem blab…

ʿAlī al-Riḍā

(842 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
Abū l-Ḥasan b. Mūsā b. Ḏj̲aʿfar, huitième imām des S̲h̲īʿites duodécimains, naquit à Médine en 148/765 (al-Ṣafadī) ou, d’après d’autres autorités probablement mieux informées, en 151/768 ou 153/770 (aI-Nawbak̲h̲tī, Ibn Ḵh̲allikān, Mīrk̲h̲wānd). Il mourut à Ṭūs en 203/818; les sources sont d’accord sur l’année, mais diffèrent sur le jour et le mois (fin de ṣafar: al-Ṭabarī, al-Ṣafadī; 21 ramaḍān: al-Ṣafadī; 13 d̲h̲ū l-ḳaʿda ou 5 d̲h̲ū l-ḥid̲j̲d̲j̲a: Ibn Ḵh̲allikān). Son père était l’imām Mūsā al-Kāẓim, sa mère une umm walad nubienne dont le nom est présenté de diverses mani…


(593 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, nom d’une famille de ʿulamāʾ ottomans qui acquirent une certaine importance au XVIe et au début du XVIIe s. Le fondateur de la famille fut (1) Muṣṭafā Efendi, né à Tire, dans la province d’Aydi̊n, en 904/1498-9, et connu sous le nom de Bostān (ou Būstān). Son père était un marchand nommé Meḥmed (ainsi dans le texte de ʿAṭāʾī et sur la pierre tombale conservée au Türk-Islam Eserleri Müzesi à Istanbul; le titre Muṣṭafā b. ʿAlī dans ʿAṭāʾī, 132, est sans doute une erreur due à une confusion avec son homonyme Muṣṭafā, connu sous le nom de Küčük Bostān; cf. Hüseyin Gazi Yurdaydm, dans Bell., XIX (1955…


(501 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
(turc eshām), pi. de l’ar. sahm (turc sehim), part. En Turquie, le mot était employé pour désigner certaines émissions du Trésor, diversement décrites comme étant des bons, des assignats et des rentes. Les eshām sont appelés «rentes» (Leibrenten) par Hammer, ainsi que dans le budget ottoman de 1862-3, où ils sont mentionnés sous le nom de rentes viagères. Le caractère n’est pas absolument sûr, car, bien que les eshām revinssent à l’État à la mort du détenteur, ils pouvaient être vendus, l’État réclamant sur chacun de ces transferts un droit égal à une annuité. D…

K̲h̲alaf b. Mulāʿib

(267 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
al-As̲h̲habī, seigneur, avec le laḳab de Sayf al-dawla, de Ḥimṣ et d’Afâmiya à la fin du Ve/XIe siècle. Il fut accusé de divers méfaits, notamment de brigandage et, au cours d’un siège de Salamiya, il aurait, au moyen d’un mangonneau, ¶ précipité le s̲h̲arīf Ibrāhīm al-Hās̲h̲imī contre la tour. En 483/1090, des plaintes furent adressées au sultan Maliks̲h̲āh, qui ordonna à son frère Tutus̲h̲, maître de Damas, et à d’autres gouverneurs de villes syriennes, de marcher contre lui. Une expédition conjointe s’empara de Ḥimṣ, et Ḵh̲alaf fut en…


(4,869 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, cahier cousu ou attaché, registre, plus spécialement livre de comptes ou de correspondances employé dans les services administratifs. Le terme dérive en dernière analyse du grec δıφθέρα «peau» et, de là, peau préparée pour recevoir des caractères écrits. Il était déjà employé en grec ancien dans le sens de parchemin ou, plus généralement, de matériaux pour écrire. Au Ve s. avant J.-C, Hérodote (V, 58) remarque que les Ioniens, comme certains Barbares contemporains, avaient, à une époque ancienne, écrit sur des peaux et appliquaient encore le terme δıφθέρα aux rouleaux de ¶ papyrus; a…

Bazīg̲h̲ b. Mūsā

(185 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, surnommé al-Ḥāʿik, hérétique s̲h̲īʾite. Disciple d’Abū l-Khaṭṭāb [ q.v.], il fut, comme son maître, dénoncé par l’Imām Ḏj̲aʿfar al-Ṣādiḳ comme hérétique et fut même, d’après al-Nawbak̲h̲tī, désavoué par Abū l-Ḵh̲aṭṭāb lui-même. Al-Kas̲h̲s̲h̲ī rapporte une tradition selon laquelle, lorsqu’on apprit à Ḏj̲aʿfar al-Ṣādiḳ que Bazīg̲h̲ avait été tué, celui-ci exprima sa satisfaction. Ce détail placerait la mort de Bazīg̲h̲ avant celle de Ḏj̲aʿfar en 148/765. Comme beaucoup des premiers extrémistes s̲h̲īʿites…


(1,984 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
(a.), ou Mas̲h̲ūra, terme islamique courant pour désigner une consultation. Il s’emploie en particulier lorsque le souverain consulte ses conseillers (ces derniers étant diversement définis), mais s’applique parfois aussi à une sorte d’assemblée délibérative. L’Arabie préislamique connaissait déjà la pratique consistant à prendre des décisions après consultation [voir Mad̲j̲lis, et Malaʾ au Suppl.]. Deux passages du Ḳurʾān (III, 153/159: wa-s̲h̲āwirhum fī l-amr, et ¶ XLII, 36/38: wa-amruhum s̲h̲ūrā baynahum) sont couramment cités comme imposant aux souverains le…


(371 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, en turc «sans langue», nom donné aux sourds-muets employés au service intérieur ( enderūn) du Palais ottoman, et pendant un certain temps aussi à la Sublime Porte. On les désignait également par le mot persan bīzabān, qui a le même sens. Il y en eut au palais de l’époque de Meḥemmed II à la fin du sultanat. Les renseignements qu’on possède sur leur nombre varient. D’après ʿ Aṭāʾ, il y en avait de trois à cinq attachés à chaque chambre ( kog̲h̲us̲h̲); Ricaut parle «d’environ quarante». Un document de l’époque de Muṣṭafā II (m. 1115/1703), cité par Uzunçarṣili, et qui a trait…


(201 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, Abū l-Naṣr Muḥammad b. Masʿūd b. Muḥammad b. ʿAyyās̲h̲, écrivain shīʿite du IIIe/IXe siècle. Il était né à Samarḳand, et l’on prétend que ses ancêtres appartenaient à la tribu de Tamīm. D’abord sunnite, il se convertit encore jeune au S̲h̲īʿisme et étudia sous la direction des disciples de ʿAlī b. al-Ḥasan b. Faḍḍāl (m. 224/ 839; al-Ṭūsī, 93) et de ʿAbd Allāh b. Muḥammad b. Ḵh̲ālid al-Ṭayālisī (al-Astarābādī, 211). Il dépensa un patrimoine de plus de 300 000 dinars pour s’occuper d’érudition et de traditio…

Bahd̲j̲at Muṣṭafā Efendi

(387 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, savant et médecin ottoman, petit-fils du grand-vizir Ḵh̲ayrullāh Efendi et fils de Ḵh̲wād̲j̲a Meḥmed Emīn S̲h̲ukūhī. Né en 1188/1774, il embrassa la carrière religieuse et devint mudarris en 1206/1791-2. Se spécialisant en médecine, il s’éleva rapidement et, en 1218/1803, devint médecin chef du sultan ( ḥekīmbas̲h̲i̊ ou, plus protocolairement, reʾīs-i eṭibbā-i sulṭānī). En 1222/1807, il fut révoqué de cet emploi, mais il fut réintégré en 1232/1817. En 1237/1821, il fut jeté en disgrâce et banni, mais rétabli la même année. En 1241/1826, après la destruction des Janissaires, ¶ il …


(525 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
(a.), tiré d’ifrand̲j̲ [ q.v.],lit. «adoptant, imitant ou singeant les manières et coutumes des Francs, c’est à dire des Européens». Le terme fut utilisé par le journaliste novateur Ḵh̲alīl al-Ḵh̲ūrī dans sa nouvelle satyrique Way id̲h̲an lastu bi-Ifrand̲j̲ī («hélas ! je ne suis pas un européen»), publiée dans le magazine Ḥadīḳat al-Ak̲h̲bār en 1860 ou peut être auparavant. Le turc alafianga[ lik] de l’italien alla fianca et le persan g̲h̲arbzada[ ],littéralement «influence occidentale» ont la même signification. Ce dernier terme a été de façon variable traduit …

Bāb-i Serʿaskerī

(315 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, ou Serʿasker Kapi̊si̊, nom du ministère de la Guerre dans l’empire ottoman, au XIXe siècle. Après la destruction des Janissaires, en 1241/1826, l’ ag̲h̲a des Janissaires fut remplacé ¶ par un nouvel officier, le serʿasker [ q.v.]; c’était un ancien titre, donné aux chefs d’armée dans le passé; utilisé par Maḥmūd II, il en vint à désigner un officier, qui cumulait les fonctions de commandant en chef et de ministre de la Guerre, chargé spécialement de l’armée nouveau style; en outre, il héritait de l’ ag̲h̲a des Janissaires la responsabilité de la sécurité publique, de la police,…

Aḥmad Midḥat

(1,012 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, écrivain turc ottoman, naquit à Istanbul en 1260/1844; il était le fils d’un pauvre marchand d’étoffes nommé Sulaymān Ag̲h̲a, et d’une Circassienne. Il perdit son père alors qu’il était tout enfant, et fut placé quelque temps comme apprenti chez un boutiquier. Quand il eut dix ans, sa famille alla s’établir à Vidin, où son demi-frère Ḥāfiẓ Ag̲h̲a était le mudīr d’un ḳaḍā. Cependant Ḥāfiẓ tomba en disgrâce, et, en 1859, Aḥmad retourna à Istanbul, où il commença son instruction. En 1277/1861, Ḥāfiẓ Ag̲h̲a, ayant gagné la faveur de Midḥat Pas̲h̲a, fut réint…


(958 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, titre ottoman d’origine grecque, de αὐθέντηΣ «seigneur», «maître» (cf. «authentique»), probablement par l’intermédiaire d’une forme vocative dialectale de Byzance, afendi (G. Meyer, Türhische Studien, I, dans SBAk. Wien, 1893, 37; K. Foy, dans MSOS, I/2 (1898), 44. n. 3; Psichari, 408). Le terme était déjà en usage en Anatolie turque aux VIIe et VIIIe/XIIIe-XIVe siècles. Eflākī indique que la fille de Ḏj̲alāl al-dīn Rūmī était connue sous le nom d’Efendipoulo «la fille du maître» (Cl. Huart, Les saints des derviches tourneurs, Paris 1922, II, 429; sur le nom de famille car…

Ḏj̲ānīkli Ḥād̲j̲d̲j̲ī ʿAlī Pas̲h̲a

(441 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, capitaine ottoman et fondateur d’une famille de derebeys [ q.v.]. Né à Istanbul en 1133/1720-1, il était le fils d’Aḥmad Ag̲h̲a, ḳapid̲j̲i- bas̲h̲i au palais impérial. Dans sa jeunesse, il accompagna son frère aîné Süleymān Pas̲h̲a à Ḏj̲ānīk, où il lui succéda définitivement comme maître du pays, avec le titre, habituel chez les derebeys autonomes, de muḥaṣṣil [ q.v.]. Pendant la guerre russo-turque de 1182-88/1768-74, il détint un certain nombre de commandements militaires. D’abord en service en Géorgie, il fut nommé en d̲j̲umādā II 1183/oct. 1769 à l’étatmajor du serʿasker de Mol…


(270 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, en turc zabit, nom donné par les Ottomans à certains fonctionnaires et officiers, et qui se spécialisa par la suite pour désigner les officiers des forces armées. Il semble que, dans son emploi ancien chez les Ottomans, ḍābiṭ ait indiqué une personne chargée d’une affaire ou de sa direction ou (? des finances) d’une localité (par ex. ewḳāf ḍābiṭi, wilāyet ḍābiṭi, etc.; exemples, certains avec des toponymes, dans Halit Ongan, Ankara’nin 1 numarali şer’iye Sicili, Ankara 1958, index, et L. Fekete, Die Siyāqat-Schrift, I, Budapest 1955, 493 sqq.; cf. l’emploi du mot en persan d…


(189 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B.
, en turc zabtiyye, nom donné par les Ottomans, à une époque assez tardive, à la police et à la gendarmerie. Les fonctions policières, qui étaient auparavant sous la surveillance de différents officiers de janissaires, furent placées sous la juridiction du serʿasker [ q.v.; voir aussi Bāb-i Serʿaskerī] en 1241/1826, et, en 1262/1846, devinrent une administration autonome, la Ḍabṭiyye mus̲h̲īriyyeti (Luṭfī, VIII, 27-8). Vers le même temps, on créa un conseil de la police ( med̲j̲lis- i ḍabṭiyye) qui fut supprimé par la suite et remplacé par deux corps quasi judiciaires, le dīwān- i ḍabṭi…
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