Brill’s New Pauly Supplements I - Volume 1 : Chronologies of the Ancient World - Names, Dates and Dynasties

Get access Subject: Classical Studies
Edited by: Walter Eder and Johannes Renger

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From the Mesopotamian kings in around 3000 BC to the Bishops and Patriarchs of Late Antiquity, Chronologies of the Ancient World lists all rulers and dynasties that made their mark on ancient history. This supplement to Brill’s New Pauly enriches the information from the encyclopedia with its exhaustive lists of names, dates and facts about the people who shaped the ancient world.
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List of Contributors

(70 words)

General Erling von Mende Frank Starke Harry Falk Hans-Ulrich Onasch Joachim Friedrich Quack Joachim Oelsner Jan Tavernier Josef Wiesehöfer Klaus Karttunen Karl-Ludwig Elvers Karl-Wilhelm Welwei Mischa Meier Martin Schottky Meret Strothmann Peter W. Haider Rüdiger Liwak Robert Rollinger Wilfred M. van Soldt Walter Eder Wilhelm Geerlings