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Church Growth
(5,350 words)
Overview The term “church growth” can refer to church renewal, church organizational and structural maturation, the empirically verifiable numerical growth of churches, and the theory of how and why churches grow or decline. The so-called church growth movement (see 5) began in the United States in the 1960s, although not everyone who studies the dynamics of church growth and decline would consider themselves part of this movement. Corresponding to Eng. “church growth” is Ger.
Gemeindeaufbau, which to a large extent has become a programmatic word today in the German…
Pastoral care
(3,956 words)
1. IntroductionPastoral care refers to the assistance church officials (pastors) provide for individuals and groups of the faithful in questions of faith and the religious conduct of life. The
Regula pastoralis (“Pastoral Rule,” c. 590) of Pope Gregory I, the normative guide to pastoral care well into the early modern period, uses the Latin terms
cura pastoralis (“pastoral care,” French
la pastorale) and
regimen animarum (“guidance of souls”). The literal Latin equivalent of German
cura animarum (“care/cure of souls”), does not occur until the earl…
(3,694 words)
1. EinleitungS. bezeichnet den Beistand kirchlicher Amtspersonen (Seelsorger) für Einzelne und Gruppen von Gläubigen in Fragen des Glaubens und der relig. Lebensgestaltung. In der
Regula pastoralis (»Pastoralregel«, um 590) Papst Gregors I., der bis in die Nz. maßgeblichen S.-Anleitung, werden dafür die Begriffe
cura pastoralis (lat.; »Hirtensorge«; davon engl.
pastoral care, franz.
la pastorale) und
regimen animarum (»Seelenleitung«) verwendet. Das wörtliche lat. Äquivalent von S.,
cura animarum, begegnet erst im FrühMA und bestimmte von da an den kirchl. Spr…
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