Brill’s New Pauly Supplements I - Volume 5 : The Reception of Classical Literature

Get access Subject: Classical Studies
Edited by: Christine Walde
In collaboration with: Brigitte Egger

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The Reception of Classical Literature , a Supplement to Brill’s New Pauly gives an overview of the reception and influence of ancient literary works on the literature, art and music from Antiquity to the present.

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(3,990 words)

A. General AD Anno Domini art. article ass. association, associazione b. born BC before Christ c. circa cat. catalogue cent(s). century, centuries cod., codd. codex, codices col. column coll. collection comm. commentary, commented d. died dept. department ed. edition, editor(s) esp. especially et al. et alii/aliae; and others etc. et cetera f., fol. folio fn. footnote fr., frg. fragment FS Festschrift i.a. inter alia, among others i.e. id est lex. lexicon MHG Middle High German mill. millennium MS(S) manuscript(s) NT New Testament OHG Old High German orig. original OT Old Testament pr…

Achilles Tatius: Leucippe and Clitophon

(2,300 words)

Author(s): Hurka, Florian
A. Life, work, reception profile The Byzantine Suda (10th cent.) gives Alexandria as Achilles’ place of birth. It also calls him a Christian and even reports his ordination as a bishop, but both assertions are regarded as unhistorical, and, as with Heliodorus, are generally seen as attempts to explain away A.’ popularity with a Christian audience. The Suda also gives A. as the author of etymological and (fragmentarily preserved) astronomical and polygraphic treatises, but it is unclear whether this confuses him with another author of the same name. Preserved in full is his novel Leucippe…