
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)" )' returned 61 results. Modify search

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(978 words)

Author(s): Domhardt, Yvonne (Zürich) | Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] [1] Son of Isaac and Rebecca According to Gn 25:26 a person ‘who holds the heel (of Esau)’; otherwise the etymology of the word is unsolved. The son of Isaac and Rebecca, third and most outstanding patriarch apart from  Abraham [1] and  Isaac, as well as the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, is named after his battle with the angel Israel (‘he who wrestles with god’). From the regal period onwards, J. also served as a metaphor for the people of Israel. J., who - according to the traditional view - embodies virtuousness, truth and fear of God on one hand, but…


(228 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] Well known as ‘Aramaic philosopher’ and astrologist, B. (AD 154-222) is the earliest known Syrian author from Edessa, where he worked at the court of  Abgar [3] VIII (177-212). Iulius Africanus (Kestoi 1,20) mentions that he met him there in the year 195. Even though B. wrote against the Marcionites ( Marcion) and the Chaldaeans, his opinions about cosmology drew the disapproval of later writers since  Ephraim. This led to the loss of his writings (both poetry as well as prose). H…


(118 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] Syrian poet from the first half of the 5th cent. AD, probably worked in Chalcis/Qennešrin (northern Syria). Two poems are definitely genuine, the one about the consecration of a church in Qennešrin, the other one about the death of bishop Acacius of  Beroea [3] (Aleppo) in the year AD 432. An epic poem in 12 books about the patriarch Joseph, which is also attributed to  Ephraim, could have been written by B. Many liturgical poems with verses in five syllables (‘Balai metre’) are attributed to him. Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford) Bibliography K. V. Zettersteen, Beiträge zur …

Išōyahḇ III.

(149 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] Syrian author and patriarch of the eastern Church (AD 649-659), son of land owners. He became a monk at the monastery of Beṯ ʿAbē, subsequently he became bishop of Niniveh (Mosul) in 627 and metropolite of  Arbela [1] in 639; in 649 he was finally elected patriarch. A comprehensive collection of 106 letters supplies numerous pieces of information about the eastern Church in the transition period from the Sassanid to the Arabian rule. I. implemented extensive liturgical reforms, furthermore he wrote a work about the life of the martyr Išōʿsabrān. Brock, Sebastian P. (Ox…


(50 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] The term estrangelā (deriving from the Greek στρογγύλος/ strongýlos, ‘rounded’) refers to the pattern of Syriac script in the oldest manuscripts (5th-8th cents., still common up to the 13th cent. but rarely used thereafter). Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford) Bibliography E. Hatch, An Album of Dated Syriac Manuscripts, 1946, 24-27.


(51 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] (enyānā). One of several Syrian expressions for a liturgical answering verse; in a special sense, a poetic text as an answer during the recitation of Psalms. The expression corresponds to the Greek στιχηρόν ( stichērón), κανών ( kanṓn). Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford) Bibliography O. Heiming, Syr. eniane und griech. Kanones, 1932.


(173 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] Syrian poet ( c. AD 399 - c. 502) and initially head of the ‘Persian School’ in Edessa [2] (possibly until 471), then of the school of Nisibis. Of his writings only about 80 verse homilies ( Mēmrā ) with exegetic, didactic and liturgical content are extant (to date only a few of them are available in translation). One of his mēmrā has as its theme ‘the three teachers’, i.e. Diodorus [20] of Tarsus, Theodorus of Mopsuestia and Nestorius. In his exegesis and Christology, N. was strongly influenced by Theodorus. A series of dialogic poems ( Sōḡyāṯā) on Biblical figures has been…

Martyrologium Edessenum

(66 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] Early calendar of martyrs (Syrian), preserved in a MS copied in Edessa [2] in November AD 411. The main part of the text is translated from a Greek calendar showing links with Nicomedia. It is supplemented, however, by the names of Persian martyrs. Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford) Bibliography F. Nau, Les ménologes des Évangeliaires coptes-arabes (Patrologia Orientalis 10,2), 1923, 5-26 (repr. 1973).

Mar Aba

(145 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] ( Mār Āḇā, Μὰρ Ἀβᾶ; Màr Abâ). Katholikos of Seleucea/ Ctesiphon [2] in AD 540-552. Converted from Zoroastrianism to Christianity, M. studied in Nisibis and then undertook extensive journeys in the Roman empire. In Alexandria [1] he impressed Cosmas [2] Indicopleustes with his erudition (the latter names him, in the Hellenized form of his name, Patríkios, cf. Topographia Christiana 2,2). Although he spent much of his period in office in exile or, as a confessor, in prison, he nonetheless remained extremely active in church administrati…


(48 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] ( Onı̄ṯā). One of several Syrian terms meaning 'refrain', 'responsorium' or 'antiphon' (others include ōnāyā or Enyana). In liturgical texts of the 'Church of the East', onitha has the specific meaning of a metrical composition following a verse of a psalm. Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)


(495 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
Syrian poet and theologian ( c. AD 306-373); his reputation was already known to Jerome in 392 (Vir. ill. 115). He spent the greater part of his life as a deacon in Nisibis; when in AD 363 the city was ceded to the Persians, he settled in Edessa, the modern Urfa. The 6th.-cent. vita is filled out with many fabulous tales. E.'s writings may be divided into three categories: verse writings, which make up the major part, artistic prose and prose. [German version] 1. Verse writings His verse writings in more than 50 metres, mostly in strophes (  madraše , hymni), survive in cycles of various lengt…

Rabbulā, Rabulas

(234 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[German version] Bishop of Edessa [2] (AD 412-435 or 436). Information on his life comes from a Syrian panegyric as well as occasional references found in other sources (e. g. the Edessa Chronicle). Born to wealthy parents in Qinnasrīn (Chalkis), R. was brought up according to Greek custom; he was introduced to Christianity by the bishops Eusebius of Qinnasrīn and Acacius [3] of Beroea (Aleppo). With the help of the latter's influence, he was elected bishop of Edessa in the year 412. He offered guidelines for the lives of clerics and monks in his Kanónes ('Rules'; preserved in Syrian). I…


(1,757 words)

Author(s): Ego, Beate (Osnabrück) | Berger, Albrecht (Berlin) | Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) | Albiani, Maria Grazia (Bologna) | Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
(Μιχαήλ/ Michaḗl; Mîkāēl). [German version] [1] Archangel Archangel, [1] One of the most prominent angels (cf. the description archistratēgós, ‘supreme commander’ of the heavenly host, Joseph of Aseneth 14,8, cf. Slavonic Hen 22,5; 33,10), one of the seven (Ethiopic Hen 20,5) or four (Ethiopic Hen 9,1; 10,11) archangels (cf. [1]). The name means ‘who is like God’ or ‘who is victorious like God’. M., who was first mentioned in the ‘Book of Watchers (Ethiopic Hen 1-36, end of the 4th/beginning of the 2nd cent. BC)…


(64 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[English version] (Diminutivform zu Kyrillos). Name eines ansonsten unbekannten Autors von sechs Gedichten in syr. Sprache; eines davon handelt von einem Hunneneinfall in Nordmesopot. (also um 396 n.Chr.), die anderen fünf befassen sich mit nt. Themen. Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford) Bibliography D. Cerbelaud, Cyrillonas, l'agneau véritable, 1984  S. Landersdorfer, Ausgewählte Schriften der syr. Dichter, 1913, 1-54  I. Vona, I Carmi di Cirillona, 1963.


(152 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[English version] Die syr. Chronik von Arbela umfaßt den Zeitraum des 1. bis 6. Jh. n. Chr. der Gesch. der Christen von Arbela (heute Irbil, Irak) ab. Nach ihrer Veröffentlichung 1907 wurde sie als eine bedeutende neue Quelle begrüßt, doch ließen der Vergleich mit anderen Quellen und verdächtige Begleitumstände bei der Herausgabe (von [1]) den Verdacht aufkommen, daß sie vom Herausgeber kompiliert worden sei. Die Streitfrage muß weiterhin unentschieden bleiben: Zwar sind Einzelheiten der Partherze…

Edessenische Chronik

(180 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[English version] Lokale, ca. 540 n.Chr. verfaßte syr. Chronik, basierend auf edessenischen Archiven. Beginn und Schluß des Werks bestehen aus einer Schilderung örtlicher Überschwemmungen. Die erste (November 201) enthält informative Details zur Top. der Region (Edessa [2]); erwähnt wird darüber hinaus eine christl. Kirche. Lediglich acht der zumeist sehr kurz gefaßten 104 erh. Stichworte lassen sich auf die Zeit vor dem 4. Jh. zurückdatieren. Vorherrschendes Thema sind Bischofsernennungen, danebe…


(2,606 words)

Author(s): Marti, Heinrich (Küsnacht) | Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford) | Ott, Claudia (Berlin)
I. Allgemein [English version] A. Einleitung Die Begriffe Bibel und Übersetzung sind nicht klar voneinander abgrenzbar, da sich der anerkannte Textbestand im Laufe der Gesch. änderte (Kanon) und auch Paraphrasen als B. galten. Neue Entdeckungen (Qumran, Papyri) haben gezeigt, daß sich auch die Texte der Quellsprache, der sog. Masora Text, und die der Zielsprache, die Septuaginta (LXX; Peschitta; Vetus Latina), histor. entwickelten und nur unter Bezugnahme auf kritische Apparate von Editoren gelesen w…


(206 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
(Μαρουθᾶς, syr. Mārūṯā). [English version] [1] Bf. von Maiperqaṭ, um 400 Bischof von Maiperqaṭ (Martyropolis, in der h. SO-Türkei), war kaiserlicher Gesandter an den Sāsānidenhof bei mindestens zwei Anlässen. Er nahm im J. 410 n.Chr. an der Synode von Seleukeia/Ktesiphon teil, bei der die “Kirche des Ostens” die Kanones des Konzils von Nikaia rezipierte; ihm ist es zu verdanken, daß Nachrichten von den pers. Märtyrern unter Šābuhr II. (Sapor) ins Röm. Reich gelangten. Von den zahlreichen ihm zugeschriebene…


(478 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
Syrischer Dichter und Theologe (ca. 306-373 n.Chr.); sein Ruhm war bereits im J. 392 Hieronymus (vir. ill. 115) bekannt. Den größten Teil seines Lebens verbrachte er als Diakon in Nisibis; als die Stadt 363 n.Chr. an die Perser abgetreten wurde, ließ er sich in Edessa, heute Urfa, nieder. Die Vita aus dem 6. Jh. ist durch zahlreiche sagenhafte Erzählungen erweitert. E.s Schriften lassen sich drei Kategorien zuteilen: der Versdichtung, die den größten Teil ausmacht, der Kunstprosa und Prosa. [English version] 1. Versdichtung Seine Versdichtung in über 50 Versmaßen, zumeist in …

Iošua Stylites

(101 words)

Author(s): Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford)
[English version] (“der Säulenheilige”). Eine syr. Chronik, die ausführlich Auskunft über die Lokalgesch. Edessas für die Jahre 495-507 enthält (z.B. über die Belagerung von Amida), ist eingebettet in die Chronik von Zuqnı̄n, auch bekannt als ‘Chronik des [Ps.-] Dionysios [23] von Tell-Maḥrē. Sie wird häufig I. Stylites zugeschrieben. Er wird wohl zu Recht auch für den Verf. der gesamten Chronik gehalten. Brock, Sebastian P. (Oxford) Bibliography Ed.: J.B. Chabot, CSCO Scr. Syri 43 und 66, 1927 und 1949  W. Wright, 1882 (mit engl. Übers.)  J. Watt (im Erscheinen). Lit.: W. Witakowsk…
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