
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Freigang, Christian" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Freigang, Christian" )' returned 22 results. Modify search

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Riegl, Alois

(935 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
Austrian art historian. Born Linz 14. 1. 1858, died Vienna 19. 6. 1905. Studied law, philosophy, history and history of art with Rudolf Eitelberger and Moriz Thausing at the Institut für Österreichische Geschischtsforschung in Vienna. Doctorate there 1883. 1886–1897 worked in the textile department of the Österreichische Museum für Kunst und Industrie in Vienna. 1889 habil.; 1895 prof. ext., 1897 prof. ord. at Vienna Univ. Work and influence R. belongs to the generation of the most important ‘formalists’ (with August Schmarsow, Heinrich Wölfflin), who rejected the historiography based on cultural history or biography and the ‘genius of the artist’ that Jacob Burckhardt had established, and instead espoused the detailed and sophisticated examination of the work as the cr…

Warburg, Aby

(1,120 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
German art historian and cultural scholar. Born Hamburg 13. 6. 1866, died there 26. 10. 1929. 1886–1892 studied art history etc. with Karl Justi, Hermann Usener and Karl Lamprecht at Bonn, then, when Justi refused to supervise his dissertation, at Strasbourg with Hubert Janitschek and Adolf Michaelis. 1895/96 visited United States, where he studied Native American rituals. Then spent time in Florence. From 1904 private scholar in Hamburg; refused several teaching positions. From 1905, made his s…

Wickhoff, Franz

(469 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
Austrian classical archaeologist and art historian. Born Steyr 7. 5. 1853, died Venice 6. 4. 1909. Studied at Vienna with Theodor von Sickel (history), Alexander Conze (archaeology) and Rudolf Eitelberger and Moritz Thausing (art history). 1880 diss. on Dürer’s studies of antiquity. 1879–1885 curator of the textile collection at the Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie; from 1885 prof. ext., 1891–1909 prof. ord. (successor to Thausing) at the Univ. of Vienna. Work and influence With W., critico-historical art history arrived in Vienna. In terms of the history of method, W. is regarded as the real founder of the ‘Vienna School of Art History’ (Alois Riegl). Rejecting traditional perspectives based on biography or aesthetic norms, W. pursued a universal historical approach to the depiction of space and the body, an approach presented in particular in his magn…

Warburg, Aby

(909 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
Dt. Kunsthistoriker und Kulturwissenschaftler. Geb. am 13. 6. 1866 in Hamburg, gest. am 26. 10. 1929 ebda. 1886–1892 Studium u. a. der Kunstgesch. bei Karl Justi, Hermann Usener und Karl Lamprecht in Bonn, dann, nach Justis Ablehnung der Diss.-Betreuung, in Straßburg bei Hubert Janitschek und Adolf Michaelis. 1895/96 Aufenthalt in den USA, dabei Studium indianischer Rituale; anschließend Aufenthalt in Florenz. Ab 1904 Privatgelehrter in Hamburg; Ablehnung mehrerer Lehrangebote. Ab 1905 öffentlic…

Wickhoff, Franz

(407 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
Österr. Klass. Archäologe und Kunsthistoriker. Geb. am 7. 5. 1853 in Steyr, gest. am 6. 4. 1909 in Venedig. Studium in Wien bei Theodor von Sickel (Gesch.), Alexander Conze (Arch.) sowie bei Rudolf Eitelberger und Moritz Thausing (Kunstgesch.); 1880 Diss. über Dürers Antikenstudien. 1879–1885 Kustos der Textilsammlung des Österr. Museums für Kunst und Industrie; ab 1885 Extraordinarius, 1891–1909 als Nachfolger Thausings Ordinarius an der Univ. Wien. Werk und Wirkung Mit W. hielt in Wien eine histor.-kritisch ausgerichtete Kunstgeschichte Eingang. Methodenges…

Riegl, Alois

(767 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
Österr. Kunsthistoriker. Geb. am 14. 1. 1858 in Linz, gest. am 19. 6. 1905 in Wien. Studium von Jura, Philosophie und Gesch. sowie Kunstgesch. bei Rudolf Eitelberger und Moriz Thausing am Institut für Österr. Gesch.-Forschung in Wien; Prom. 1883 ebda. 1886–1897 an der Textilabteilung des Österr. Museums für Kunst und Industrie in Wien tätig. 1889 Habil.; 1895 Extraordinarius, 1897 Ordinarius an der Wiener Univ.…


(197 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[English Version] Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore (1.3.1812 London – 14.9.1852 Ramsgate, Kent), engl. neogotischer (Neugotik) Architekt (wie schon sein Vater Augustus Charles P. und sein Sohn Edward Welby P.), Kunsthandwerker und Schriftsteller. P. wirkte umfassend auf die Wiederentdeckung der ma. Kunst im 19.Jh. (George Gilbert Scott, Euge`ne Viollet-le-Duc, Arts & Crafts-Bewegung). Beeinflußt durch die kath. Reformbewegung in England (eigene Konversion zum Katholizismus 1835), propagierte P. die »Wahrhaftigkeit« und Schönheit der gotischen Architektur (Goti

Saint Paul's Cathedral

(257 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[English Version] (London). Der 604 von Bf. Mellitus gegründete Urbau der Londoner Kathedrale wurde zw. 1087 und 1148 durch eine romanische Kirche mit dreischiffigem Langhaus …


(152 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[English Version] , Sir Christopher (20.10.1632 East Knoyle – 25.2.1723 London), bedeutendster engl. Architekt des Barock, verbreitete die klassisch-neuzeitliche Architektursprache in England. Umfassende akademisch-naturwiss. Bildung und Lehrtätigkeit, erst seit 1661 architektonische Tätigkeit (Umbauprojekt von Old-Saint-Paul's, London; Studienreise nach Paris). Nach dem Londoner Stadtbrand 1666 Neuerrichtung von 47 Stadtkirchen, in denen antike und palladianische Formen variationsreich und ökonomis…


(147 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[English Version] Schwarz,  Rudolf (15.5.1897 Straßburg – 3.4.1961 Köln), Architekt und Städteplaner, der, beeinflußt von der liturgischen Bewegung (R. Guardini) und der Kritik an der historistischen Architektur, dem Kirchengebäude eine allg. gültige, »resakralisierte« Form zu verleihen bestrebt war. Geometrisch klar strukturierte Innenräume und die Lenkung des Lichtes sowie die Zurückdrängung von Ausstattungsobjekten (Beleuchtungskörper) vermittel…

Schwarz, Rudolf

(180 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[German Version] (May 15, Straßburg [Strasbourg] – Apr 3, 1961, Cologne), architect and city planner. Influenced by the Liturgical Movement (R. Guardini) and critical of historicist architecture, Schwarz strove to give church buildings a universally meaningful, “resacralized” form. Interiors with a clear geometrical design, control of light, and reduction of appointmen…

Wren, Sir Christopher

(203 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[German Version] (Oct 20, 1632, East Knoyle – Feb 25, 1723, London), the most highly acclaimed English architect of the Baroque period, who popularized the Neoclassical architectural idiom in England. After a broad academic and scientific education, he devoted himself to research and teaching; he did not take up architecture until 1661 (renovation of Old Saint Paul’s, London; study in Paris). After the Great Fire of London in 1666, Wren was responsible for the rebuilding of 47 c…

Pugin, August Welby Northmore

(221 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[German Version] (Mar 1, 1812, London – Sep 14, 1852, Ramsgate, Kent), English Gothic Revival architect (like his father, Augustus Charles Pugin, and his son, Edward Welby Pugin), craftsman, and writer. Pugin had a broad influence on the 19th-century rediscovery of medieval art (George…

Ronchamp, Notre-Dame-du-Haut

(269 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[German Version] (Département Haute-Saône), Marian pilgrimage church in the French Jura destroyed in World War II (1944), and rebuilt between 1950 and 1955 by the French-Swiss architect Le Corbusier (Church building: II, 4.b.β; illus. 87). The basic design of the hall church is a trapeze, with sides sweeping outwards, and the construction is of thick, undulating, and slightly sloping walls, surmounted by a roof skin that billows upwards and juts far out, rising to the east. The inside, faintly lit through slits and by a row of lateral light wells, has a rather irregular floor plan, tho…

St. Paul’s Cathedral (London)

(304 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[German Version] The original London cathedral, begun by Bishop Mellitus in 604, was replaced between 1087 and 1148 by a three-aisle Romanesque church more than 100 m long. The crossing tower, completed in 1221/1222, was extended at the beginning of the 14th century; until destroyed by fire in 1561, it was some 150 m high. The crypt and choir, proportional to the nave, were constructed between c. 1258 and 1327 (esp. in the last quarter of the 13th cent.), modeled on Ely Cathedral (choir ending in …


(329 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian
[German Version] (Lat. cappella, also: oratorium, sacellum, aedicula). A chapel is a sacred space, often small, and not independent in terms of canon law (Church architecture); it is usually used exclusively for prayer and worship. From the late 9th century, the term, derived from the cloak relic ( cappa) of St. Martin of Tours, referred to the royal treasury of relics and insignia, the court clergy, and the oratoria of the royal palatinates; the most important of them, the palatinate chapel in Aachen, was erected…


(427 words)

Author(s): Jordahn, Ottfried | Freigang, Christian
[English Version] I. Liturgisch Als räumlich abgeschlossener Teil des Kirchengebäudes, der mit diesem aber kommuniziert, meist in Altarnähe, dient die S. (hist. auch secretarium, sacrarium, vestiarium) sehr verschiedenen Zwecken, die dem allg. Blick entzogen sein sollen. Leitet man S. von lat. sacer ab, weist dies auf den Aufbewahrungsort der hl. Geräte, Paramente und Gewänder sowie der liturgischen Bücher, darüber hinaus auch der hl. Gaben der Eucharistie (reliqua sacramenti; Reliquiar) zum Zweck …


(711 words)

Author(s): Koch, Guntram | Freigang, Christian
[English Version] I. Bronzezeit bis Spätantike …


(495 words)

Author(s): Jordahn, Ottfried | Freigang, Christian
[German Version] I. Liturgy The sacris…


(793 words)

Author(s): Koch, Guntram | Freigang, Christian
[German Version] I. Bronze Age to Late Antiquity It is important to distinguish between a sarcophagus to hold a dead body, an urn for the ashes of a person who has been cremated, and an ossuary to hold the bones of the dead after the flesh has decayed (see also Burial). These receptacles were generally buried; they were not visible and were therefore simple. In some areas and in some periods, it became customary to make them out of marble or other kinds of stone and decorate them with representational or ornamental reliefs. In Greek areas sarcophagi were the exception (6th–4th cents. bce). The E…

Church Architecture

(29,358 words)

Author(s): Freigang, Christian | White, Susan J. | Schellewald, Barbara | Takenaka, Masao | Walls, Andrew F. | Et al.
[German Version] I. General – II. The West – III. Theology and Practical Theology – IV. Orthodox Churches – V. Asia, Africa, Latin America I. General Churches are built to provide a physical setting for the Christian celebration of the Eucharist, in order to shelter it and also to give it a place of prominence set apart from the outside world. The Bible does not discuss the legitimation and need for churches as distinct structures; historically, church buildings made their first appearance at th…
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