Encyclopedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles

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Edited by:
Gale Owen-Crocker, Elizabeth Coatsworth & Maria Hayward

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The Encyclopaedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles of the British Isles c. 450-1450 is a unique work that brings together hundreds of articles offering the latest research from across the range of disciplines which contribute to our knowledge of medieval dress and textiles.

The online version was updated in 2016, 2018 and 2021.

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Academic dress

(2,738 words)

Author(s): Alex Kerr
Academic dress exhibited the same general pattern (but by no means uniformity) all over western Europe in the Middle Ages, but it diversified along national lines from the 16th century onwards. No examples of English medieval academic dress are known to have survived and we must depend for our evidence on written documents like university and college regulations and pictorial material such as monumental brasses and illustrations in manuscripts.The University of Oxford, which came into being in the late 12th century, modelled itself on the University of Paris, founded a few…


(16 words)

Author(s): Elizabeth Coatsworth
See bell; fasteners; girdle: ante-1100; jewellery; pouches and purses: purses post-1100. Elizabeth Coatsworth

Ælfric’s Colloquy and Glossary

(669 words)

Author(s): Stuart Nels Rutten
Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham (or of Cerne), also known as Grammaticus, was a Benedictine monk flourishing in the late 10th century, who was prolific both in Latin and in Old English. Along with numerous homilies and biblical commentary, he produced three influential monastic school texts used widely in Anglo-Saxon England, the Colloquy, Grammar and Glossary, with the stated purpose of introducing Anglo-Saxon scholars to Latin biblical texts. Ælfric's three texts, which drew upon continental schooling traditions and Donatus's and Priscian's Institutiones grammaticae in particular,…


(19 words)

Author(s): Maria Hayward
See chapemakers; point. Maria Hayward