
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)" )' returned 214 results. Modify search

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(385 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] (the Frisians). A fairly ancient Germanic people (etymology not clear), first mentioned in Plin. HN 4,101, who, according to Tac. Germ. 34,1 comprised the Frisii maiores and minores; they could hardly have been the Frisiavones in Plin. (HN 4,101; 106) in the north of Belgica [1]. They lived to the north of the  Bructeri and to the west of the  Chauci, mainly between Oude Rijn and Ems. There were an estimated 1,500 to 2,000 settlements in the marshes and border regions of the moors of the provinces of Friesland and…


(115 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Modern Worms. As an ancient traffic junction at the crossing point of the road along the Rhine valley (CIL XVII 2,675), B. was occupied by various Roman troops (fort inside the town area) from the Augustan era to the end of the 1st cent. After that the vicus, which at times had been walled (CIL XIII 6244), flourished as a suburb of the civitas Vongionum. It was protected by milites II Flaviae (Not. Dign. occ. 41,8;20), but after a siege sometime before 409 (Jer. Ep. 123,15,3), it fell to the  Burgundiones,  Huns,  Alamanni, and (from 496)  Francs. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bib…

Silva Caesia

(76 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Forested area on the right bank of the Rhine in Germania (Tac. Ann. 1,50), marched through by Germanicus [2] after the mutiny in 14 AD, probably from Novaesium. Presumably identical to the Silva Heissi, mentioned in 796 AD, to the north of the Ruhr between Essen-Werden and Essen-Altstadt. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography G. Neumann u. a., s. v. Caesia silva, RGA 4, 321 f.  J. Kunow, Das Limesvorland der südlichen Germania inferior, in: BJ 187, 1987, 63-77.


(383 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] The modern Main, the largest, right-hand tributary of the Rhine (evidence in [1. 606]). It was of limited value for river navigation because of its meandering course, having to penetrate the wooded mountains of the Odenwald, Spessart and Rhön. Since further use required rule over the Main-Frankish bank region and the Main valley opened up no further important tribal region, it was logical for the Romans to push no farther east towards Lower and Upper Franconia from the important legionary camp of Mogontiacum (Mainz) a…


(178 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] The Germanic ‘great people’ (μέγα ἔθνος; méga éthnos, Str. 7,1,3), the L. ( Lugiorum nomen), comprised many tribes, the most powerful being the Harii, the Helvecones, the Manimi, the Helisii and the Naha(na)rvali. Among the last, the cult community had its sacred grove (Tac. Germ. 43,2). Ptolemy differentiates L. Oma(n)noí, Didoûnoi and Boûroi (Λ. Ὀμαννοί/Ὀμανοί;, Διδοῦνοι, Βοῦροι, Ptol. 2,11,18; 20). As neighbours of the Suebi and the Goti, the L. settled in Silesia on the Oder and in the bordering regions along the Amber Road ( A…


(528 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] (the Franks). Initially a loose league of smaller Germanic tribes on the right-hand side of the Rhine that slowly arose from economic and cultic common ground as well as through relationship by marriage of the princes ─ e.g. the  Am(p)sivarii,  Bructeri,  Chamavi,  Chattuarii, possibly  Chatti, whose ethnicities as well as the general name used since the 3rd cent. AD (Pan. Lat. 11,5,4; 7,2; etymology ‘those eager for battle’, ‘the daring’) lived on (see Tab. Peut. 2,1-3). Since the start of the 4th cent. there is also evidence of Francia. From c. AD 260 the F. repeate…


(848 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] A Germanic ‘tribe’, made up of fighting and nomadic groups of various origins, formed after AD 180 in the course of the south-west wanderings of the Elbe-Germanic  Suebi, in particular by Semnones (Cass. Dio 71,20,2; Suda s. v. Κελτοί; Keltoí), which despite disputes with Rome was continuously self-renewing. Their name, first mentioned as A. (‘all men’) in the Byzantine exc. of Cass. Dio for AD 213 likely points to the openness of the battle group that broke apart old tribal formations. Therefore, the independent  Iuth…

Fines, ad Fines

(192 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] [1] M. Vinxt modern Vinxt. Town at the place (near Sinzig) where the road between Bonn and Remagen reaches the border between Germania inferior and superior ( Obrinkas Ptol. 29,2; 8f.; cf. Abrinkas Marcianus 2,28, < Celt. * aber ‘mouth’). Altars to the (Nymphae) Fines have been found there and, on both sides, inscriptions by beneficiarii and soldiers (CIL XIII 7713; 7724; 7731f.). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography C. B. Rüger, Germania Inferior, 1968, 47-49. [German version] [2] M. Pfyn near Frauenfeld modern Pfyn near Frauenfeld (Switzerland), vicus of the…


(84 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe that Str. 7,1,3 counts among the weaker tribes, together with the Cherusci, Chatti and Chattuari. A version of the Mannus-genealogy ( Herminones) ranked the G., together with the Marsi, Suebi and Vandili, among the original Germanic tribes (Tac. Germ. 2,2). A connection with the Sugambri seems to be linguistically indicated, but the fact that Str. loc. cit. mentions both names in the same context argues against their being identical. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography G. Neumann, D. Timpe, s.v. G., RGA 10, 406-409.

Lacus Benacus

(84 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Today Lago di Garda. Largest Alpine lake in the area of Verona (Plin. HN 9,75), with a length of 500 stadia (along the eastern shore road; cf. Str. 4,6,12; Plin. HN 2,224; 3,131); the river Mincius flows through it. It was navigable despite severe storms (Verg. G. 2,160). The Benacenses (TIR L 32,33) lived on the western shore. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography TIR L 32,80 A. Mosca, Caratteri della navigazione nell'area benacense in età romana, in: Latomus 50, 1991, 269-284.


(78 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Capital of the  Licates, a ‘polis rising up like a fortress’ (Str. 4,6,8). Tentatively identified with the early Imperial, fortified mountain settlement on the Auerberg (1055 m) near Bernbeuren (in modern Bavaria; finds of metal workshops and potters' ovens) that was settled by Rome in the 2nd decade AD and abandoned as early as c. AD 40. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography G. Ulbert, Auerberg, in: W. Czsyz, K. Dietz, Th. Fischer, H.-J. Kellner (ed.), Die Römer in Bayern, 1995, 417-419.


(69 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] According to Tac. Germ. 34,1 (a conjecture after Ptol. 2,11,9 = ‘the war-ready’) a German tribe, neighbours of the Chasuarii, Chamavi, Angrivarii and Langobardi, presumably situated east of the Weser on the middle Aller and middle Elbe and in the Südheide. Probably not politically autonomous [1]. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 G. Neumann et al., s.v. D., RGA 4, 431 2 Id., et al., s.v. D., RGA 6, 274-276.


(86 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Largest auxiliary fort (6.07 hectares) on the upper German/Raetian   limes , a forward post for the ala II Flavia milliaria from  Aquileia [2].  Principia excavated in modern times. Oldest inscription from AD 163/4, extensive alterations AD 208. Large   vicus . Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography K. Dietz, Die Erneuerung des Limeskastells A. vom J. 208 n. Chr., in: Acta praehistorica et archaeologica 25, 1993, 243-252 M. Luik, Der Kastellvicus von A., in: Fundber. Baden-Württemberg 19, 1994, 265-355 D. Planck, A., Ostalbkreis: Arch. Plan des röm. Kas…


(499 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] (Gutones, ‘Goths’). Germanic people whose very small traditional core of people supposedly left Scandinavia (Iord. Get. 25f.; [1]; archaeological evidence for a migration overseas are lacking) under ‘King’ Berig (important: not one of the  Amali!). At the beginning of the common era the G. settled in the Oder area (cf. Str. 7,1,3); their ethnogenesis obviously took place in the area of the Wielbark culture, next to (Ulmi)rugic-Lemovian neighbours, north of the Lugic-Vandal Przewor…


(142 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Fort defended after the battle of Varus in AD 9, and then abandoned in an orderly retreat to the  Rhenus (today Rhine) (Vell. Pat. 2,120,4), likely identical with the φρούριον ( phroúrion; Cass. Dio 54,33,4) built by  Drusus in 11 BC at the confluence of the Elison into the Lupia (today Lippe). The location is as yet uncertain since Oberaden and Holsterhausen are ruled out, Haltern was considered but is 41 km too far from the Rhine and was abandoned in AD 9 [1], while A. was occupied either still or again in AD 15-16 (Tac. Ann. 2,7,3).  P. Quinctilius Varus Dietz, Karlheinz (Würz…


(308 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Caesar | Wine | Commerce | Limes | Raeti, Raetia (now Bregenz). In Celtic * brigant -- ‘high’. Important locality of the Brigantii (Str. 4,6,8) in  Rhaetia, situated on the north-eastern bay of Lake Constance at an intersection of important east-west and north-south traffic routes, which become narrower in that area. As well as a putative pre-Roman oppidum in the upper part of town, late La Tène finds (level D 2) have been found on the Ölrain, a plateau of c. 50 ha. (34 m above Lake Constance). Archaeologically there may w…


(71 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic people; ‘people of the Hase’ (easterly tributary of the Ems); neighbours of the Chamavi (Tac. Germ. 34,1), living south of the Suebi and west of the Chatti (Ptol. 2,11,11), they left their home country (possibly as early as c. AD 98) and under Gallienus took possession of Roman territory east of Mainz (Laterculus Veronensis 15,6). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography G. Neumann et al., s.v. Chasuarier, RGA 4, 375f.


(338 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] The Germanic combat unit that was probably based on fealty, together with Suebi and Semnones in the mythical original tribe of the  Herminones (Plin. HN 4,100), pinpointed in the Augustan period as being located at the Elbe (Str. 7,1,3; Vell. 2,106,2), had possibly already lost its political and organizational connection at that time. H., searching for land, were settled by  Domitius [II 2]in 6/1 BC in the former Marcomannis (Cass. Dio 55,10a,2), possibly as a strategic help again…


(36 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Mythological ancient tribe of the Germani (Plin. HN 4,100; Tac. Germ. 2,2) with no concrete historical base. According to Plin. l.c. they lived proximi Rheno (near the Rhine).  Herminones Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)

Mons Cetius

(68 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Mountain range, intrinsically linked with Cetium, bordering Noricum in the east (Ptol. 2,13,1) and Pannonia in the west (Ptol. 2,14,1) reaching the Danube to the north between Vindobona and Cetium. Essentially the Vienna Woods and the contiguous Styrian Alps to the south, the modern Karawanken and the Carnic Alps. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography TIR M 33,61  G. Winkler, s.v. Cetium, RE Suppl. 14, 91.


(178 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Batavian Revolt (modern Krefeld-Gellep). Place in Germania inferior, field camp and battle site of the Batavian wars (Tac. Hist. 4,26,3; 32,1; 35,3; 36,1; 58,4); after AD 70 auxiliary fort (Plin. HN 19,90), which after three wood and earth stages was converted into stone before 150. The occupying force was for a long time the cohors II Varcinorum equitata. In the wake of Postumus' uprising in 259 (tombs of the fallen!) and in 275/6 G. was destroyed by the Franks, redesigned into a fortress around 295…


(381 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Eastern Germanic tribe (first mentioned in Plin. HN 4,99; etymologically linked with * burgund -- ‘the high-lying’), possibly originating from the island of Bornholm; from the 2nd cent. BC, they settled in the western part of eastern Pomerania, in the 2nd cent. AD in central northern Germany between the Oder and the Vistula. Hypothetically linked with the Luboszyce culture [1]. In the 3rd cent., they migrated to the south-west and, together with the Vandali, were defeated by Aurelius  Probus in…


(71 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic people, listed by Caesar (B Gall. 2,4,10) among the Germani cisrhenani together with the  Eburones, Caerosi and Paemani; lived as clients of the  Treveri (ibid. 4,6,4) between them and the Eburones (ibid. 6,32,1). The Condroz region on the river Maas between Namur and Liège, which is called pagus Condrustus in medieval documents, recalls the C. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography G. Neumann et al., s.v. C., RGA 5, 78-80.

Ad Lunam

(52 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Statio of the Tab. Peut. 4,1 f., possibly the modern Urspring-Lonsee (Alb-Donau-Kreis): two-phase cohort fort (1.8 hectares) from c. AD 80 and   vicus . Coin finds until AD 153/154.  Cohors;  Castellum Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography Coins: Fundmz. Röm. Deutschland 2,4, 1964, no. 4550. Literature.: J. Heiligmann, Der ‘Alb-Limes’, 1990, 88-101.


(224 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Principal town of the Traun plain, favourably situated from the point of view of communications at the point where the Danube intersects with the salt road to Bohemia, with probably an originally Celtic name (perhaps ‘the bend, the meander’), modern Linz on the Danube. With the wood-earth camp that originates at the earliest in the Tiberian period (0.66 ha, ala I Thracum?), Noricum joined the Claudian series of forts in Raetia west of Oberstimm (in between only small forts); extended before AD 160 into a much bigger stone fort ( ala I Pannoniorum Tampiana Victrix, around 2…


(248 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe (first mentioned in Str. 7,1,3f.; etymology uncertain), renowned for their martial discipline; settled by Rome in the region around the mouth of the Main, they later occupied particularly the basins of the Hessian depression south of the Cherusci and east of the Usipetes. Classed with the  Hermiones in Plin. HN 4,100, they lost the battle for a saline river to the Hermunduri in AD 58, but inflicted a devastating defeat on the Cherusci. In constant opposition to Rome…


(108 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe on the middle reaches of the Weser, partly separated from their south-western neighbours, the Cherusci, by a wide ager (Tac. Ann. 2,19); they sided with Rome in AD 16, seceded, and, after their defeat, joined the   fides (Tac. Ann. 2,24,3); in AD 97, in order to evade the Chauci, the A., together with the Chamavi, occupied land belonging to the Bructeri on the upper reaches of the Amisia (modern Ems; Tac. Germ. 33; cf. Ptol. 2,11,9; Laterculus Veronensis 13,13). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography R. Wenskus, s. v. Angriwarier, RGA, 333 R. Wolters, Rö…


(21 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Probably the modern Eder, river in the territory of the  Chatti (Tac. Ann. 1,56,3). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)


(77 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] (Λικάττιοι; Likáttioi, Str. 4,6,8; Λικάτιοι; Likátioi, Ptol. 2,12,4; Plin. HN 3,137). Vindelician tribe that probably settled on the upper course of the Lech ( Licca). The main town was Damasia. L. were still serving as auxiliary soldiers [1] in the Roman army around AD 160. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 RMD, 119, 170. TIR L 32, 84f. H. Wolff, Einige Probleme der Raumordnung im Imperium Romanum, in: Ostbairische Grenzmarken 28, 1986, 152-177, esp. 166.


(135 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Raeti, Raetia Modern Epfach, district of Landsberg am Lech, Germany (CIL III 2,5780); Roman garrison from just before BC to about AD 50, late antique fortifications along the long, steep-sided, island-like Lorenzberg in a bow of the river Lech. 300 m away, underneath the village of Epfach, there is a Flavian road- vicus on the   via Claudia , north-east of the turn-off to Gauting. Building remains on Epfach hill dating from the 3rd and 4th cents. AD; possibly late antique/early Chri…


(93 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Alpine tribe, subjugated by Augustus (CIL V 7817 = Plin. HN 3,137); they lived east of the Vocontii and south of the Allobroges (Str. 4,1,11; 4,6,5; Ptol. 2,10,7) along the upper course of the Arc near modern Modane, and, according to Vitr. De arch. 8,3,20, were particularly prone to suffer from goitre. They belonged to the tribes governed by Cottius [1] (CIL V 7231) and later to the prov. Alpes Cottiae. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography TIR L 32,92 G. Barruol, Les peuples préromains du sud-est de la Gaule, 1975, 334-337.


(99 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Alpine tribe in Raetia (Hor. Carm. 4,14,10), subjugated by Drusus in 15 BC, which, like the Breuni, was thought of as Illyrian (Str. 4,6,8); Plin. HN 3,137 has Caenauni, Ptol. 2,12,4 Βένλαυνοι ( Bénlaunoi). It is thought that their dwelling places were, e.g., in the eastern Inn Valley in the Tyrol. Allocation by Paus. 8,43,4 (Britannia) is uncertain [1]. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 J. G. F. Hind, The ‘Genounian’ part of Britain, in: Britannia 8, 1977, 229-234. R. Frei-Stolba, Die Räter in den ant. Quellen, in: B. Frei (ed.), Das Räterproblem in ge…


(89 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] (variant Naharvali). Powerful subtribe of the Vandals/Lugii, which is mentioned in Tac. Germ. 43, 3f. along with the Harii, Helvecones, Manimi and Halisones (Helisii?). The Romans reached these tribes via the ‘Amber Road’ (Amber), which had been open since the time of Nero (AD 54-68). In a holy grove belonging to the N., the Alcis, who were comparable with the Dioscuri, were worshipped in an all-Lugian cult. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography TIR M 33,63  G. Perl, Tacitus, Germania, 1990, 247f.  D. Timpe, Romano-Germanica, 1995, 107f., 127-131.


(199 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe (first mentioned in Caes. B Gall. 6,10,5; etymology uncertain, possibly connected with * herut, German ‘Hirsch’ [deer]?). They settled south of the Angrivarii and west of the Langobardi, between Weser and Elbe, and north of the Harz mountains. In a state of permanent internal dispute, they were subjugated by Claudius Drusus (in 12 and 9 BC), and by Tiberius (AD 4). However, in AD 9,  Arminius, who was in Roman service, led a successful uprising against Quinctilius  Varus by parts …


(80 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] now Boppard. About 1 km east of a vicus from the 1st-3rd cents. AD, the late Roman castle B. of the milites balistarii (Not. Dign. occ. 41,23), with 28 round towers, was developed in the middle of the 4th cent.; in places the walls still reach up to 9 m in height. Early Christian church. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography H.-H. Wegner, in: H. Cüppers(ed.), Die Römer in Rheinland-Pfalz, 1990, 344-346 E. Dassmann, Die Anf. der Kirche in Deutschland, 1993, 62-65.


(146 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Batavian Revolt Modern Asberg near Moers (etymologically ‘Eschenberg’ -- ash mountain; cf. Old High German ask). In this location opposite the mouth of the river Ruhr (CIL XIII 2,2,8588-8597), five phases of an auxiliary fort, from 12/11 BC to its abandonment in AD 83/85, with an area of 1.6 to 2.3 ha. have been verified, as well as an Augustan   vicus , and a harbour which was silting up at the end of the 1st cent. AD. After the withdrawal of the military, A. remained an important staging post between Castra Vetera and Novaesium with   be…


(121 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Mixed Romano-Germanic tribe (Bavarians), first recorded in Iord. Get. 55,280 as living in southern Germany east of the river Lech (cf. Venantius Fortunatus, Vita Martini 4,640-645). Etymologically most likely the ‘descendants of those living in Bai(a)-haim (= Bohemia)’; the foederati, archaeologically evident in the Friedenhain-Přeštovice pottery, were most likely -- initially independently, later tolerated by the Ostrogoths (Theoderic the Great) -- to have formed the military core, around which, with Regensburg at its…


(1,975 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
Roman province, essentially the eastern Alpine region, to the south of the Danube, east of Raetia and west of Pannonia. [German version] A. From the beginning until incorporation into the Imperium Romanum There are various hypotheses [2] on the formation of the Celtic Norici people, who probably gained strength through the amalgamation of individual peoples (dedications from Mt Magdalen in Corinthia mention eight Norican tribes [1. 280-284, 294]), especially regarding their relationship to the postulated pre-Celtic Nori (Norei…

Batavian Revolt

(604 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Final phase in the civil war that took place after Nero's death between August of AD 69 and September/October 70 north of the Alps (sources in [1]). Tacitus is the main source for a description of the complex chain reactions entailing breaches of faith and new solidarities (Hist. 4,12-37; 54-79; 5,14-26). Some authors (for instance Brunt) claim that Tacitus depicts a believable and consistent overview of the separatist movement against Rome which aimed at a Gallic world empire (cf…


(176 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe, ‘the people who live on the (lower) Ems’; in AD 9, they stayed loyal to Rome under the leadership of Boiocalus, but during Nero's reign (middle of the 1st cent. AD), following their eviction by the Chauci, they tried in vain to settle in the military territory on the eastern bank of the Lower Rhine [1]. Despite their fifty years of allegiance to Rome, the Romans drove them out; the tribe found no admittance with the  Usipetes, nor the  Tubantes,  Chatti and  Cherus…


(675 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe, who apparently suddenly descended upon Gaul and Italy, but whose origins and itinerary remained a mystery to the Romans (Plut. Marius 11,4; sources in [1], cf. [3. 23-28]). Jutland is assumed to be their homeland, on the basis of a modern hypothesis; that they were driven out by the slow encroachment of the sea, is probably no more than an ancient presumption (Posidon. in Str. 2,3,6; 7,2,1f.). It is a contentious question whether the C. changed their way of life, r…


(149 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Coloniae | Pannonia | Rome Road junction, already inhabited in Celtic times, with a crossing of the river Traun, modern Wels. Occupied after the incorporation of Noricum into the Roman Empire; municipium (CIL III 11785b; IX 2593) under Hadrian, colonia Aurelia Antoniniana (CIL III 5630; CSIR III 3, 1981 [1]) under Caracalla . It is disputed whether O. was the civilian capital city of Noricum Ripense [2]. Several centres of habitation formed within the walls of O. in the 7th/8th cent. ( castrum Ueles fortified in 776). Dietz, Karl…


(170 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe (of uncertain etymology); they preceded the Tubantes and Usipetes as inhabitants of land on the lower Rhine, which was later to become Roman military land (Tac. Ann. 13,55,2); before 12 BC they lived east of the Tencteri, west of the  Bructeri and north of the Marsi (cf. the early medieval district of ‘Hamaland’ around Deventer between IJssel and Rhine). After the defeat of the Bructeri in AD 98, the C. from the west began to settle in the Bructeri's former territor…


(158 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Today St. Pölten. A town in  Noricum, situated at the intersection of ancient roads frequented from early times; etymologically probably linked to Celtic * keto -- ‘wood, forest’ (cf.   Cetius mons ). The municipium Aelium Cetensium of the time of Hadrian (CIL III 5630; 5652; 11799) was destroyed in the wars against the  Marcomanni, but soon recovered [1]. Since 1949 significant excavations on the site of the ancient town, which has been built up in modern times. Some slight evidence of Christianity in what little r…


(311 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Pannonia The modern Dölsach and Nußdorf-Debant on the road through the Drau valley (unknown etymology); when the Celtic Laianci came into contact with the Romans at the beginning of the 2nd cent. BC, the municipium Claudium A. (Plin. HN 3,146) with   forum ,   capitolium ,   basilica and  thermae [1] developed about 2 km east of the original town. Mining and processing of metal ensured the economic prosperity of A. and its territory -- from the Felber Tauern to the Kärntner Tor, from the Lie…

Alta Ripa

(100 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Today Altrip near Speyer. ‘Bell-shaped’, fort with its long side facing the Rhine from the Valentinian period (Cod. Theod. 11,31,4, AD 369) part of the fortress system of the Neckar confluence (Not. Dign. occ. 39; cf. the fortifications providing safe shipping, Symm. Or. 2,20 [1]). Destroyed in the New Year's night of AD 406/7 by  Alani,  Suebi and  Vands.  Castellum Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 A. Pabst, 1989, 147 f., 332 ff. S. V. Schnurbein, H.-J. Köhler, Der neue Plan des valentinianischen Kastells A. (Altrip), in: BRGK 70, 1989, 507-526 S. von…


(572 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] (etym. Lang(a/o)-bardoz, ‘the long beards’ [9]). Germanic tribe which Tacitus (Germ. 40,1) and Ptolemy (2,11,9) count among the Suebi; according to tribal mythology [1], they wandered out of southern Sweden as the Winniler into territories south of the Baltic Sea around 100 BC and fused with other peoples. The L. are archaeologically confirmed on the lower course of the Elbe (in the Bardengau) from the 1st cent. BC onwards. Briefly driven back to the east bank by Tiberius in AD 5 (…


(45 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Roman civilian settlement, main settlement of the civitas Auderiensium with good infrastructure (archaeological finds: e.g., a Mithraeum). Heyday about AD 300, but victim of Alamannic raids. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography E. Schallmayer, D., in: D. Baatz, F.-R. Herrmann (ed.), Die Römer in Hessen, 21989, 250-255.


(46 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] A Germanic people who according to Tac. Germ. 40,2 worshipped  Nerthus with the Reudigni, Angli, Varini, Eudoses, Suardones and Nuithones; it is not possible to work out their exact location in spite of the etymology ‘water dwellers, island inhabitants’ Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)


(101 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe, also known as Can(n)anefates, in their ‘extraction, dialect and bravery equal to the Batavi’ (Tac. Hist. 4,15,1; cf. Plin. HN 4,101), in the western part of the insula Batavorum, between Oude Rijn and Mosa (Helinium); cf. ‘Kennemerland’. Possibly subjugated by Tiberius (Vell. Pat. 2,105,1), they provided at the least one ala and one cohors (Tac. Ann. 4,73,2; Hist. 4,19,1). Their capital of Voorburg-Arentsburg became Forum Hadriani and municipium. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography TIR M 31, 59 B. H. Stolte, s.v. Cananefaten, RGA 4, 329f. W. W…


(241 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Gallia/Gaul | Legio | Limes | Limes | Batavian Revolt Modern Bonn. Since 30/20 BC settlement of the  Ubii with an indigenous name; between 16 and 12 BC, it was a mixed Roman garrison, replaced under Emperor Augustus with a legion from 1 BC; the legionary camp was rebuilt after its destruction in AD 70 ( legio I Minervia:  Domitianus -- 4th cent.), as was the canabae, both using half-timbering. The suburb of the camp, which itself had been rebuilt several times, flourished until it was destroyed (and rebuilt) …

Silva Bacenis

(62 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Large forested mountain range forming an intra-Germanic barrier between the Cherusci and the Suebi (Caes. Gall. 6,10,5). Etymologically related to German 'Buche' (= beech), and therefore probably the Harz Mountains (possibly as far as Rhön-Vogelsberg), which as late as the Early Middle Ages was called 'Buchonia'. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography G. Neumann u. a., s. v. Bacenis silva, RGA 1, 572 f.


(175 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] The modern Andernach; crossing-point of important long-distance routes (CIL XVII 2,675; Amm. Marc. 18,2,4) and the Rhine valley road from  Mogontiacum to  Colonia Agrippinensis; near the Roman cohort fort on the ‘Hügelchen’, already manned in the 1st cent. AD, it was a   vicus with harbour facilities for goods from the hinterland (e.g. millstones and industrial stone from the quarries around Mayen). In late antiquity, the vicus being endangered by flooding, an area of some 5.6 hectares was protected by a wall with round, projecting towers, still…


(64 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Aside from the  Harii, Manimi, Halisiones and Nahanarvali, a powerful partial tribe of the Vandali-Lugii (Tac. Germ. 43,2); probably identical to the Elouaíōnes (Ἐλουαίωνες, Ptol. 2,11,9), although they do not have the addition Loûg[i]oi (Λοῦγ[ι]οι) and their location is pinpointed as between Rhoutíkleioi (Ῥουτίκλειοι) and Burgundiones (Βουργοῦντες). In this case they would be the most northerly Lugii. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)


(76 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] ‘Homeland of the Boii’, now Bohemia (sources: Str. 7,1,3; Vell. Pat. 2,109,5; Tac. Germ. 28,2). Although widely abandoned by the Celtic  Boii around 60 BC (Caes. Gall. 1,5,4; cf. Str. 7,1,5; Plin. HN 3,146 deserta Boiorum) and occupied by the  Marcomanni shortly before the end of that cent., the region retained their name. That it gave its name to the  Baiovarii is disputed but quite likely. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography TIR M 33,27.


(145 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] The Elbe (never the Alb [3], despite [1]) has its source according to Tac. Germ. 41,2 [2. 242 f.] in the territory of the  Hermunduri, according to Ptol. 2,11,1 in the Sudeten, according to Cass. Dio 55,1,3 correctly in the ‘Vandal Mountains’ (Riesengebirge / Krkonoše). Known by the Romans since  Caesar, reached by  Drusus and  Tiberius in 9 and 5 BC, soon crossed by L.  Domitius Ahenobarbus, it was to have become the Germanic border of Rome -- a plan that failed. Therefore known to Tac. (Germ. 41,4) only by ‘hearsay’ ( nunc tantum auditur). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibli…


(73 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] River, eastern or western border of the kingdom of Quadian Vannius founded in AD 19 inter Marum (March) et Cusum (Tac. Ann. 2,63,6), mostly identified with the Duria, i.e. with Hron (Gran), Ipel' (Eipel) or -- archaeologically the most probable -- Váh (Waag [1. 186104]). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 H.-W. Böhme, Arch. Zeugnisse zur Gesch. der Markomannenkriege, in: JRGZ 22, 1975, 153-217. TIR M 33,35f. G. Neumann, s.v. C., RGA 5, 112f. Ipel';


(426 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Pannonia | Raeti, Raetia (modern Salzburg). In the territory of the Alauni the developing Roman site of I. (etymology disputed) on the left bank of the Salzach replaced the Celtic hill settlements on the Rainberg, the Festungsberg and the Kapuzinerberg in the later years of Augustus' reign (beginning 1st cent. AD). I. was built at the junction of the northern road along the crest of the Alps from Bregenz (Brigantium) and the long distance road from Aquileia leading over the Radstädter Tauernpass, and was raised to the status of mu…


(69 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] The modern Dormagen. Late Flavian alae fort (3.3 ha) between Cologne and Neuss. Second construction phase in the mid 2nd cent. AD, probably the ala Noricorum (CIL XIII 8523f.); burnt down c. 200, and in c. 275 very briefly occupied. In the north-eastern corner was a reoccupation fort from late antiquity. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography M. Gechter, Das röm. Kavallerielager Dormagen, in: Arch. im Rheinland 1994, 1995, 85-87.


(481 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Seafaring East Germanic tribe [1], which at the beginning of the 3rd cent. AD was allegedly driven out of Scandinavia by the Danes and split into East and West Heruli. The latter attacked the Romans at the Lower Rhine in 287, were defeated and repeatedly attacked Roman territory from the Dutch-Frisian coast to southern Spain (esp. 456/459). Threatened by the  Franci, they made an effort in 476 to gain the friendship of the  Visigoths. At the beginning of the 6th cent. they are no longer attested. From their home by the Sea of Azov, the much stronger East H. advance…


(145 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Celtic tribe of Helvetia or rather  Noricum (Fest. 17) or a tribe of German origin, possibly linked with the island of Amrum: the etymology of Ambr-names is unproductive (cf. [1. 606] for a possible Ligurian component). The A., together with the Helvetii and the Teutoni, threatened Italy from southern Gaul; in 102 BC, they were beaten at Aquae Sextiae by C. Marius (Liv. epit. 68; Plut. Marius 15,5 f.; 19,3 f.; 19,7; 20,1 f.; cf. Str. 4,1,8; Cass. Dio 44,42,4; 50,24,2; Eutr. 5,1,1; Oros. 5,16,1; 9; 13; Veg…


(109 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] The modern Cologne-Deutz. Starting as a bridgehead across the Rhine opposite  Colonia Agrippinensis [1] early in the 1st cent. AD and rebuilt with a bridge by Constantine the Great to harbour 1,000 men on the Rhine border that is above flood level (Paneg. 6 [7],11,3; 13,1-5); parts of the structure lasted until Frankish times ( Divitia civitas: Greg. Tur. Franc. 4,16). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 B. Päffgen, W. Zanier, Überlegungen zur Lokalisierung von Oppidum Ubiorum und Legionslager im frühkaiserzeitlichen Köln, in: W. Czysz, C. M. Hüssen et …

Abnoba mons

(154 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Black Forest, German Schwarzwald, mountain region in south-western Germany, possibly including also the low mountain ranges of the Odenwald and Rothaargebirge to the north. In 15 BC,  Tiberius paid a visit there to see the sources of the Danube. From the late Tiberian/early Claudian period (2nd half of the 1st cent. AD), there was a Roman-influenced population on the eastern bank of the upper Rhine region; under the Flavians (2nd half of 1st cent. AD), the wooded mountain area und…


(144 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Batavian Revolt (Vingo), now Bingen/Bingerbrück. Settlement on the bend of the Rhine. Geographically important location in the territory of the  Vangiones (CIL XVII 2,675) on the bridge of the Rhine valley road over the Nahe where the Trier - Mainz route branches off.  Iulius Tutor was defeated here in AD 70, and the bridge that he had pulled down (Tac. Hist. 4,70,4) was replaced around AD 77 as a pile grating (dendrochronologically confirmed; again c. 305); in the early 1st cent. a garrison of several cohorts and …


(249 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Pannonia Modern Célje (Cilli). Settlement in Noricum on the amber trade route near an originally Celtic-Illyrian settlement at the mouth of the Voglajna into the Savinja (Sann). C. owed its early and rapid development to its favourable location on one of the main access routes to the Illyro-Italian gateway. Under the emperor Claudius, it was probably a   municipium of the tribus Claudia (CIL III 5143; 5227; cf. CIL VI 2382) which, in the middle of the 2nd cent., supplied high-ranking imperial officials [1…


(57 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] A people in Lower Germania, whose tribal area, attributed to the colonia Ulpia Traiana/Xanten, most likely lay between Erkelenz and Krefeld. The B. participated with one contingent in the revolt of  Julius Civilis (Plin. HN 4,106; Tac. Hist. 4,56,3; 66,1). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography TIR M 31,39 C. B. Rüger, Germania Inferior, 1968, esp. 98f.


(278 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] (‘offsprings, descendants’). One of the Germanic warrior communities living north of the Danube, identified by the Romans with the  Semnones [1; 2], defeated by the Romans (AE 1993, 1231; [5]) at Augsburg on 24/25 April AD 260 (unnecessary doubt over the date in [3], cf. [4]) on the way back from Italy. Annoyed at the absence of annual tributes, contrary to treaty and without a declaration of war, they advanced into Italy again in 270, but were overcome by Aurelianus ‘at the cross…


(153 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
(Ἀμισία; Amisía). [German version] [1] Modern Ems river The modern river Ems, frequently mentioned (cf. Str. 7,1,3; Mela 3,30; Plin. HN 4,100; Tac. Ann. 1,60,2; Ptol. 2, 11, 1; 7; Marcianus of Heraclea, Periplus Maris exteri 2,32 GGM 1,555); in medieval documents named as Emisa and Emesa [1]. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) [German version] [2] Settlement, localization uncertain The localization of the settlement of A. (Ptol. 2,11,13; 8,6,3; Steph. Byz. s. v. A.) is uncertain, equally, whether Amisiae in Tac. Ann. 2,8 refers to the left arm of the Ems [2]…


(133 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] (Varisti). Germanic tribe next to ( iuxta) the Hermunduri (Tac. Germ. 42,1) and between the Marcomanni and the Quadi (AE 1956, 124), in the vicinity of Pannonia (western Slovakia; cf. [1. 248-251]). Once friends of Rome ([2]; CIL III 4500), during the Marcomannic Wars  they became enemies (SHA Aur. 22,1), against whom Marcus [2] Aurelius campaigned [3. 104f.]; their leader Valao was killed in single combat by M. Valerius Maximianus (AE l.c.). 3,000 N. deserters were settled in the Empire (Cass. Dio 71,21; CIL X 7290 does not mention any N.). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) B…


(129 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] According to Tacitus ‘an uncivilized and very poor’ ( mira feritas, foeda paupertas) but ‘happy’ ( beatius arbitrantur) northern people of hunters, whose classification as Germans or Sarmatians was left uncertain (Tac. Germ. 46). They undoubtedly were identical with the Phínnoi (Φίννοι) in northern Scandinavia, who were considered ‘neighbours’ of the Goths (Ptol. 2,11,16: Hs. X; 3,5,8; cf. Jord. Get. 3,22: mitissimi), but not Suomi Finns, who were only named thus in the 2nd half of the 12th cent. Because of the customs described in Tac. Ger…


(295 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Raeti, Raetia Today, the historic centre of Passau. The name was recorded rather late (Not. Dign. Occ. 35,24; Eugippius, Vita Severinus 19,1; 22,4; 24,1; 27,1; Batavini: ibid. 20,1; 22,1; 27,3). Located in  Raetia, across from Boiodurum/Innstadt in Noricum. A late Celtic oppidum between the Danube and the Inn was discontinued c. 100 years before the Roman settlement. The Roman settlement was quite dense since late Flavian times, but not yet clearly organized: the narrow, rectangular houses bel…

Decumates agri

(603 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Problematic expression, attested only in Tac. Germ. 29,3: Tacitus does not count those peoples settled beyond the Rhine and Danube as belonging to the Germanic peoples, saying eos qui decumates agros exercent: levissimus quisque Gallorum et inopia audax dubiae possessionis solum occupavere; mox limite acto promotisque praesidiis sinus imperii et pars provinciae habentur. The partly fanciful discussion of this quotation, difficult as it is on linguistic and factual grounds, is as wide-ranging as it is fruitless. If decumates is generally viewed as an adject…


(173 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic tribe; uncertain etymology of the name; they were divided into the ‘small’ and the ‘large’ B. (Str. 7,1,3f.; Ptol. 2,11,6f.; 9) and settled between IJssel, Lippe and the upper reaches of the Ems, or rather between the upper reaches of the Ems and the Weser. Defeated by  Drusus in 12 BC, they took part in the fight against  Varus, and, with their seer  Veleda, were involved in the  Batavian revolt. After AD 98, they were decimated by the Chamavi and Angrivarii and driven away (Tac. Germ. 33,1). Later, Bructuri appear on the right bank of the Rhine between Colo…


(114 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic people; on the basis of etymology inhabitants of a former Chattian territory; possibly to be identified with the  Chasuarii. As neighbours of the Bructeri and the Cherusci counted as the ‘weaker’ inland peoples (Str. 7,1,3f.; Vell. Pat. 2,105,1); possibly to be identified with the Attuarii, who show up in the 4th cent. as part of a Frankish confederacy (Amm. Marc. 20,10,2); during the Middle Ages the C. are settled from the lower Ruhr and Lippe to the left bank of the Rhine.  Chatti;  Francs Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography G. Neumann et al., s.v. Cha…


(65 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Sub-tribe ( pagus) of the Alamanni north of Lake Constance (cf. the later Linzgau). Directed against them in AD 355 was punitive action of the magister equitum Arbetio and a victorious campaign of Gratianus in 378 (Amm. Marc. 15,4; 31,10,1-17). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography R. Rollinger, Zum Alamannenfeldzug Constantius' II. an Bodensee und Rhein im J. 355 n.Chr., in: Klio 80, 1998, 163-194.


(40 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Statio between Ad Lunam and Grinario (Tab. Peut. 4,1), possibly the late Flavian garrison Donnstetten-Römerstein, which continued after about 150 into the 3rd cent. as a civilian settlement. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography J. Heiligmann, Der ‘Alb-Limes’, 1990, 80-87.


(114 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] Germanic name (‘the flooding, streaming [body of water]’) for the most northerly branch of the delta of the Rhine: Plin. HN 4,101 ( Flevum ostium); Mela 3,24 ( lacus Flevo, formerly Zuidersee, modern IJsselmeer); cf. Ptol. 2,11,12. Tac. Ann. 4,72,3 mentions a Roman castellum Flevum besieged by Frisii in AD 28, the locality of which is pinpointed in Velsen [1]. It is debatable whether the Flevi in the Laterculus Veronensis 13 are derived from F. [2; 3].  Rhenus Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 J.-M. A. W. Morel, A. V. A. J. Bosman, Velsen-Noord Spaarndamm…


(1,393 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[German version] A Germanic tribe belonging to the Suebi (border people [26. 161f.]) that was probably forced from the middle Elbe region into the upper and middle Main region by the migrations of the Cimbri and Teutoni. The M. supplied mercenaries: from 72 BC for the Sequani in their war against the Haedui, in 60 BC for the Dacians during the destruction of the Boii kingdom in Bohemia, in 58 for Ariovistus against Caesar (Caes. B Gall. 1,51,2). Severely defeated by Claudius [II 24] Drusus probabl…


(1,825 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
Röm. Prov., im wesentlichen das Ostalpengebiet, südl. der Donau, östl. von Raetia und westl. von Pannonia. [English version] A. Von den Anfängen bis zur Eingliederung in das Imperium Romanum Zur Bildung des wohl durch den Zusammenschluß einzelner Völker (Dedikationen vom Magdalensberg in Kärnten nennen acht nor. Stämme [1. 280-284, 294]) erstarkten kelt. Stammes der Norici, speziell zu seinem Verhältnis zu postulierten vorkelt. Nori (Noreia) und den Taurisici, gibt es unterschiedliche Hypothesen [2]. 186 v.Chr. ins röm. Blickfeld gerückt, schloß das regnum N. (zum Begriff v…


(321 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Der wohl auf Gefolgschaft beruhende german. Kampfverband, zusammen mit Suebi und Semnones im myth. Urstamm der Herminones (Plin. nat. 4,100), in augusteischer Zeit an der Elbe lokalisiert (Strab. 7,1,3; Vell. 2,106,2), hatte seinen polit. und organisatorischen Zusammenhang damals evtl. schon verloren. Landsuchende H. siedelte Domitius [II 2] 6/1 v.Chr. in der ehemaligen Markomannis an (Cass. Dio 55,10a,2), evtl. als strategische Hilfe gegen die durch die röm. Okkupation gesteiger…


(56 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Neben den Harii, Manimi, Halisiones und Nahanarvali mächtiger Teilstamm der Vandali-Lugii (Tac. Germ. 43,2); wahrscheinlich identisch mit den Eluaíōnes (Ἐλουαίωνες, Ptol. 2,11,9), obwohl sie nicht mit dem Zusatz Lúg[i]oi (Λοῦγ[ι]οι) versehen sind und zw. Rutíkleioi (Ῥουτίκλειοι) und Burgundiones (Βουργοῦντες) lokalisiert werden. In diesem Falle waren sie die nördlichsten Lugii. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)

Mons Cetius

(67 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Von Cetium nicht zu trennendes Gebirge, das Noricum im Osten (Ptol. 2,13,1) und Pannonia im Westen begrenzte (Ptol. 2,14,1) und im Norden die Donau zw. Vindobona und Cetium erreichte. Im wesentlichen der Wienerwald und die sich nach Süden anschließenden steirischen Alpen, die h. Karawanken und die Karischen Alpen. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography TIR M 33,61  G. Winkler, s.v. Cetium, RE Suppl. 14, 91.


(753 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Aus Kampf- und Wanderhaufen verschiedener Herkunft, im Zuge der Südwest-Wanderung elbgerman. Suebi, speziell von Semnonen (Cass. Dio 71,20,2; Suda s. v. Κελτοί) nach 180 n. Chr. gebildeter und in Auseinandersetzung mit Rom sich ständig erneuernder german. “Stamm”. Der erstmals in byz. exc. des Cass. Dio zu 213 n. Chr. genannte Name A. (“Allmänner”) deutet wohl auf die alte Stammesbildungen sprengende Offenheit der Kampfgemeinschaft hin. So galten die um 260 n. Chr. mit den Semnon…


(67 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] German. Volk, von Caesar (Gall. 2,4,10) mit den Eburones, Caerosi und Paemani zu den Germani cisrhenani gerechnet; lebten als Klienten der Treveri (ebd. 4,6,4) zw. diesen und den Eburones (ebd. 6,32,1). Die in ma. Urkunden pagus Condrustus gen. Landschaft Condroz an der Maas von Namur bis Lüttich erinnert an die C. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography G. Neumann et al., s.v. C., RGA 5, 78-80.


(62 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Spätröm. Befestigung (0,16 ha) auf einer Geländekuppe am Fuß der Hochterrasse bei Gundremmingen, evtl. Pinianis, Kastell der cohors V Valeria Frygum (Not. dig. occ. 35,29) oder (nach Namensverlagerung Febian(i)s) eines Teils der equites stablesiani iuniores (ebd. 35,15). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography W. Czysz, B., in: Ders., K. Dietz, Th. Fischer, H.-J. Kellner (Hrsg.), Die Römer in Bayern, 1995, 430f.


(259 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Caesar | Handel | Limes | Raeti, Raetia | Wein (h. Bregenz). Zu kelt. * brigant - “hoch”. Am Schnittpunkt wichtiger, sich verengender Ost-West und Nord-Süd-Verbindungen in der Nordost-Bucht des Bodensees gelegener Vorort der Brigantii (Strab. 4,6,8) in Raetia. Neben postuliertem vorröm. oppidum in der Oberstadt sind Spätlatènefunde (Stufe D 2) auf dem Ölrain, einem 50 ha großen Plateau (34 m über dem Bodensee) belegt. Arch. scheint ein Militärposten zw. 15 und 8 v.Chr. möglich, e…


(333 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] (die Friesen). Erstmals bei Plin. nat. 4,101 genanntes älteres german. Volk (Etym. nicht eindeutig), das nach Tac. Germ. 34,1 aus F. maiores und minores bestand; diese waren kaum die Frisiavones bei Plin. (nat. 4,101; 106) in der nördl. Belgica [1]. Sie lebten nördl. der Bructeri und westl. der Chauci, hauptsächlich zw. Oude Rijn und Ems: Man schätzt für das 1. Jh. n.Chr. in den Marschen und Randgebieten der Moore der Prov. Friesland und Groningen 1500-2000 Siedlungen; in der Folgezeit ging der fries. Einflu…


(120 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] H., Ingaevones und Istaevones sind german. Namen für die auf die drei Söhne des Mannus zurückgeführten german. Urstämme innerhalb der (auf indigenem Kern beruhenden) ant. myth. Ethnogonie der Germanen (Mannus-Genealogie), die wohl von Poseidonios in die ant. Lit. eingeführt und stufenweise unter dem Einfluß der röm. Entdeckung des Nordens erweitert wurde (Mela 3,32; Plin. nat. 4,99f.; Tac. Germ. 2,2). Ethnisch, räumlich und sozial bleibt der Mythos beziehungslos, und obschon die …


(72 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Fluß, Ost- oder Westgrenze des 19 n.Chr. inter Marum (March) et Cusum gegr. Reichs des Quaden Vannius (Tac. ann. 2,63,6), meist mit der Duria identifiziert, also mit Hron (Gran), Ipel' (Eipel) oder - arch. am wahrscheinlichsten - Váh (Waag [1. 186104]). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 H.-W. Böhme, Arch. Zeugnisse zur Gesch. der Markomannenkriege, in: JRGZ 22, 1975, 153-217. TIR M 33,35f.  G. Neumann, s.v. C., RGA 5, 112f. Ipel';


(85 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Neben Helvecones, Manimi, Halisiones und Nahanarvali mächtiger Teilstamm der Vandali-Lugii (Tac. Germ. 43,2). Unsicher ist die Identifizierung mit den Charini (Plin. nat. 4,99) [1]; die alte Konjektur von hsl. alii (Tac. Germ. 43,4) zu ( H) arii ist aufzugeben: Damit entfallen die Folgerungen zum angeblichen ferialis exercitus (“Gespensterheer”, “Totenheer”) der H. [2]. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 G. Neumann, s.v. Charini, RGA 4, 371f. 2 A.A. Lund, Kritischer Forsch.-Ber. zur Germania des Tacitus, in: ANRW II 33.3, 1989-2222, bes. 2171f. D. T…


(287 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Pannonia Heute Dölsach und Nußdorf-Debant an der Drautalstraße (Etym. unbekannt); bei den Anf. des 2. Jhs. v. Chr. mit Rom in Kontakt tretenden kelt. Laianci entwickelte sich ca. 2 km östl. der urspr. Stadt das municipium Claudium Aguntum (Plin. nat. 3,146) mit forum , capitolium , basilica und Thermen [1]. Metallbergbau und -verarbeitung gewährten A. mit seinem Gebiet vom Felber Tauern zum Kärntner Tor, von den Lienzer Dolomiten zur Mühlbacher Klause - vom Alamann…


(122 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Ostgerman. Volk, lebte als Teil der Lugii, aber sprachlich und kulturell den Suebi nahe, siedelten mit den Marsigni, Cotini und Osi nördl. der Marcomanni und Quadi bis zur Weichselquelle (Tac. Germ. 43,1; Ptol. 2,11,10). In den Kriegen gegen die Daker Feinde Roms (Darstellung von Kampfszenen auf dem Monument von Adamclisi), im Krieg gegen die Marcomanni auf der Seite Roms, fielen sie aufgrund des Commodusfriedens von Rom ab und wurden um 182 n.Chr. aufgerieben (CIL III 5937) bzw. evtl. in Spanien angesiedelt [1]. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 D.M. Sil…


(93 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Von Drusus 15 v.Chr. unterworfener Alpenstamm in Raetia (Hor. carm. 4,14,10), der wie die Breuni zu den Illyrern gezählt wurde (Strab. 4,6,8); Plin. nat. 3,137 hat Caenauni, Ptol. 2,12,4 Βένλαυνοι ( Bénlaunoi). Die Wohnsitze hat man z.B. im östl. Tiroler Inntal vermutet. Die Zuweisung von Paus. 8,43,4 (Britannia) ist unsicher [1]. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography 1 J.G.F. Hind, The “Genounian” part of Britain, in: Britannia 8, 1977, 229-234. R. Frei-Stolba, Die Räter in den ant. Quellen, in: B. Frei (Hrsg.), Das Räterproblem in gesch., sprachl. un…


(100 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] German. Volk an der mittleren Weser, von den südwestl. anrainenden Cherusci teilweise durch einen breiten ager geschieden (Tac. ann. 2,19); schloß sich 16 n. Chr. Rom an, fiel ab und trat besiegt in die fides ein (Tac. ann. 2,24,3); den Chauci ausweichend, besetzten die A. um 97 n. Chr. mit den Chamavi Gebiete der Bructeri an der oberen Amisia (h. Ems; Tac. Germ. 33; vgl. Ptol. 2,11,9; Laterculus Veronensis 13,13). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography R. Wenskus, s. v. Angriwarier, RGA, 333  R. Wolters, Röm. Eroberung und Herrschaftsorganisation in Gallien…


(122 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Ein für Tacitus ‘unzivilisiertes und sehr armes’ ( mira feritas, foeda paupertas), aber ‘glückliches’ ( beatius arbitrantur) Jägervolk im Norden, dessen Zuordnung zu den Germanen oder Sarmaten offen bleibt (Tac. Germ. 46). Sie waren gewiß mit den als “Nachbarn” der Goten angesehenen Phínnoi (Φίννοι) in Nordskandinavien identisch (Ptol. 2,11,16: Hs. X; 3,5,8; vgl. Iord. Get. 3,22: mitissimi), nicht aber mit den Suomi-Finnen, die erst in der 2. H. des 12. Jh. so benannt wurden. Aufgrund der bei Tac. Germ. 46 geschilderten Lebensgewohnhe…


(44 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Röm. Zivilsiedlung, Hauptort der civitas Auderiensium mit guter Infrastruktur (arch. Funde: z.B. Mithraeum). Blüte um 300 n.Chr., fiel den Alamannen-Stürmen zum Opfer. Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography E. Schallmayer, D., in: D. Baatz, F.-R. Herrmann (Hrsg.), Die Römer in Hessen, 21989, 250-255.


(84 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Inn, streckenweise schiffbarer Grenzfluß zw. Raetia und Noricum, der den gallischen vom illyr. Zollbezirk trennte: Stationen bei Pons und Boiodurum (Passau-Innstadt). Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg) Bibliography H. Graßl, Die Grenzen der Prov. Noricum - Probleme der Quellenkunde in der ant. Raumordnung  E. Olshausen, H. Sonnabend (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur histor. Geogr. des Alt. 4, 1990 (Geographica Historica 7), 517-524  P. W. Haider, Gab es während der röm. Kaiserzeit eine Innschiffahrt auf Tiroler Boden?, in: Tiroler Heimat 54, 1990, 5-24  TIR M 3…


(533 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] German. Volk, das anscheinend plötzlich über Gallien und It. hereinbrach, dessen Herkunft und Weg den Römern unbekannt blieben (Plut. Marius 11,4; Quellen bei [1], vgl. [3. 23-28]). Als Heimat gilt Jütland aufgrund einer modernen Hypothese; die Vertreibung durch langsames Vordringen des Meeres ist wohl eine ant. Vermutung (Poseid. bei Strab. 2,3,6; 7,2,1f.). Strittig ist, ob die C. ihre Lebensweise änderten, sich auf Raub verlegten und schließlich auch It. anstrebten [2] oder unt…


(114 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Raeti, Raetia Heute Epfach, Landkreis Landsberg am Lech (CIL III 2,5780), röm. Militärstation kurz v. bis ca. 50 n. Chr., spätant. Befestigung am langgestreckten, inselartigen Lorenzberg in Lechschleife mit relativ steilen Hängen. 300 m daneben unter Epfach-Dorf flavischer Straßen- vicus an der via Claudia , nordöstl. der Abzweigung nach Gauting. Baumaßnahmen auf dem Hügel E. des 3. und 4. Jh. n. Chr.; evtl. spätant.-frühchristl. Kirche; Siedlung verliert sich in…


(516 words)

Author(s): Dietz, Karlheinz (Würzburg)
[English version] (etym. Lang(a/o)-bardoz, “die Langbärte” [9]). German. Stamm, den Tacitus (Germ. 40,1) und Ptolemaios (2,11,9) zu den Suebi zählen; der Stammessage nach [1] gegen 100 v.Chr. als Winniler aus Südschweden in Gebiete südl. des Baltischen Meeres gewandert und mit anderen Völkerteilen verschmolzen. Seit dem 1. Jh.v.Chr. sind die L. am Unterlauf der Elbe (im Bardengau) arch. gesichert. 5 n.Chr. von Tiberius kurz auf das Ostufer zurückgedrängt (Strab. 7,1,290; Vell. 2,106,2; [2]), waren …
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