Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, Glossary and Index of Terms

Get access Subject: Middle East And Islamic Studies
Edited by: P.J. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs
Assisted by C. Ott, under the patronage of the International Union of Acadamies

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Glossary and Index of Terms treats the technical terms in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and other languages or dialects of the Islamic world. As an index, it is of immeasurable importance, in particular for the many terms which are not given an entry but are discussed in the course of an article; and as glossary it is an invaluable source of information for both non-specialist, who is given an insight into the varied and rich vocabulary of Islam, and the specialist, who may discover surprising new contexts in which a term is used.

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(36 words)

ṭāʾ (A) : the sixteenth letter of the Arabic alphabet, with the numerical value 9, representing a vo…


(29 words)

tāʾ (A) : the third letter of the Arabic alphabet, with the numerical value 400, representing a voic…


(30 words)

ṭāʿa (A, pl. ṭāʿāt) : in theology, an act of obedience to God, contrasted with maʿṣiya, an act of disobedience to G…


(42 words)

taʿaddī (A) : lit. transgression; in law, tort or negligence. Dāmād Ferīd Pas̲h̲a; Wadīʿa In grammar, transitivity…


(24 words)

taʿad̲j̲d̲j̲ub (A) : lit. amazement; in rhetoric, one of the basic effects or aims of the poetic pro…


(13 words)

taʿāḳul (A) : in law, joint liability by the ʿĀḳila. ʿĀḳila


(105 words)

taʿalluḳ (A), or more often, taʿalluḳa : lit. dependence, being related to, dependent on; in late Mug̲h̲a…


(8 words)

ṭaʿām (A) : food, nourishment. Taʿad̲j̲d̲j̲ub


(9 words)

taʿammul (A) : in rhetoric, artificiality. Ṭarrār


(34 words)

taʿarrub (A) : in earliest Islam, the return (syn. tabaddā) to the Arabian desert after emigration, hid̲j̲ra, to the…


(10 words)

taʿāruḍ (A) : in law, conflicting possibilities. S̲h̲arīʿa


(16 words)

taʿaṣṣub (A), or tanaṭṭuʿ, tazammut, tas̲h̲addud : fanaticism, rigorism, synonyms of Taṭarruf. Tatar Pazarcik


(47 words)

taʿāwun (A) : mutual aid; in the 20th century, ~ took on the meaning of co-operation in all modern s…


(72 words)

taʿawwud̲h̲ (A) : the use of the phrase aʿūd̲h̲u bi ’llāhi min . . . (‘I take refuge from God against . . . ’), syn. istiʿād̲h…


(29 words)

ṭābaʿ (Mor) : the seal, either on a seal ring or mounted on a stem, until recent times serving for t…


(35 words)

ṭabāhid̲j̲a : a dish, one of whose stages of preparation calls for a combination of saffron with hon…
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