Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture Online

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Editor-in-Chief: Dan Diner

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From Europe to America to the Middle East, North Africa and other non-European Jewish settlement areas the Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture covers the recent history of the Jews from 1750 until the 1950s.

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(2,795 words)

Author(s): Zer-Zion, Shelly
The spirit of a dead person that has taken possession of a living person. Folk literature of the dybbuk has been known in the Jewish world since the 13th century and continued to exist in mystic and Hasidic circles into the 20th century. S. An-Ski (1863–1920) adapted the material in his 1914 play  Tsvishn tsvey veltn (Between Two Worlds or The Dybbuk), which constituted a milestone in Yiddish and Hebrew theatre of the 20th century. With the transfer of mystic Hasidic material into an expressionist stage play, the dybbuk symbolizes the existence of Europe…
Date: 2018-11-16