
Your search for 'dc_creator:( Meister, AND Klaus ) OR dc_contributor:( Meister, AND Klaus )' returned 350 results. Modify search

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(338 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Θήρων). Tyrann von Akragas aus dem Geschlecht der Emmeniden, lebte ca. 540/530-472 v. Chr. Seiner ersten Ehe entstammten Thrasydaios und Demarete, die Gemahlin des Gelon [1]; in zweiter Ehe war Th. seit ca. 485 mit einer Tochter des Polyzalos verheiratet (Timaios FGrH 566 F 93; schol. Pind. O. 2,29b-d; s. Stemma bei Deinomeniden). Th. errang 488 die Herrschaft über Akragas (Diod. 11,53,1) und eroberte 483 durch Vertreibung des Terillos die Stadt Himera (Hdt. 7,165), die er seinem Sohn Thrasydaios anvertraute. Der Hilferuf des Ter…


(196 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
(Ξενόδικος). [English version] [1] Onkel des Tyrannen Theros von Akragas Sohn des Emmeniden Telemachos und Onkel des Theron von Akragas. Seine Söhne Hippokrates und Kapys wurden nach einer Empörung gegen Theron 476 v. Chr. von diesem bei Himera besiegt und ließen sich daraufhin im sikanischen Kamikos nieder (schol. Pind. P. 6,5a und O. 2,173f-g). Meister, Klaus Bibliography H. Berve, Die Tyrannis bei den Griechen, 1967, 135. [English version] [2] aus Akragas, 2. H. 4. Jh. v. Chr. X. (auch Xenodokos) aus Akragas (beide Namensformen finden sich bei Diod. 20,31,4; 32,2; 5…


(44 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Τηρίας). Fluß an der Ostküste von Sicilia, an dessen Oberlauf Leontinoi lag (Skyl. 13; Diod. 14,14,3; vgl. Thuk. 6,50,3; 6,94,2; Plin. nat. 3,89), h. San Leonardo di Lentini. Meister, Klaus Bibliography E. Manni, Geografia fisica e politica della Sicilia antica, 1981, 125.


(63 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Τηλίνης) aus Gela, Hierophant ( mystḗria D.) der chthonischen Gottheiten, führte bald nach der Stadtgründung 688 v. Chr. Geloer, die in einem Bürgerkrieg besiegt und nach Maktorion geflohen waren, unter dem Schutz der Kultgeräte dieser Gottheiten nach Gela zurück. Dies geschah unter der Bedingung, daß seine Nachkommen, zu denen auch Gelon [1] zählte, diese Priesterwürde behielten (Hdt. 7,153). Meister, Klaus


(66 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Σικανός). Syrakusier, Sohn des Exekestos, wurde im Herbst 415 v. Chr. mit Hermokrates [1] und Herakleides [2] zum bevollmächtigten Strategen gewählt (Thuk. 6,73). 413 zur Eroberung von Akragas entsandt, kehrte er unverrichteter Dinge zurück (Thuk. 7,36; 7,50,1). Sein Versuch, die von den Athenern aus der verlorenen Seeschlacht (Anf. Sept. 413) geretteten Schiffe in Brand zu stecken, scheiterte (Thuk. 7,70-74). Peloponnesischer Krieg Meister, Klaus


(187 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Σοφαίνετος). Aus Stymphalos; trotz fortgeschrittenen Alters einer der Söldnerführer des Kyros [3] d. J. im Kampf gegen seinen Bruder Artaxerxes [2] II. (Xen. an. 5,3,1; 6,5,13): Er warb unter den Griechen Söldner an (1,1,11; 1,2,1) und führte in Sardeis oder Kelainai (1,2,3 bzw. 1,2,9) dem Kyros 1000 Hopliten zu. Beim Rückzug leitete er den Schiffstransport von Trapezus nach Kerasos (5,3,1), mußte jedoch wegen lässiger Finanzaufsicht eine Buße zahlen (5,8,1). Nur Stephanos [7] aus Byzanz erwähnt eine Anábasis Kýru des S. (F 1-4). Sie wird verschiedentli…


(106 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Σωσύλος). Griech. Historiker, aus Lakonien, wie Silenos [1] im Gefolge Hannibals, ‘solange das Schicksal es zuließ’; war auch Hannibals Griechischlehrer (Nep. Hann. 13,3 = FGrH 176 T 1). Verf. einer “offiziellen” Hannibal-Gesch. in 7 B. (Diod. 26,4 = FGrH 176 T 2): S. wird von Polybios (3,20,5 = FGrH 176 T 3) wegen sachlicher Fehler scharf kritisiert, doch ergibt seine auf einem Würzburger Pap. (PGraec. 1) erh. Beschreibung eines komplizierten nautischen Manövers aus einer Seeschlacht ein weit günstigeres Bild von seiner Gesch.-Schreibung. Meister, Klaus Biblio…


(84 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Θέμιστος). Syrakusier, mit Harmonia, der Tochter Gelons [2] II. bzw. Enkelin Hierons [2] II. (Liv. 24,24,2 und 6; 25,7 und 10), verheiratet. Er war verm. Mitglied des von Hieron für seinen unmündigen Enkel Hieronymos [3] bestellten Regentschaftsrates und beteiligte sich nach dessen Ermordung an dem von Adranodoros geplanten Umsturz (Liv. 24,24,2; 24,25). Auf Befehl der über das Komplott informierten Strategen wurde er jedoch - ebenso wie Adranodoros - 214 v. Chr. hingerichtet (Liv. 24,24,4). Meister, Klaus Bibliography H. Berve, Hieron II., 1959, 86-99.


(385 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] [3] Begriff der Historiographie (λόγος, Pl. λόγοι/ lógoi). Bezeichnet in der griech. Geschichtsschreibung im Unterschied zu mýthos (= dichterisch gestaltete, meist frei erfundene Gesch.) generell eine wahre, nachprüfbare und somit auf Tatsachen beruhende Darstellung. Herodotos [1], der “Vater der Geschichtsschreibung”, versteht unter l. weder “eine zusammenhängende Überlieferung” noch “einzelne Nachrichten” (wie in der Forsch. zuweilen angenommen), sondern benutzt l. in der allg. und unbestimmten Bedeutung “Bericht”, “Darstellung”, “Erz…


(358 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
(Δοῦρις). [English version] [3] D. von Samos Theophrastschüler, Tyrann von Samos, Schriftsteller, ca. 340-270 v. Chr. ca. 340-270 v. Chr. Schüler des Theophrastos (Athen. 4,128a) und seit ca. 300 Tyrann seiner Heimatinsel (FGrH 76 T 2). Vielseitiger Schriftsteller, Verf. folgender (verlorengegangener) Werke: ‘Homerprobleme, ‘Über die Tragödie, ‘Über Sophokles und Euripides, ‘Über Malerei, ‘Über Reliefkunst, ‘Über Gesetze, ‘Über Wettkämpfe. Histor. Schriften (Fr. erhalten): ‘Jahrbücher der Samier (Σαμίων ὅροι/ Samíōn hóroi, eine samische Lokalchronik: F 22-26; 6…


(208 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] ( to tōn hexakosíōn synédrion). Die Oligarchie der 600 spielte von Timoleons Tod 337 v. Chr. bis zum Staatsstreich des Agathokles [2] 316 in der Politik von Syrakusai eine herausragende Rolle. Ursprünge, Kompetenzen, Zusammensetzung und staatsrechtliche Stellung der S. sind wegen der disparaten Quellenlage unklar (vgl. die Übersicht bei [1]). So bezeichnet Diodoros [18] (19,5,6) die S. bald als reguläres Verfassungsorgan, bald als polit. Faktion ( hetairía [2]) weshalb auch die mod. Forsch. speziell in dieser Frage uneins ist (vgl. [2]). Nach …


(47 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Θεότιμος). Griech. Historiker aus hell. Zeit. Verf. verschiedener lokalgeschichtlicher Werke: ‘Über Kyrene (FGrH 470 F 1 und 2), Italiká (FGrH 834 F 1), ‘Gegen Aieluros (FGrH 470 F 3-5), einen rhodischen Spezialschriftsteller unbekannter Zeit (Aieluros FGrH 528). FGrH 470 und 834. Meister, Klaus


(59 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Ξένετος). Vornehmer Bürger aus dem unteritalischen Lokroi [2]. Dionysios [1] I. von Syrakus heiratete 398 v. Chr. in einer Doppelhochzeit dessen Tochter Doris sowie die Syrakusierin Aristomache und schenkte beiden Frauen gleichmäßig seine Gunst. Später machte er die Gattin des X. für Aristomaches Unfruchtbarkeit verantwortlich und ließ sie umbringen (Diod. 14,44,6-45,1; Plut. Dion 3,3-6). Meister, Klaus


(104 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Ζώιππος) aus Syrakus. Gemahl der Herakleia, der Tochter Hierons [2] II. Auf dessen Initiative hin wurde er zusammen mit Adranodoros und anderen zum Vormund des jungen Königs Hieronymos [3] bestellt (Liv. 24,4-5). Durch die Hinwendung zu Karthago veranlaßte er eine Umorientierung der bislang romfreundlichen syrakusanischen Politik (Pol. 7,2,1). Auf diplomatischer Mission in Alexandreia [1] bei Ptolemaios [7] IV. Philopator befindlich, kehrte er auf die Nachricht vom Tode des Hieronymos 214 v. Chr. nicht mehr nach Syrakus zurück (Liv. 24,26,1). Meister, Kla…


(781 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Τιμολέων). Feldherr und Machthaber auf Sizilien, urspr. Korinther, Sohn des Timodemos und der Demariste. T. billigte 365 v. Chr. die Ermordung seines Bruders Timophanes, des Tyrannen von Korinth (Plut. T. 2 f.; Nep. T. 1; Diod. 16,65,2-9) und zog sich daraufhin fast 20 J. lang ins Privatleben zurück. Auf Ersuchen der Syrakusier, die von Dionysios [2] II. und Karthago bedroht waren, wurde er von den Korinthern 345 als Feldherr entsandt und landete mit 10 Schiffen und 700 Söldnern…


(85 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Ξενομήδης) von Keos. Logograph des 5. Jh. v. Chr. (Dion. Hal. de Thucydide 5). Verf. einer Gesch. seiner Heimatinsel (Titel unbekannt!), woraus Kallimachos [3] (Aitia 3, fr. 75 Pfeiffer) die berühmte Erzählung von Akontios und Kydippe [1] entnahm. Weitere von X. behandelte Themen nennt Kallimachos (fr. 75,54-77, dazu [1]). X. wurde vielleicht auch von Aristoteles [6] in seiner Keíōn politeía benutzt (fr. 511 Rose, vgl. auch 611,26-29). Logographos Meister, Klaus Bibliography 1 G. Huxley, Xenomedes of Keos, in: GRBS 6, 1965, 235-245. FGrH 442 mit Komm.


(80 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Τήριλλος). Sohn des Krinippos, Tyrann von Himera, wurde ca. 483 v. Chr. von Theron vertrieben. Der Hilferuf des T. und seines Schwiegervaters Anaxilaos [1] von Rhegion führte 480 zur Invasion der Karthager in Sizilien unter Hamilkar [1], einem Gastfreund des T.; Hamilkar und sein Heer wurden von Gelon [1] und Theron bei Himera entscheidend besiegt (Hdt. 7,165-167). Über das spätere Schicksal des T. ist nichts bekannt. Meister, Klaus Bibliography H. Berve, Die Tyrannis bei den Griechen, 1967, 134, 156.


(75 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus
[English version] (Ξενίων). Verf. einer histor. Abhandlung über Kreta, Κρητικά ( Krētiká) bzw. Περὶ Κρήτης ( Perí Krḗtēs). Zu den Fragmenten in FGrH 460 ist wahrscheinlich Pol. 6,45,1 hinzuzufügen, wo anstelle von Xenophon [2] wohl X. als Gewährsmann für die kretische Verfassung zu lesen ist, vgl. [1]. Das ergäbe für X. die Datier. “vor Polybios”, also vor Ende des 3. Jh. v. Chr. Meister, Klaus Bibliography 1 K. Ziegler, Ein neues Fragment des Historikers X., in: Hermes 82, 1954, 498 f.


(42 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Ψάων; Psáōn) of Plataeae, author of a universal history, continuing the work of  Diyllus (Diod. 21,5). It therefore begins in 297/6 BC; its end point is unknown: Only 3 fragments survive (FGrH 78 with comm.). Meister, Klaus (Berlin)


(42 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Κλύτος; Klýtos) of Miletus, pupil of Aristotle [6] and author of Perí Milḗtou in at least two bks, quoted only by Athenaeus (12,540c; 14,655c). Perhaps used by Aristotle in the Milēsíōn politeía. FGrH 490 with comm. Meister, Klaus (Berlin)


(98 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Θέμιστος; Thémistos). Syracusan, married to Harmonia, the daughter of Gelon [2] II and granddaughter of Hieron [2] II (Liv. 24,24,2 and 6; 25,7 and 10). He was presumably a member of the regency council established by Hieron for his underage grandson Hieronymus [3] and after Hieronymus was killed took part in a coup planned by Adranodorus  (Liv. 24,24,2; 24,25). At the command of the strategoi, who had been informed of the plot, however, he was executed - as was Adranodorus - in 214 BC (Liv. 24,24,4). Meister, Klaus (Berlin) Bibliography H. Berve, Hieron II., 1959, 86…


(246 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Ἵππυς; Híppys) of Rhegium. Since [1], a much discussed and controversial author: According to the Suda s.v. = T 1, the oldest West Greek historian, alive during the Persian Wars of 480/479 BC. He wrote the following works: Sikeliká in 5 bks., Ktísis Italías (‘Founding History of Italy’), Chroniká in 5 bks., Argoliká in 3 bks. Later, a certain Myes is claimed to have epitomized the work. Due to the fact that the fragments are mostly mysterious (e.g. F 1-3 with the comm. of Jacoby) and that later authors such as Dionysius from Hali…


(51 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Ὑπέροχος; Hypérochos) from the Lower Italian Cyme, period unknown (according to Jacoby, commentary on H., FGrH 576) 3rd cent. BC at the earliest, 2nd cent. AD at the latest). Author of a local history of Cyme ( Kymaiká), of which only 3 fragments are extant. Meister, Klaus (Berlin)


(86 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Ὑψικράτης; Hypsikrátēs) of Amisus. Historian and grammarian who lived to be 92 years old ([Lucian] Macrob. 22). The few fragments of his historical work point to the period of Caesar or Augustus (end of the 1st cent. BC). He also wrote about Homer, whom he viewed as a contemporary of Hesiod, and gave etymologies of Greek and Latin words that Varro rejected. In so doing, he derived Latin vocabulary from the Greek. FGrH 190. Meister, Klaus (Berlin) Bibliography R. Giomini, Ipsicrate, in: Maia 8, 1956, 49-55.


(57 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] Ruling dynasty at first in Gela, later in Syracuse. Founded by  Deinomenes [1] of Gela and continued by his four sons Gelon, Hieron, Thrasybulus and Polyzalus. The marriage of Theron's daughter  Damarete to Gelon resulted in close relations of kinship between the Deinomenids and the Emmenids of Acragas (cf. fig.). Meister, Klaus (Berlin)


(62 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Ἀριστομάχη; Aristomáchē). Older sister of Dion, after 397 BC a spouse of  Dionysius I (Diod. Sic. 14,44,8). Arete, a daughter from this marriage, later married Dionysius. After his assassination in 354, A. and Arete were imprisoned. They were freed in the following year, but died on the sea voyage to the Peloponnese (Plut. Dion 57 f.). Meister, Klaus (Berlin)


(62 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Λεάνδρ(ι)ος; Leándr(i)os). L. of Miletus, author of Milesiaká in at least 2 books that were repeatedly used by Callimachus [3]. Often, the name Leandr(i)us is considered a corruption and equated to Maeandrius of Miletus (also attested in inscriptions: Syll.3 599 and IPriene 37ff.), the author of the Historíai. Meister, Klaus (Berlin) Bibliography Editions: FGrH 491 and 492 with commentary


(658 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
(Φίλιστος; Phílistos). [German version] A. Life P. of Syracuse, c. 430-356 BC, confidant, advisor, officer and historian of Dionysius I and II. P. helped Dionysius [1] I seize power in 406/5 (FGrH 556 T 3), commanded the tyrant's fortress on Ortygia for many years (T 5 c) and was entrusted with building the Adriatic colonial empire (T 5 a). Around 386, he was banished for personal reasons, probably only returning under Dionysius [2] II, whereupon he became the latter's most trusted advisor. P. was a stau…


(115 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Καλλίξεινος; Kallíxeinos) of Rhodes, probably 2nd cent. BC. Wrote ‘On Alexandria’ in at least four bks. Two longer quotes are preserved in Athenaeus (5,196a-206c): F 2 on a splendid procession ( pompḗ) of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (279/78? BC), the other F 1 on the grand shipbuilding of Ptolemy IV Philopator (221-204). The work was neither a local history nor a perihegesis ( Periegetes) of Alexandria, but rather a collection of reports on special events ordered according to content. FGrH 627. Meister, Klaus (Berlin) Bibliography G. Grimm, Alexandreia. Die erste K…


(51 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Ἀκεστορίδης; Akestorídēs). From Corinth. Chosen as stratēgos c. 323/2 BC by the Syracusians. In order to reconcile oligarchs and (moderate) democrats with one another, he supposedly tried to remove  Agathocles [2] who was suspected of tyranny (Diod. Sic. 19,5,1). Meister, Klaus (Berlin) Bibliography K. Meister, CAH 7.1, 21984, 387 f.


(99 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
(Ἀρχωνίδης; Archōnídēs). [German version] [1] King of Herbita on Sicily (2nd half 5th cent. BC) King of Herbita and other Sicilian communities. Participated in the founding of  Cale Acte by Ducetius about 446/5 BC (Diod. Sic. 12,8,2) and died around 414 as a friend of the Athenians (Thuc. 7,1,4). Meister, Klaus (Berlin) [German version] [2] King of Herbita on Sicily (End of 5th cent. BC) King of Herbita and a friend of the Athenians (IG II2 32). Concluded in 403/2 a peace with  Dionysius I and founded the town Halaesa Archonideius (Diod. Sic. 14,16). Meister, Klaus (Berlin)


(344 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] One of the few Sicels known by name, mentioned only by Diodorus (11,76-12,30, drawing on Timaeus) in an overly dramatic account (see [1. 50ff.] and [2. 99ff.]). In 466-461 BC, supported by the Sicels, D. attempted to use the chaotic conditions after the fall of the tyrants to establish a power base in Sicily (cf. Diod. Sic. 11,72,3-73; 76,4-6; 86,2-87). In 461/0 he moved with Syracuse against  Aitne [2] and expelled the mercenaries of the tyrant Hieron. Two years later he founded …


(218 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
(Δαμαρέτη; Damarétē). [German version] [1] Wife of Gelon of Syracuse Daughter of Theron of Acragas and wife of Gelon of Syracuse, after his death wife of Polyzalus. Diod. Sic. (11,26,3) and the schol. 15 (29) to Pindar (Ol. 2) report that after the battle of Himera in 480 BC, D. spoke out in favour of making peace with the Carthaginians and treating them humanely. From the proceeds of the golden wreath weighing 100 talents which she received from them for her actions, she had so-called damareteia minted ─ commemorative coins ─ that each had a value of 10 Attic drachmas or 50 litrai (17 specimens…


(55 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Θεότιμος; Theótimos). Greek historian of the Hellenistic period. Author of various works of local history: On Cyrene (FGrH 470 F 1 and 2), Italiká (FGrH 834 F 1), Against Aeelurus (FGrH 470 F 3-5), a Rhodean specialist author of unknown period (Aieluros FGrH 528). FGrH 470 and 834. Meister, Klaus (Berlin)

Marmor Parium

(369 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] Hellenistic chronicle on marble from Paros; two extensive parts have survived: In the year 1627, fragment A (lines 1-93) from Smyrna came into the possession of Earl Thomas Howard of Arundel, but lines 1-45 were lost during the turmoil under Charles I. and are only known from the editio princeps by J. Selden [1]. Lines 46-93 have been in Oxford since 1667. In 1897, fragment B (lines 101-132, FHG 1, 542-555) was discovered on Paros; today, it is kept at the local museum there. The Marmor Parium represents a Greek universal chronicle with the purpose of educating a…


(63 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Ξένετος; Xénetos). Prominent citizen of Locri [2] in Lower Italy. In a double wedding in 398 BC Dionysius [1] I of Syracuse married both X.' daughter Doris and the Syracusan Aristomache, bestowing his favour on both women equally. Later he held X.' wife responsible for Aristomache's infertility and had her killed (Diod. 14,44,6-45,1; Plut. Dion 3,3-6). Meister, Klaus (Berlin)


(52 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
(Ἀντικλείδης; Antikleídēs). [German version] [from Athens] Historian (around 300 BC) ‘More antiquarian than actual historian’ (Jacoby). Lived at the beginning of the era of the Diadochi, c. 300 BC and was probably influenced by the Peripatetics (fr. 15-16). Meister, Klaus (Berlin) Bibliography Work Perì Alexándrou, Deliaká, Nóstoi (FGrH 140 with comm.)


(352 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Φιλόχορος/ Philóchoros). P. of Athens, son of Cycnus, born c. 340 BC, the last and most eminent Atthidographer ( Atthís ). His works - a short biography in the Suda lists 21 works (FGrH 328 T 1); six more are known from other evidence - comprise the entire breadth of the history, literature and religion of Athens. The variety of themes, the unadorned style and the systematic method of collection betray peripatetic influence (Peripatos) and make him 'the first scholar among the Att…


(205 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Σοφαίνετος/ Sophaínetos). From Stymphalus; despite his advanced age one of the leaders of Cyrus [3] the Younger's mercenaries in his struggle with his brother Artaxerxes [2] II (Xen. An. 5,3,1; 6,5,13): He recruited mercenaries among the Greeks (1,1,11; 1,2,1) and took 1000 hoplites to Cyrus in Sardis or Celaenae (1,2,3 or 1,2,9). On the return journey he led a convoy of ships from Trapezus to Cerasus (5,3,1), but because of his casual attention of finances had to pay a fine (5,8,1). Only Stephanus [7] from Byzantium mentions an Anábasis Kýrou by S. (F 1-4). It is he…


(87 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Τήριλλος; Tḗrillos). Son of Crinippus, tyrant of Himera, was deposed by Theron c. 483 BC. A call for help by T. and his father-in-law Anaxilaus [1] of Rhegium led in 480 to an invasion of Sicily by the Carthaginians under Hamilcar [1], a guest-friend of T.; Hamilcar and his army were decisively defeated by Gelon [1] and Theron at Himera (Hdt. 7,165-167). Of the later fate of T. nothing is known. Meister, Klaus (Berlin) Bibliography H. Berve, Die Tyrannis bei den Griechen, 1967, 134, 156.


(195 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
(Ξενόδικος; Xenódikos). [German version] [1] Uncle of the tyrant Theron of Acragas Son of the Emmenid Telemachus and uncle of Theron of Acragas. His sons Hippocrates and Capys rebelled against Theron in 476 BC, who defeated them at Himera, whereupon they settled in Sicanian Camicus (schol. Pind. P. 6,5a and O. 2,173f-g). Meister, Klaus (Berlin) Bibliography H. Berve, Die Tyrannis bei den Griechen, 1967, 135. [German version] [2] From Acragas, second half of the 4th cent. BC X. (also Xenodocus) from Acragas (both forms of the name can be found in Diod. 20,31,4; 32,2; 56…


(136 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Χάραξ; Chárax). A. Claudius C. from Pergamum; Greek historian. He lived during the 2nd cent. AD under Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, was a priest and in AD 147 consul. C. wrote a universal history in 40 books, covering especially Greek and -- from book 12 -- Roman history up to the period of ‘Nero and his successors’ (Suda s.v. = T 1). The work was later summarized and used by Stephanus of Byzantium under the title Chroniká. The fragments relate mostly to mythological times, as it was mainly for his euhemeristic and allegorical interpretation…


(390 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] P. from Athens or Naucratis (FGrH 81 T 1), Greek historian of the 3rd cent. BC, one of the main representatives of 'tragic' or 'mimetic' historiography (II C) [1. 93-108; 2. 95-102; 222 note 22]. P. wrote Historíai in 28 books, extending from the death of Pyrrhus (272 BC) to the death of king Cleomenes [6] III of Sparta (220/119 BC) (FGrH 81 T 1). 60 fragments survive (FGrH 81 with comm.). His work continues that of Duris of Samos (see historiography II C) and Hieronymus [6] of Cardia. Polybius [2] (Pol. 2,56-63 =…


(78 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Προμαθίδας; Promathídas). Greek local historian from Heraclea [7] on the Pontus. As a source for Apollonius [2] of Rhodes (cf. FGrH 430 T 1) he can be dated before c. 250 BC; he was also probably used by Nymphis and Memnon [5]. Some fragments of his work Heraclea, about the mythical era, survive. Meister, Klaus (Berlin) Bibliography FGrH 430 with comm.  P. Desideri, Studi di storiografia eracleota, in: Studi Classici e Orientali 16, 1967, 366-416.


(54 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Πολύκριτος/ Polýkritos) of Mende, historian from western Greece c. middle of the 4th cent. BC and author of a History of (the Young) Dionysius [2] and a History of Sicily (Sikeliká), whose compass, perspective and extent in time are unknown; only 3 fragments survive (FGrH 559 with commentary). Meister, Klaus (Berlin)


(149 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Φανόδημος; Phanódēmos). Atthidographer, father of the historian Diyllus and follower of Lycurgus' [9] restoration policy (FGrH 325 T 2-5). As a member of the Council he was honoured with a gold wreath in 343/2 BC (IG II2 223 = Syll.3 227). Several inscriptions from the years 332/1 to 329/8 (IG VII 4252-4254) testify to his espousing the cult of Amphiaraus of Ephesus. His Atthís, comprising at least 9 books, which appeared in about 330 and of which 27 fragments survive, also reveals a strong interest in issues of cult. The fragment datable as…


(221 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Νύμφις; Nýmphis). N. from Heraclia [7] on the Pontus, son of Xenagoras, historian, b. c. 310 BC, d. after 246. He played an eminent role among the exiles who returned to their home in 281 BC after the end of the tyranny under Clearchus [3] and the death of Lysimachus [2] (FGrH 432 T 3 = Memnon FGrH 434 F 1, c. 7,3). In 250, N. was the leader of the delegation that induced the Galatians to withdraw from Heracleotis (T 4 = Memnon FGrH 434 F 1, c. 16,3). Works: 1) ‘On Heraclia in 13 bks.: Extensive local history of his home town, connected with the ‘great’ history and pr…


(139 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] (Ἕλωρις; Hélōris). Syracusan, close friend, perhaps even the adoptive father of the older  Dionysius [1] (Diod. Sic. 14,8,5). During an uprising of the Syracusans against the tyrant in 404/3 BC he uttered, according to Diodorus (loc. cit.), the remark that was quoted right through to late antiquity: ‘Tyranny is a beautiful shroud’ ( kalòn entáphiòn estin hē tyrannís). Later banished for unknown reasons, he fought in 394 in Rhegium against Dionysius, laid siege to Messana in vain in 393 and defended Rhegium successfully in 392 against th…

Agatharchides of Cnidus

(340 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
(Ἀγαθαρχίδης; Agatharchídēs). [German version] A. Life Historian and geographer. Particulars about his life and work in a vita by Photius 213. As a consequence of a self-attestation in Photius 250 in 132/1 BC (or already 145?) an old man. Birth therefore before 200. Active as reader and secretary of Heracleides Lembos in Alexandria. Meister, Klaus (Berlin) [German version] B. Works 1. History of Asia ( Asiatiká) in 10 books, reaching up to the era of the Diadochi. From book two (as well as book eight of Artemidorus' description of the earth) comes the depict…

Local chronicles, local history

(563 words)

Author(s): Meister, Klaus (Berlin)
[German version] Historical or antiquarian works on particular areas or localities, often dated according to eponymous officials. According to [1], Greek local chronicles and local historiography grew out of official lists and indices (officials, priests, victors in competitions) in which notes on all sorts of events were scattered. From these preliterary town chronicles, local chronicles and histories supposedly developed in the 6th/5th cents. BC, with the Hóroi (Annual Books) of Samos being the earliest; later the Atthís followed. This opinion, whic…
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