Who's Who in Public International Law

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Primarily intended as a distinctive archival source of information, Who's Who in Public International Law was originally published in print in 2007 by Sir Elihu Lauterpacht of Cambridge University as a directory of some 600 public international lawyers of standing and prominence in the judicial, academic and professional fields. It focused upon those persons who devoted a significant part of their activities to public international law, whether as judges, arbitrators, practising lawyers, officials of governments and international organisations, members of inter-governmental legal bodies or academics.

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Jackson, Professor John H., AB, JD, Dr Iur hc

(298 words)

American; languages: English; professional career: academic career: University of California, Associate …

Jacobs, Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Geoffrey, KCMG QC

(174 words)

British; languages: English, French; professional career: academic career: University of Glasgow, Lecture…

Jacovides, Ambassador Andrew (Andreas) J., MA, LLB, LLM

(373 words)

Cypriot; languages: Greek, English; professional career: academic career: Cambridge University, superviso…

Jagusch, Stephen Richard

(61 words)

New Zealand; languages: English; publications: Books: ICSID Chapter, Arbitration World, 2004 and 2006; T…

Jallow, Hon Justice Hassan Bubacar, CRG

(391 words)

Gambian, Chief Justice of Gambia; languages: English, French; professional career: Chief Prosecutor, ICTR, 20…

Jarvin, Avocat Sigvard

(298 words)

Swedish; languages: Swedish, English, French, German; professional career: Clerk and Junior Judge, Stockhol…

Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri

(297 words)

Sri Lankan; languages: English, French; professional career: academic career: Visting Lecturer, Brest, Col…

Jesus, Judge José Luis

(378 words)

Cape Verdean; languages: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish; professional career: academic career: Rhodes …