World Christian Encyclopedia Online

Get access Subject: Religious Studies
Authors: Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo

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This in the online version of the 3rd edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia, which documents the changing status of World Christianity over the past 120 years from historical and social scientific perspectives. It records the continued shift of Christianity to the Global South and contains estimates for religious and nonreligious affiliation in every country of the world, including detail on Christianity to the denominational level. This reference work features comprehensive descriptions of all Christian traditions, including current information on the uniqueness of Christian experiences around the world.

The online version is fully text searchable, contains cross references and additional photo material.

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(1,502 words)

Religions, 1900–2050   1900 1970 2000 1900–2000 2015 2020 2000–2020 2050 Adherents % Adherents % Adherents % % p.a. Adherents % Adherents % % p.a. Adherents % Religious 1,616,370,000 99.8 2,991,122,000 80.8 5,347,575,000 87.0 1.20 6,510,159,000 88.2 6,916,766,000 88.7 1.30 8,922,221,000 91.3     Christians 558,346,000 34.5 1,229,309,000 33.2 1,988,967,000 32.4 1.28 2,377,858,000 32.2 2,518,834,000 32.3 1.19 3,421,107,000 35.0     Muslims 200,301,000 12.4 570,567,000 15.4 1,291,280,000 21.0 1.88 1,732,551,000 23.5 1,893,345,000 24.3 1.93 2,802,391,000 28.7     Hindus…

Religions in the World, 1900-2050

(15,358 words)

This series of tables presents the world’s religions in the context of the total world population as well as for each of the continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Northern America and Oceania) and each region (e.g., Western Asia) in the 20th and 21st centuries. Estimates for each religion are given for 1900, 1970, 2000, 2015, 2020 and 2050. Growth rates are offered for 1900–2000 and 2000–20. Growth rates for the total population for the two time periods are at the bottom of the table …


(1,550 words)

The Department of Réunion Demographics (United Nations) Population 897,000 Area 2,500 sq. km (970 sq. mi) Population density 360/sq. km (920/sq. mi) Growth rate p.a. 0.76% (per 1,000: births 14, deaths 6) Under 15 years 22% Urban dwellers 100% (0.73% p.a.) Capital city Saint-Denis 149,000 Languages & peoples (World Christian Database) Mother tongues 62% Réunion Creole French, 22% French, 5% Tamil, 3% Chinese, 3% Swahili, plus 4 others Peoples 43% Reunionese Creole; 22% Reunionese White; 15% Tamil; 5% Tamil; 4% Reunionese White; plus 10 others Socioeconomics Development Index (max…