Neues System der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundriss Online

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The title of Dirk Hartmann’s seven-volume work alludes to the outstanding work of G.F.W. Hegel "Neue Enzyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse” from 1817. Since Hegel, no philosopher has attempted to give a comprehensive account of the main philosophical problems and their systematic interconnections. Two hundred years after Hegel’s “Enzyclopädie”, Dirk Hartmann now has undertaken the enormous challenge to again work out such a systematic and coherent survey from a present point of view - counteracting the increased fragmentation and specialization which philosophy and science underwent in the course of the 20th century.

mentis logo   This reference work is also available in print (seven volumes).

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(2) Vernunftwahrheiten und Tatsachenwahrheiten

(13,968 words)

zurück zu Bandübersicht - Band I: Erkenntnistheorie - §7: A Priori und A Posteriori | PDF Ist damit also der Rationalismus widerlegt? Nein, das ist nicht der Fall. Allerdings hat die heilsame Kritik Lockes die Ration…