
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Pahlow, Louis" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Pahlow, Louis" )' returned 50 results. Modify search

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(709 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. BegriffUnter V. versteht man die Einwirkung der Zeit auf ein Recht, das dadurch etwa in seinem Bestand oder in seiner Durchsetzung beeinträchtigt wird. V. gründet sich darauf, dass jemand binnen einer gewissen Frist seine Rechte nicht geltend macht. Sie findet sich außer im Privatrecht und im Strafrecht auch in anderen Rechtsgebieten, u. a. dem Verwaltungsrecht.Louis Pahlow2. PrivatrechtMit der Rezeption des römisch-kanonischen Rechts wurden auch dessen traditionelle Grundsätze der Ersitzung weiterentwickelt, d. h. eines Eigentums-Erwerbs des Besitzers einer Sach…
Date: 2019-11-19


(749 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. Einführung Unter P. versteht man denjenigen Bereich obrigkeitlicher bzw. staatlicher Sanktionen, der bis weit ins 19. Jh. hinein in Europa die Befolgung der Anordnungen der ›guten Policey‹ (Polizei) sicherstellen sollte. Das P. beruhte institutionell darauf, dass die Polizei-Behörden seit dem Ende des 17. Jh.s innerhalb der Aufgaben der ›guten Policey‹ auch solche der Rechtsprechung wahrnahmen; sie konnten sog. Polizeistrafen verhängen, die insbes. im 19. Jh. in Polizeistrafgesetzbüchern geregelt waren.Louis Pahlow2. Frühe NeuzeitInfolge der Etablierung der ›gute…
Date: 2019-11-19


(828 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. Allgemein I., also Rechte an Grundstücken – wie das Eigentum, Dienstbarkeiten oder Grundpfandrechte –, wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Entstehung, ihrer Übertragung oder ihres Erlöschens im nzl. Europa von röm.-rechtlichen Vorbildern geprägt (Gemeines Recht). Hinsichtlich ihrer formalen Erfassung sind jedoch zunehmend nzl. Einflüsse festzustellen. Die größte Bedeutung unter den I. hatten in ganz Europa zwei Gruppen von Rechten, die als Nutzungs- und Verwertungsrechte zusammengefasst werden können.Louis Pahlow2. NutzungsrechteEinen außerordentlich weiten Bereich d…
Date: 2019-11-19


(709 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. DefinitionDie Aufgabe des N. bestand und besteht darin, im privaten oder öffentlichen Auftrag Rechts-Handlungen zu protokollieren, zu beglaubigen oder zu beurkunden. Das Vorhandensein eines Notariats setzt also einen gewissen Grad der Verschriftlichung des Rechtssystems voraus. Die vom N. beglaubigten Urkunden galten und gelten u. a. als Beweis-Mittel; ganz allgemein genossen und genießen sie öffentlichen Glauben, d. h. ihr Inhalt gilt als richtig, bis er widerlegt wird.Louis Pahlow2. Frühe NeuzeitMit dem Beginn der Nz. waren N. sowohl im geistlichen als auc…
Date: 2019-11-19


(682 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
Die P. war eine besondere Form privater Gerichtsbarkeit, die meist mit dem Besitz eines Gutes (lat. patrimonium), also mit Grund und Boden, verknüpft war. Sie konnte für Zivil- und Strafsachen zuständig sein.1. Frühe NeuzeitSeit dem MA hatten die Landesherren die ihnen zustehende Gerichtsbarkeit vielfach an Städte, Klöster, Stifte oder Gutsherrschaften verliehen. In Kontinentaleuropa konnten daher in der untersten Instanz private Gerichtsbarkeiten bestehen, die als dingliche Berechtigung mit dem Grundbesitz verbunden waren. Die P. entwickelte sich in der Frühen …
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,589 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. Definition Citizenship designates membership in a state and thus is related to the early modern state-building process. The roots of citizenship, however, lie in the subject-ruler relationship of the early modern period.The term “nationality” in some cases is synonymous with citizenship; in others, until about 1850, it designated a somewhat reduced form of citizenship (see below, 2.). While English and French both use the word “nationality” (French,  nationalité) to indicate citizenship (cf. nation, nationalism), the German term Nationalität (and similarly  Nation) me…
Date: 2019-10-14

Private sphere

(3,488 words)

Author(s): Gestrich, Andreas | Pahlow, Louis | Gryska, Peter
1. Spectrum of meaningIn the sense of “seclusion,” the term “privacy” in English dates from around 1600. The sense of “freedom from intrusion,” however, dates only from 1814. German and French long had adjectives alone ( privat and  privé) along with the compound terms Privatangelegenheit (private matter) and  propriété  privée (private property).  Privatheit only entered German in the 20th century as a substantive form of privat. It derived from the Latin adjective  privatus, which in contradistinction to  publicus (public) denoted everything that in ancient Rome …
Date: 2021-03-15

Trademark law

(833 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. From 1450-1800 Trademarks as product markers have their roots in the symbols of the medieval and early modern guilds. The proof of quality documented in the marking was intended to protect the local consumer from being defrauded by inferior products (see Baker, fig. 1) [6. 20–27], although marketing motives also lay behind the practice. Even in the 17th and 18th centuries, governments across Europe were already trying through their industrial policies to incentivize quality in manufactured products by means of assorted regulations and …
Date: 2022-11-07

Independence, judicial

(836 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
Date: 2019-10-14

Policey criminal law

(904 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. Introduction Polizeistrafrecht, or “police(y) criminal law,” or the “law of police(y) contraventions,” is defined as the sphere of governmental or state sanctions that until well into the 19th century was intended to assure adherence in Europe to the provisions of the political order known in the German tradition as gute Policey (Police [political order]). Polizeistrafrecht depended in institutional terms on the fact that, from the late 17th century onwards, the policing authorities discharged jurisdictional duties as part of their gute Policey remit. This meant that …
Date: 2020-10-06


(3,370 words)

Author(s): Denzel, Markus A. | Pahlow, Louis | Mittag, Jürgen
1. Commercial history 1.1. Definition and historical originsInsurance …
Date: 2019-10-14

Instantia austraegalis

(835 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
The legal institution of  instantia austraegalis comprised courts of arbitration that existed alongside the traditional judiciary (Jurisdiction) or were set above it so as to resolve disputes between specific noble rulers and later the individual states of the German Confederation.1. The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation Instantia austraegalis derived from the desire for a peaceful means of resolving conflicts between equa…
Date: 2019-10-14

Corporate law

(1,109 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
Date: 2019-10-14


(893 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
Felicity (German, Glückseligkeit) as the purpose of a state (State, purpose of) is one of the key concepts of the German political theory of enlightened absolutism in the latter half of the 18th century. The felicity of the state and its subjects gave the state its purpose for existing and acting. Whereas in a medieval theological context felicity was viewed primarily as a positive goal to be achieved in the afterlife (Latin, beatitudo), it became the subject of philosophical-ethical and political-theoretical discussion in the early modern period, coming to be understood as a good that could be obtained on earth (Happiness). Equivalent ideas of this purpose of the state can also be found in other countries, as for example the “pursuit of happiness” in the American Declaration of Independence (USA).While the natural law th…
Date: 2019-10-14

Patent law

(894 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
Patent law regulates the capacity of inventions, that is, intellectual and creative accomplishments, for legal protection and the form of that protection itself, in a technical area. This concept was by no means self-evident in the early modern period, but rather was controversial with respect to economic policy in some cases.1. The early modern periodIn the late Middle Ages and particularly in the early modern period, technological inventions were protected by privileges in Continental Europe. As technological and scientific accomplishments proli…
Date: 2020-10-06

Patrimonial jurisdiction

(755 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
Patrimonial jurisdiction was a special form of private jurisdiction that was usually linked to the possession of an estate (Latin  patrimonium), hence to land holdings. It might apply to both civil and criminal cases.1. The early modern periodLandlords had often conferred their jurisdictional competence on cities, monasteries, abbeys, and estates (Gutshe…
Date: 2020-10-06

Freedom of trade

(997 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. DefinitionToday, the concept of freedom of trade is usually mentioned in connection with free enterprise (Industrial policy). In the 18th and 19th centuries, however, freedom of trade had its own distinct meaning: in Europe, it encompassed both the traditional rights of merchants and the liberal and pre-liberal understanding of the freedom of domestic and foreign trade (Trade, external).Louis Pahlow2. The absolutist-mercantilist stateAlthough calls for freedom of trade can be found already in political works of the 16th and 17th centuries, the concept first evolved into a fundamental freedom in the 18th century. According to contemporary political and economic theory (especially that of the 18th century), it was the task of the absolutist-mercantilist state to ensure the economic felicity of the state and its subjects (Enlightened absolutism) as be…
Date: 2019-10-14

Law, faculty of

(933 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. IntroductionLaw faculties were the administrative and knowledge-organizing elements (Faculty) of a university that were responsible for the training of jurists. Founded in the Middle Ages, they transformed in the early modern period under the influence of certain religious, political, and cultural movements. Across Europe, these trends led to the founding of numerous universities and, with them, faculties of law. Significant changes in the organization and instruction of law faculties can also be observed.Louis Pahlow2. Confessional and state influencesThe end of fait…
Date: 2019-10-14


(806 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. DefinitionA notary’s job was to record, witness, or certify legal transactions of a public or private nature (Law). The presence of notaries thus presumes that a legal system relies on writing to a certain degree. Documents that had been certified by…
Date: 2020-04-06


(785 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. IntroductionA lawsuit occurs when a plaintiff initiates legal proceedings before a court of law seeking recourse against a defendant. In connection with the spread of scholarly Roman law across Europe (Ius commune), lawsuits were increasingly formalized and refined as remedies according to civil procedure.Louis Pahlow…
Date: 2019-10-14

Iura maiestatis

(892 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
Iura maiestatis (“rights of majesty”) is an early modern term for the sovereign rights of a ruler. Across Europe, in the 17th century, they became the focus of the philosophical and legal discussion concerning the state (State, general theory of); they were highly important as the organization of the early modern state took shape.…
Date: 2019-10-14

Land rights

(991 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. IntroductionThe origins, transfer, and lapse of land rights in early modern Europe, that is rights pertaining to real estate – such as ownership (Property), easements, and mortgages – were shaped by Roman legal models (Ius commune). With respect to their formal nature, however, early modern influences can be increasingly identified. Two groups of…
Date: 2019-10-14

Lay judge

(818 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. IntroductionLay judges differ from trained judges particularly in that they are not professionally trained jurists. Although the term “lay judge” does not appear in the legal sources or in the laws of the early modern period, they enjoyed varying importance as judges,  Schöffen
Date: 2019-10-14

Commercial law

(2,220 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. DefinitionCommercial law (Latin,  ius mercatorum), as part of private law, consists of all law related to the merchant class in the early modern period. Commercial law includes both rules pertaining to the professional organizations of merchants, their privileges, commercial jurisdiction, and the law of bankruptcy, as well as commercial police law and international law. Private commercial law, however, including for example exchange law (Bill of exchange), corporate law, and insurance, has stood at the forefront of the European commercial law tradition.…
Date: 2019-10-14

Securities law

(812 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. Concept As part of private law, securities law comprises the general rules, and particularly the rights and obligations, arising from securities. The German legal definition of a security (
Date: 2021-08-02


(2,258 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis | Zare, Antje
1. Epidemic policy and state healthcare 1.1. As an instrument of state health policyIn the early modern period, the health of the population moved into the state’s field of interest. In the 18th and 19th century, under the term “medical policy” ( Medizinalpolizei), an extensive discussion took place concerning the responsibilities and means of state healthcare. European states met the demands raised in this theoretical discussion with a variety of different measures, as for instance the introduction of a medical code or the improveme…
Date: 2019-10-14

Intellectual property

(2,180 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. DefinitionIntellectual property is a natural law concept that since the late 18th century has been understood to protect the rights of authors and inventors along the same lines as property rights. The theory of intellectual property (German geistiges Eigentum) met with considerable resistance in 19th-century Germany, which lives on today widely in German jurisprudence. In France ( propriété intellectuelle) and the anglophone legal world, the view of intellectual property as similar to property rights has prevailed.Louis Pahlow2. The era of privilegesThe legal prote…
Date: 2019-10-14

Limitation (law)

(805 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. DefinitionLimitation refers to the effect of time on a legal right that thereby is reduced with respect to its existence or its enforceability. Limitation is based on the condition that someone has failed to assert his rights within a certain time-frame. It appears both in private law and criminal law, as well as in other areas of law, such as administrative law.Louis Pahlow2. Private lawWith the reception of ius commune, its traditional principles of usucaption were also developed, that is, the acquisition of ownership by someone in possession of a thing (P…
Date: 2019-10-14

Administrative judiciary

(762 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
An administrative judiciary ( Administrativjustiz) is the court-like review of measures taken by the police or the government outside the ordinary judiciary in the 19th century. Its roots lie in the  gute Policey (“good public order”) of the 18th century, whereby Policey cases were decided by Policey-Collegien, the so-called cameral judiciary (see Kameralprozess) After the administrative reforms at the beginning of the 19th century, the duties of gute Policey were assumed by the government. The administrative judiciary now consisted of court-like judicial i…
Date: 2019-10-14

Allgemeines Landrecht für die preußischen Staaten (ALR)

(1,091 words)

Author(s): Pahlow, Louis
1. Origin and scope The Prussian ALR of 1794 was the result of efforts commencing also in other German territories around 1750 to modernize the legal system according to the ideas of enlightened absolutism ( Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch = ABGB; Codex Maximilianeus Bavaricus Civilis). The ALR is one of the most prominent codifications of the Early Modern Period. A start was made under Frederick William I and was succeeded by works especially during the reign of Frederick II. After a first version by the Grand Chancellor Samuel von…
Date: 2019-10-14
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