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Āqā Najafī Iṣfahānī

(3,765 words)

Author(s): Walcher, Heidi A.
Shaykh Muḥammad Taqī Āqā Najafī Iṣfahānī (1846–1914) was a prominent if controversial mujtahid who played an active role in the politics of Isfahan. His role during the Constitutional Revolution was ambivalent and evasive, showing himself neither as revolutionary nor activist. Under the city’s Bakhtiārī regime since 1909, he managed to maintain a position of influence, but had to act more carefully and indirectly. Born on 22 Rabīʿ II 1262/19 April 1846) to a family of clerics in Isfahan who were descended t…
Date: 2021-07-19


(137,783 words)

Author(s): EIr. | Planhol, Xavier de | Walcher, Heidi | Zanjani, Habibollah | Hansman, John F. | Et al.
ancient province and old city in central Iran. Isfahan city has served as one of the most important urban centers on the Iranian Plateau since ancient times.A version of this article is available in printVolume XIII, Fascicle 6, pp. 613-675 and Volume XIV, Fascicle 1, 2, pp. 1-119 ISFAHAN, ancient province and old city in central Iran (Middle Pers. “Spahān,” New Pers. “Eṣfahān”). Isfahan city has served as one of the most important urban centers on the Iranian Plateau since ancient times and has gained, over centuries of urbanization, many si…
Date: 2022-10-11