Encyclopaedia of Islam


Your search for 'ʿAtabāt' returned 10 results. Modify search

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Karakhanid literature

(2,175 words)

Author(s): Péri, Benedek
Karakhanid (Qarakhānid) literature is a general term traditionally applied in the field of Turkic studies to designate a linguistically heterogeneous group of literary texts with a wide variety of content written in Turkic during the reign of the Karakhanids (382–609/992–1212), the first dynasty of Turkic origin in the Perso-Islamic world that used Turkic as an official and literary language. It is important to note, however, that the Karakhanid state was divided into two branches; the eastern bra…
Date: 2021-07-19

Kalbāsī, Muḥammad Ibrāhīm

(881 words)

Author(s): Heern, Zackery Mirza
Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Kalbāsī (or Karbāsī, 1179–1262/1766–1845) was amongst the most prominent Shīʿī scholars in the world and was central to the neo-Uṣūlī network in Iran. Neo-Uṣūlism has been the most powerful socio-intellectual movement in the Shīʿī world since the twelfth/eighteenth century and is rooted in the rationalist school of Shīʿī law. Kalbāsī helped consolidate the international Shīʿī community in the hands of Uṣūlīs, who persecuted Akhbārīs, Ṣūfīs, and others as a result of ideological di…
Date: 2021-07-19

Mīrzā Muḥammad Sārū Taqī

(1,049 words)

Author(s): Matthee, Rudolph P.
Mīrzā MuḥammadSārūTaqī (b. c.972/1565, d. 1055/1645) was a Ṣafavid grand vizier. The scion of a middle-ranking family of mustawfīs (comptrollers) in Tabriz, Mīrzā Muḥammad “Sārū” (blond) Taqī, was neither a member of the Qizilbāsh (Turkmen tribes who wore red caps to signify their support of the founders of the Ṣafavid dynasty) nor, strictly speaking, a ghulām (slave-soldier) in the sense of being a converted Christian from the Caucasus. He first made a name for himself as mushrif (financial supervisor) of the ruler of Ardabil, Dhū l-Fiqār Qarāmānlū. He subsequently h…
Date: 2021-07-19

Khvānsārī, Muḥammad Bāqir

(720 words)

Author(s): Heern, Zackery Mirza
Sayyid Mīrzā Muḥammad Bāqir Khvānsārī (b. 1227/1811–2, d. 1313/1895), also known as Ṣāhib al-Rawḍāt, wrote Rawḍāt al-jannāt fī aḥwāl al-ʿulamāʾ wa-l-sādāt (“Gardens of Paradise. Attainments of religious scholars and nobles”), a widely cited biographical dictionary of Shīʿī scholars and nobles, completed in 1305/1888. This eight-volume work is a pre-eminent source on the rise of Uṣūlism in the nineteenth century and an important piece of anti-Akhbārī, pro-Uṣūlī literature that reflects Uṣūlī perceptions of clerical …
Date: 2021-07-19

Muḥammad Shāh Qājār

(1,075 words)

Author(s): Katouzian, Homa
Muḥammad Shāh Qājār, titled Ghazī (warrior), was the third Qājār shah of Iran (r. 1250–64/1834–48). His short reign resembles an interregnum between those of his grandfather Fatḥ ʿAlī Shāh (r. 1212–50/1797–1834) and his son Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh (r. 1264–1313/1848–96). He was the eldest son of ʿAbbās Mīrzā (Prince ʿAbbās), Nāʾib al-Salṭana (d. 1249/1833), Fatḥʿalī’s crown prince and governor general of Azerbaijan, who led the Iranian forces in the Russian-Persian wars that resulted in the defeat of th…
Date: 2021-07-19

Hece Vezni/Parmak Hesabi

(1,030 words)

Author(s): Öztürk, Ali Osman | Sakaoğlu, Saim
In the past, Turks have used two kinds of prosody in their poems: Syllabic prosody (hece vezni) and aruz (ʿarūḍ) prosody. Syllabic prosody is a Turkic prosody based on the principle of equality in the number of syllables in verses. This type of prosody is also called parmak hesabı , hesab-ı benan (ḥisāb-ı benān), vezn-i benan, vezn-i benani ( vezn-i benānī, counting on the fingers) by poets since they were counting on their fingers to equate the number of syllables. On the other hand, aruz prosody had been developed among Arabs and Persians and it was used also by Turkish poets…
Date: 2021-07-19

Dakanī, Maʿṣūm ʿAlī Shāh

(1,835 words)

Author(s): van den Bos, Matthijs E. W.
Sayyid Mīr ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd Maʿṣūm ʿAlī Shāh Dakanī (b. c. 1147/1734–5, d. end twelfth/eighteenth century) was an Indian-born spiritual master of the Niʿmatallāhī Ṣūfī order who revived Niʿmatallāhī Ṣūfism in Persia in the second half of the twelfth/eighteenth century (the Niʿmatallāhiyya, historically influential in Central Asia and India but today mostly in Iran, with significant groups in the West, goes back to Shāh Niʿmatallāh Valī, d. 843/1431, a Syrian-born Iranian mystic and author who settled in K…
Date: 2021-07-19


(14,497 words)

Author(s): Björkman, W. | Colin, G. S. | Busse, H. | Reychmann, J. | Zajaczkowski, A.
[English edition] 1. في العربية الكلاسيكية 1.1 الدبلوماسية بلغت الدبلوماسية في الغرب منزلة العلم المستقلّ، ونقف على ما يدل ّ على ذلك في عدد من الكتيّبات القيّمة (مثل ط.2، 1931 لكتيّب هاري برسلو (Harry Bresslau) علم المستندات القديمة لألمانيا وإيطاليا Handbuch der Urkundenlehre für Deutschland und Italien). وأما الدراسات المعتمدة على الوثائق العربية فأقل بكثير، إذ أن المادة متشتّتة جدّا وليست مجمَّعة بالقدر الكافي للسماح ببحث مفصّل. لكن ما فتئ أن أثارت الوثائق العربية الفضول لوقت لا بأس به: فقد أضاف نشر عدد من هذه الوثائق ولا سيّما برديات تع…


(40,662 words)

Author(s): Peters, R. | Behrens-Abouseif, Doris | Powers, D. S. | Carmona, A. | Layish, A. | Et al.
[English edition] الوقف في الشّريعة الإسلاميّة، هو العمل المتمثّل في تأسيس صندوق خيريّ، ويطلق الاسم بالتّبعيّة على المؤسّسة في حدّ ذاتها. ويستعمل فقهاء المالكيّة بشكل رئيسيَ مرادفا للوقف، هو حَبْس، وحُبُس أو حُبْس (وينقل باللغة الفرنسيّة في كثير من الأحيان ليصبح habous). وتتمثّل العناصر الأساسيّة في مفهوم الوقف في أنّ الشخص، ورغبة منه في فعل الخير، يُعلن أنّ جزءًا من ممتلكاته لا يُمكن التصرّف فيه فيُحَبَّس من ذلك الوقت فصاعدا ويعيّن الأشخاصَ على أنهم هم المنتفعون من عائداتها، أو يعيّن المرافقَ العامّة على أنّها هي المنتفعة منها (التصدّ…


(40,932 words)

Author(s): Bosworth, C. E. | Hillenbrand, R. | Rogers, J. M. | de Blois, F.C. | Darley-Doran, R. E.
[English edition] ينتمي السلاجقة إلى سلالة تركيّة في إسلام العصر الوسيط، حكمت بطريقة مباشرة أو عن طريق أمراء تابعين لها وهي في أوج قوّتها خلال القرنين الخامس والسادس هجريّا / الحادي عشر والثاني عشر ميلاديّاـ مناطق واسعة من آسيا الغربيّة في بلدان ما وراء النهر وفي فرغانة وسماريش وخوارزم شرقاً إلى الأناضول وسوريا والحجاز من جهة الغرب. ومن صميم ما سُمّيَ امبراطوريّة السلاجقة العُظمى، حافظت السلالات التابعة لعائلة السلاجقة على مناطق مثل كرمان(إلى نهاية القرن السادس الهجري / الثّاني عشر الميلادي) وسوري…