
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Landau, J.M." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Landau, J.M." )' returned 38 results. Modify search

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Abū Naḍḍāra

(374 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
, YaʿḲūb b. Rafāʾīl Ṣanūʿ (also James Sanua), prolific Jewish Egyptian journalist and playwright (1839-1912). He indirectly influenced the ʿUrābī Revolt by teaching, lecturing, writing and performing short satirical plays and first starting the publication of Abū Naḍḍāra Zarḳāʾ ("the man with green spectacles"), ¶ an anonymous lithographic sheet, enlivened by cartoons, in the Egyptian fallāḥīn dialect. Because he had criticized the Khedive and his counsellors, he had to leave Egypt in 1878; but he continued to publish his newspaper in Par…


(1,157 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
( sīnimā ). History. Cinema is a newly imported art into the Muslim world; as such, it is a facet of the Western impact on the inhabitants and expresses their interest in Western technical achievements and forms of entertainment. Silent films were apparently first imported into Egypt by Italians (1897), attracting considerable interest. Film shows for Allied troops, during World War I, familiarized many Near Easterners with the cinema. The influx of foreign films, the constru…

K̲h̲ayāl al-Ẓill

(717 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
(“Shadow fantasy”), popular Arabic name for the shadow-play, possibly brought over from South-East Asia or India and performed in Muslim lands from the 12th century A.D. to the 20th one. Although occasionally presented during the long evenings of the Ramaḍān fast, it has now virtually disappeared with the spread of education, the cinema and television. The only extant texts of medieval Arabic shadow-plays were composed in the 7th/13th century A.D. by an Egyptian ophthalmologist, Ibn Dāniyāl [ q.v.], and consist of a humorous pageant of Egyptian life under the Mamlūk ruler Baybars I [ q.v…


(2,499 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
(in Arabic al-Waḥda al-Islāmiyya ; in Ottoman Turkish Ittiḥād-i̊ Islām , in modern Turkish İslam ittihadi ), the ideology aiming at a comprehensive union of all Muslims into one entity, thus restoring the situation prevalent in early Islam. The religious element of the unity of all Muslims had been advocated since the days of Muḥammad, but acquired an added political significance in the 19th century. The Turkish term was used politically by Turkish writers and journalists since the 1860s, …


(931 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
(a.), pl. makātib , was an appellation for the Islamic traditional school frequently known also as kuttāb [ q.v.; a brief discussion of the uses of maktab will be found there]. The same applies to its equivalents in Persian, maktab, and in Turkish, mekteb . In Egypt, the Copts too used maktáb to denote their own traditional schools. Later, however, the term came also to mean “school”, more generally, as in the Ottoman Turkish mekteb-i ṣanāʾiʿ (“vocational school”) or even mekteb gemisi (“training ship”). In both Ottoman Turkish and Arabic the term was borrowed, mainly during…


(596 words)

Author(s): Landau, J. M.
, georges (b. Beirut, 5 May 1880; d. Cairo, 21 May 1959), a Syrian Christian who became a prominent protagonist of the modern Egyptian theatre. After acting in school-plays, Abyaḍ attempted a career as a clerk; unhappy with this work, he moved in 1898-9 to Egypt, then the centre of the young theatre in Arabic. In Alexandria and Cairo, he attended theatrical performances, both local and foreign, then, with a group of Egyptian amateurs, repeatedly tried his own hand, with some success. The turning …


(1,704 words)

Author(s): Landau, J. M.
(a.), freemasonry (also in Arabic: Firmāsūniyya , Māsūniyya and Bināya Ḥurra ; in Turkish, Franmasonluk , Farmasonluk , Masonluk ). I. In the Ottoman empire and its successor states. Freemansonry first penetrated the Empire via lodges (Arabic mahfil ; Turkish mahfel , loca ) established by Europeans. As many of the lodges were established without the authority of organised freemasonry, they were frequently short-lived. Several lodges were reported in Aleppo, Izmir and Corfu in 1738, in Alexandretta in the early 1740…


(1,119 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
, Mārūn b. Ilyās (b. Sidon, 9 February 1817, d. Ṭarsus, 1 June 1855), pioneer of modern playwriting in Arabic. A Maronite, al-Naḳḳās̲h̲ belonged to that Christian group which had already begun to display cosmopolitan tendencies, particularly in Beirut, where he resided from 1825 onwards, eventually assuming several positions in municipal administration. He knew Arabic, Turkish, Italian and French well. As a merchant, he travelled frequently, e.g. in 1846 he visited Egypt and t…


(16,261 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
The mandate (Arabic intidāb ; Turkish manda , from the French) was essentially a systemoftrusteeship, instituted by the League of Nations after the end of the First World War, for the ¶ administration of certain territories detached from the vanquished states, chiefly the Ottoman and German Empires. The concept of the mandate has been variously understood as either a new world order or, contrariwise, merely as a façade for neo-colonialism, with other interpretations ranging between these two extremes. Essentially, the option …


(2,294 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
, an ideology advocating an overall union of Arabs ( waḥdat al-ʿArab , al-waḥda al-ʿArabiyya ). Ideologues of Pan-Arabism have consistently recommended such union on the basis of several elements of commonality: (a) Language and culture, considered the ultimate expression of the entire Arab nation and one of its major links with the ¶ past (including the Islamic past; many Arabs have expressed their nationalism in Islamic terms), (b) History, preoccupation with which afforded immersion in a common past glory differing from the 20th century situati…


(1,892 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
, one of the Pan-ideologies originating in the late 19th century. It expresses strong nationalist interest in the welfare of all Turks and members of Turkic groups, recognisable by kindred languages and a common origin, history and tradition. It addresses itself chiefly to those in Turkey, Cyprus, the Balkans, the former Soviet Union, Syria, ʿIrāḳ, Persia, Afg̲h̲ānistān and East Turkistan (or Sinkiang). Pan-Turkism should be distinguished from Turanism (sometimes called Pan-Turanism), a broader …

Ibn Dāniyāl

(589 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
, S̲h̲ams al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Dāniyāl b. Yūsuf al-K̲h̲uzāʿī al-Mawṣilī , b. ca . 646/1248, d. 710/1310, Arab writer in Egypt. Born in Mawṣil; from the age of 19, he lived in Cairo, studying and practising ophthalmology. In literary and colloquial Arabic poetry and versified prose, he wrote some of the earliest shadow-plays in mediaeval Egypt. He apparently composed some Arabic poems too, but he is mainly memorable for the keen observation reflected in his dramatic works. All three plays were actually intended for production, and the manuscripts were most probably intended to serve ¶ as gu…


(3,461 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
(a., plural katātib ), itself probably plural of kātib (“scribe”), a type of beginners’ or primary school. The term is frequently synonymous with maktab in Arabic and Persian and mektep in Turkish. In Ottoman it was also called mekteb-k̲h̲āne or mekteb-i ṣi̊byān or ṣi̊byān mektebi, (“children’s school”); later, in the Tanẓīmāt era, it was more generally referred to as ibtidāʾī mekteb (“beginner’s school”) and then as ilk mekteb (“primary school”). European writers have often called it “Ḳurʾānic school”. The kuttāb was formerly widespread in Islamic la…


(3,742 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
(a.) treaty, agreement: 1. In earlier times: See for this, ʿahd ; baḳṭ ; imtiyāzāt . 2. In modern times. We find muʿāhede or muʿāhedet in Ottoman Turkish: moʿāhede , moʿāhedat , in Persian and Urdu. The Ottoman official term for “treaty” was either muʿāhede, borrowed from the Arabic, or ʿahd-nāme , borrowed from the Persian. At the height of Ottoman power, most treaties constituted one-sided proclamations, phrased as expressions of the Sultan’s own will to grant privileges to foreign states or their subjects. These were generally called ʿahd-nāme [see imtiyāzāt ,…


(2,490 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
, idéologie invoquant une union universelle des Arabes ( waḥdat al-ʿ Arab, al- waḥda al-ʿ arabiyya). Les idéologues du panarabisme ont constamment préconisé une telle union sur la base de plusieurs éléments de communauté: (a) la langue et la culture, considérées comme l’expression la plus parfaite de la nation arabe tout entière, et l’un de ses principaux liens avec son passé, y compris le passé islamique; beaucoup d’Arabes ont exprimé leur nationalisme en termes islamiques; (b) l’histoire, préoccupation qui p…


(1,829 words)

Author(s): Landau, J. M.
(a.), franc-maçonnerie (également, en arabe Firmāsūniyya, Māsūniyya et Bināya ḥurra; en turc, Franmasonluk, Farmasonluk, Masonluk). I. — Dans l’empire ottoman et dans les États qui lui ont succédé. La franc-maçonnerie pénétra dans l’empire par l’intermédiaire de loges (arabe, maḥfil; turc, mahfel, loca) fondées par des Européens; comme beaucoup d’entre elles furent créées sans jouir de l’autorité d’une francmaçonnerie organisée, elles furent souvent éphémères. On signale plusieurs loges à Alep, Izmir et Corfou en 1738, à Alexandrette a…


(2,062 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
, une de ces pan-idéologies nées à la fin du XIXe siècle, qui exprime un intérêt nationaliste très fort pour le bien-être de tous les Turcs et de tous les membres des groupes turciques, reconnaissables par l’usage de langues apparentées, une origine, une histoire et une tradition communes. Il s’adresse principalement au Turcs de Turquie, de Chypre, des Balkans, de l’ex-Union Soviétique, de Syrie, d’Irak, d’Iran, d’Afghanistan et du Turkestan oriental (ou Sinkiang). Le panturquisme doit être distingué du t…


(3,805 words)

Author(s): Landau, J.M.
(a.), traité, accord. —1. Epoque ancienne: [Voir ʿAhd; Baḳṭ; Imtiyāzāt]. —2. Époque moderne, ( muʿāhede ou muʿāhedet en turc ottoman; moʿāhede, moʿāhedat en persan et en ourdou). Le terme officiel ottoman pour «traité» était soit muʿāhede, emprunté à l’arabe, soit ʿahd-nāme, emprunté au persan. A l’apogée de la puissance Ottomane, la plupart des traités consistaient dans des proclamations unilatérales, présentées comme l’exprèssion ¶ de la volonté personnelle du sultan pour accorder des privilèges à des États ou à des ressortissants étrangers. Ils étaient généralement appelés ʿa…


(680 words)

Author(s): Landau, J. M.
, Georges (né le 5 mai 1880 à Beyrouth, mort au Caire le 21 mai 1959), Syrien chrétien qui devint un des acteurs les plus en vue du théâtre égyptien moderne. Après avoir joué dans des spectacles scolaires, il commença une carrière d’employé de bureau; peu satisfait de cette existence, il partit, en 1898-9, pour l’Égypte, qui était alors le centre du jeune théâtre de langue arabe. A Alexandrie et au Caire, il assista à des représentations théâtrales, aussi bien locales qu’étrangères puis, avec un …


(902 words)

Author(s): Landau, J. M.
(a., pl. makātib) était l’une des appellations de l’école islamique traditionnelle, souvent nommée kuttāb [ q. v.; on trouvera sous cette rubrique un bref exposé des emplois de maktab]; il en est de même de maktab en persan et mekteb en turc; en Égypte, les Coptes désignaient également ainsi leurs propres écoles traditionnelles. Par la suite, le même terme en arriva aussi à signifier «école» en général, comme dans le turc ottoman mekteb gemisi «navire-école». En turc ottoman et en arabe, il a été utilisé, surtout au XIXe siècle, pour désigner, dans diverses expressions, quelques-u…
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