
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Degani, Enzo (Bologna)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Degani, Enzo (Bologna)" )' returned 145 results. Modify search

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(1,896 words)

Author(s): Folkerts, Menso (München) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
[1] aus Syrakus ca. 287-232 v. Chr. [English version] A. Leben A. wurde als Sohn des Astronomen Pheidias um 287 v. Chr. in Syrakus geboren. Er war mit König Hieron II. und seinem Sohn Gelon befreundet. A. lebte wahrscheinlich zeitweise in Alexandreia; den dort wirkenden Mathematikern (Konon, Dositheos, Eratosthenes) sandte er später seine Schriften zu. In Syrakus beschäftigte sich A. mit Fragen der theoretischen Mathematik und Physik, aber auch mit Anwendungen; die von ihm gebauten Maschinen und physikalis…


(2,756 words)

Author(s): Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Lausberg, Marion (Augsburg)
I. Griechisch [English version] A. Anfänge Das E., das die griech. Lit. in ihrer gesamten Entwicklung begleitet (die ältesten Belege fallen mit den ersten Beispielen alphabetischer Schrift zusammen) bestand urspr. aus einer kurzen Versinschr. oder -aufschrift auf Vasen, Bechern, Weihegaben, Grabstelen, Hermen usw. Der Anlaß war immer real und konnte öffentlich oder privat sein. Das Metrum des E. war der ep. Hexameter, sporadisch in Verbindung mit einem daktylischen Pentameter, einem iambischen Trimete…


(688 words)

Author(s): Bowie, Ewen (Oxford) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Strauch, Daniel (Berlin)
(Εὔηνος, Εύηνός; Eúēnos, Euēnós) [1] of Paros [German version] A. Personal Data Eratosthenes distinguishes between two elegiac poets from Paros, both named E. (Harpocr. s.v. Εὔηνος 139,15 Dindorf), others maintain that there had only been one [1]. Plato mentions an E. of Paros, a poet and ‘philosopher’ (Pl. Phd. 60d; 61b), a teacher of political rhetoric around 400 BC (Pl. Ap. 20a-b), who had ‘discovered’ a number of tropes (Pl. Phdr. 267a). Both his language and the subject matter of some of the extant fra…


(377 words)

Author(s): Markschies, Christoph (Berlin) | Savvidis, Kyriakos (Bochum) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
[German version] [1] Forms of the name The following are attested: Apollinaris or Ἀπολινάριος ( Apolinários) or Ἀπολεινάριος ( Apoleinários), but not  Ἀπολλινάριος ( Apollinários). Markschies, Christoph (Berlin) Bibliography Th. Zahn, Apollinaris, Apollinarius, Apolinarius, in: id., Paralipomena, Forsch. zur Gesch. des nt. Kanons 5/1, 1893, 99-109. [German version] [2] of Laodicea Priest and teacher of grammar Priest and teacher of grammar. According to Sozom. Hist. eccl. (2,46; 3,15-16; 5,18; 6,25) the father of  A. [3]. Savvidis, Kyriakos (Bochum) Bibliography J. Dräseke…


(155 words)

Author(s): Ameling, Walter (Jena) | Weißenberger, Michael (Greifswald) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
(Διοφάνης; Diophánēs). [German version] [1] Strategos of the Arsinoites 224-218 BC Strategos of the Arsinoites 224-18 BC; most of the P. Enteuxeis texts date to his time in office. PP 1,247. Ameling, Walter (Jena) Bibliography N. Lewis, Greeks in Ptolemaic Egypt, 1986, 56ff. [German version] [2] Greek rhetor from Mytilene, 2nd cent. BC 2nd-cent. BC Greek rhetor from Mytilene; exiled from his homeland for political reasons, he went to Rome and became the teacher and friend of Tib.  Gracchus. Together with C.  Blossius [2] from Cumae, he is suppose…


(358 words)

Author(s): Pressler, Frank (Heidelberg) | Inwood, Brad (Toronto) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
(Χαιρήμων; Chairḗmōn). [German version] [1] Tragedian, middle of the 4th cent. BC Tragedian; mentioned by the comedy writers Eubulus (Ath. 2,43c) and Ephippus (Juv. fr. 9 Kock in Ath. 11,482b), which locates him in the middle of the 4th cent. BC. Performed again 276-19 at the Naïa in Dodona (DID B 11,13); titles: Alphesiboea, ‘Achilles killer of Thersites (Apulian vase, Boston 03.804 [1. 166]), Dionysus, Thyestes, Io, The Centaur, The Minyae, Odysseus, Oeneus and more than 40 fragments. Aristot. Rhet. 3,12,1413b8) counts him among those writers whose plays are full…


(1,726 words)

Author(s): Hofmann, Heinz (Tübingen) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Hadot, Pierre (Limours)
[German version] [1] [...]us C. s. M.  Arruntius Claudianus Hofmann, Heinz (Tübingen) [German version] [2] Claudius C. Graeco-Latin poet, c. AD 400 Graeco-Latin poet (about AD 400) from Alexandria. C. first wrote Greek poetry of which the opening of a ‘gigantomachy is preserved, whose praefatio in elegiac distichs indicates recitation in Alexandria. Of the seven epigrams in the  Anthologia Palatina attributed to a Klaudianos (see Claudius  Claudianus [3]), four were written by this C. (5,86,, 9,140. 753f.). He may also be the writer of (lost) epic poems…


(553 words)

Author(s): Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm (Bochum) | Decker, Wolfgang (Cologne) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
(Δωριεύς; Dorieús). [German version] [1] Spartan, son of Anaxandridas II Spartan, Agiad, son of Anaxandridas II and his first wife, older brother of the kings Leonidas and Cleombrotus, younger half-brother of Cleomenes I, who was born before D., but to the second wife of Anaxandridas, whom he due to the initial infertility of his first wife had additionally married at the direction of the ephors and gerontes. After Cleomenes as the eldest son had succeeded to the throne (Hdt. 5,41f.; Paus. 3,3,9f.), D. organized ─ allegedly due to outrage over this ruling ─ a colonist campaign to Libya c. 51…


(550 words)

Author(s): Lienau, Cay (Münster) | Graf, Fritz (Columbus, OH) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
(Ἀλφειός; Alpheiós). [German version] [1] River in the Peloponnese At 110 kms it is the longest river with the largest volume of water flow of the  Peloponnese, which, with its tributaries (especially the  Ladon,  Erymanthus,  Lousius) drains a large part of  Arcadia and  Elis. The eastern spring, called A. surfaces on the valley watershed near the Eurotas (483 m above sea level at Ambelakion; possibly some tapping of the water flow). The A. has so far for the most part preserved the character of a mount…


(765 words)

Author(s): Nesselrath, Heinz-Günther (Göttingen) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Neudecker, Richard (Rome)
(Ἀντιφάνης; Antiphánēs). [German version] [1] Attic comic poet, 4th cent. BC Attic writer of comedies; concerning his family and lineage the information is quite contradictory [1. test. 1, 2]. His father as well as his son were called Stephanus, (his son as a writer of comedies, staged works of his father [1. test 1]). A. was born in the 93rd Olympiad (between 408 and 404 BC) [1. test. 1] and is said to have already begun his stage activity at 20 years, (‘after the 98th Olympiad’ [1. test. 2]). He is said …


(1,214 words)

Author(s): Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Rhodes, Peter J. (Durham) | Baltes, Matthias (Münster)
[German version] [1] Poet of epigrams of unknown dating Epigram poet of an unknown period (with a peculiar, otherwise undocumented name), author of an insignificant distich on Hesiod (Anth. Pal. 7,52). Degani, Enzo (Bologna) Bibliography FGE 38. [German version] [2] Union of craftsmen and officials Dēmiourgoí (δημιουργοί, ‘public workers’) were occupied with public matters at various levels, depending on time and place. 1. In the Linear B tablets from Pylos dḗmos is found but not demiourgoi; it has been suggested [2] but not universally accepted that in the Mycenaean world demiourgoi…


(205 words)

Author(s): Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Eck, Werner (Cologne) | Birley, A. R. (Düsseldorf)
[German version] [4] Writer of epigrams Evodus (Εὔοδος; Eúodos) Epigrammatic poet of the Imperial age (1st or 3rd cent. AD), of whom Planudes preserved two short poems, of altogether three hexameters, in the form of riddles (Anth. Pal. 16,116 and 155): the first describes a centaur, the second the phenomenon of the echo, which is int. al. referred to as the ‘residue (τρύγα; trýga) of the voice’ and the ‘tail of the word’. Degani, Enzo (Bologna) [German version] [1] Imperial freedman under Tiberius Imperial freedman who had great influence over Tiberius in the last year of his life. PIR2 E 1…


(272 words)

Author(s): Peter, Ulrike (Berlin) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Bowie, Ewen (Oxford)
(Ἀδαῖος; Adaîos). [German version] [1] Dynast in south-eastern Thrace, (middle of the 3rd cent. BC) Dynast in south-eastern Thrace, middle of the 3rd cent. BC, probably offspring of a Macedonian governor appointed by  Philip II. He minted several emissions of bronze coins. Probably identical to A., who reigned in Cypsela (Athen. 11,468 f.) and A., who was executed by  Ptolemaeus III (Pomp. Trog. prol. 27; SEG 34, 1984, 878). Peter, Ulrike (Berlin) Bibliography K. Buraselis, Das hell. Makedonien und die Ägäis, 1982, 122-123, 139. [German version] [2] Macedonian epigrammatist Maced…


(319 words)

Author(s): Neudecker, Richard (Rome) | Zaminer, Frieder (Berlin) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
(Ἐπίγονος; Epígonos). [German version] [1] Sculptor in Pergamum Sculptor in Pergamum, who participated in building the victory monuments for the Attalids according to Pliny. Signatures are preserved on the following bases for Attalus I (241-197 BC): the so-called ‘Small Battle Bathron’ of the strategos Epigenes [2]; round base of the so-called ‘Great Anathema’ ( c. 228 BC; the attribution of the ‘Ludovisi Gaul’ remains in dispute); the so-called ‘Great Bathron’ ( c. 223 BC) with the ‘Dying Trumpeter’, which is documented in writing and was recognized in a copy on t…


(1,079 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) | Savvidis, Kyriakos (Bochum) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
[German version] [1] A. I, AD 491-518 Byzantine emperor A. I, AD 491-518 Byzantine emperor, born c. 431 in Dyrrachion, decurio of the Silentiarii under emperor Zeno the Isaurian, after whose death the widowed empress Ariadne pushed through A.'s selection and took him as her spouse. Ariadne also banned Longinus, the brother of Zeno; he had been regarded as the successor to Zeno. A revolt of the Isaurians which broke out as a consequence of this, was finally put down by A. only in 498. There was a revolt of the people of Constantinople in 512 caused by the preference of the empero…


(329 words)

Author(s): Portmann, Werner (Berlin) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Schwarcz, Andreas (Vienna)
(Ἀβλάβιος; Ablábios). [German version] [1] Flavius A., 4th cent. AD Flavius A. was one of the most influential officials under  Constantinus the Great. He came from Crete (Lib. Or. 42,23); the child of poor non-Christians (Eun. Vit. Soph. 6,3,1-7); later converted to Christianity (Athan. Epist. Fest. 5). In AD 324/326 he was vicarius of Asia (CIL III 352), 329-337 praef. praet. Orientis, 331 cos. ord. It is said to have been on his instigation that the pagan philosopher  Sopater was executed by Constantine (Eun. Vit. Soph. 6,2,12; 3,7,13; Zos. 2,40,3). He was possibly still in office as pra…


(144 words)

Author(s): Ameling, Walter (Jena) | Weißenberger, Michael (Greifswald) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
(Διοφάνης). [English version] [1] Stratege der Arsinoitis 224-218 v. Chr Stratege der Arsinoitis 224-18 v.Chr.; die meisten der P. Enteuxeis gesammelten Texte stammen aus seiner Amtszeit. PP 1,247. Ameling, Walter (Jena) Bibliography N. Lewis, Greeks in Ptolemaic Egypt, 1986, 56ff. [English version] [2] aus Mytilene, griech. Rhetor, 2. Jh. v. Chr. Griech. Rhetor des 2. Jh.v. Chr. aus Mytilene; aus polit. Gründen aus seiner Heimat verbannt, ging er nach Rom und wurde zum Lehrer und Freund des Tib. Gracchus. Zusammen mit C. Blossius [2] aus Cumae …


(354 words)

Author(s): Markschies, Christoph (Heidelberg) | Savvidis, Kyriakos (Bochum) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna)
[English version] [1] Namensformen Belegt sind: Apollinaris bzw. Ἀπολινάριος oder Ἀπολεινάριος, nicht aber Ἀπολλινάριος. Markschies, Christoph (Heidelberg) Bibliography Th. Zahn, Apollinaris, Apollinarius, Apolinarius, in: Ders., Paralipomena, Forsch. zur Gesch. des nt. Kanons 5/1, 1893, 99-109. [English version] [2] von Laodikeia Priester und Grammatiklehrer Priester und Grammatiklehrer. Nach Soz. (2,46; 3,15-16; 5,18; 6,25) der Vater von A. [3]. Savvidis, Kyriakos (Bochum) Bibliography J. Dräseke, A. von Laodicea, Texte und Unt. 7, 1892. [English version] [3] von L…


(267 words)

Author(s): Peter, Ulrike (Berlin) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Bowie, Ewen (Oxford)
(Ἀδαῖος, lat. Adaeus). [English version] [1] Dynast in Thrakien (Mitte des 3. Jh. v. Chr.) Dynast im südöstl. Thrakien, Mitte des 3. Jh. v. Chr., wohl Nachkomme eines von Philipp II. eingesetzten maked. Statthalters. Er prägte mehrere Emissionen von Bronzemünzen. Wohl identisch mit dem in Kypsela regierenden A. (Athen. 11,468 f.) und dem von Ptolemaios III. hingerichteten A. (Pomp. Trog. prol. 27; SEG 34, 1984, 878). Peter, Ulrike (Berlin) Bibliography K. Buraselis, Das hell. Makedonien und die Ägäis, 1982, 122-123, 139. [English version] [2] maked. Epigrammatiker Maked. Epigram…


(1,637 words)

Author(s): Hofmann, Heinz (Tübingen) | Degani, Enzo (Bologna) | Hadot, Pierre (Limours)
[English version] [1] [...]us C. s. M. Arruntius Claudianus Hofmann, Heinz (Tübingen) [English version] [2] Claudius C. griech.-lat. Dichter, um 400 Griech.-lat. Dichter (um 400 n. Chr.) aus Alexandreia. C. schrieb erst griech. Gedichte; erh. ist der Anfang einer ‘Gigantomachie, deren Praefatio in elegischen Distichen auf Rezitation in Alexandreia weist. Von den in der Anthologia Palatina einem Klaudianos (s. Claudius Claudianus [3]) zugeschriebenen sieben Epigrammen stammen vier von unserem C. (5,86; 9,140. 753f.); er dürfte auch Verf. (verlorener…
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