
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Müller, Christian (Bochum)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Müller, Christian (Bochum)" )' returned 101 results. Modify search

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(316 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Seltener röm. Gentilname, in der historischen Überl. nur im 5. und 4. Jh.v.Chr. bezeugt. [English version] [1] M., Q. Volkstribun 320 v. Chr., gab sein Amt auf Mitverantwortlich für den Caudinischen Vertrag, gab M. als tr. pl. 320 v.Chr. sein Amt auf und wurde an die Samniten ausgeliefert (Liv. 9,8,13-10,2; Cic. off. 3,109). Müller, Christian (Bochum) [English version] [2] hatte 440/39 v. Chr. Ambitionen auf eine Königsherrschaft in Rom Nach Liv. 4,12,6-16,1 und Dion. Hal. ant. 12,1-4 gewann M., ein reicher Plebeier, in einer Hungersnot 440/39 v.Chr. durch Aufka…


(312 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Name eines wohl schon im 4. Jh. v.Chr. erloschenen, nach der Tradition für seine patrizierfeindliche Haltung bekannten (Liv. 4,54,4) plebeischen Geschlechts. [English version] [1] I., L. Volkstribun 456, 455 und 449 v. Chr. Volkstribun 456, 455, 449 v.Chr. (MRR 1,42; 48). I. soll 456 die lex de Aventino publicando, die den Aventin der plebs zur Nutzung zuwies, durchgesetzt haben (Liv. 3,31,1; 32,7; Dion. Hal. ant. 10,31,2-32,5), als Verlobter der Verginia mutig gegen die Willkür des Decemvirn Appius Claudius [I 5] aufgetreten (Liv. 3,44,3; 45,4-4…


(198 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Name eines alten, schon im 5. Jh. v. Chr. erloschenen patrizischen Geschlechts, nach dem die auf dem ager Vaticanus (vgl. Vaticanus als Cogn. bei R. [1]) gelegene tribus Romilia benannt ist. [English version] [1] R. Rocus Vaticanus, T. Consul 455 v. Chr. und decemvir 451 v. Chr. Der Überl. nach cos. 455 und decemvir ( decemviri [1]) 451 v. Chr. (MRR 1,42; 45 f.; InscrIt 13,1,24 f.; 93; 362-65). Livius (3,31,3-6) und Dion. Hal. (ant. 10,44-46; 48,2-49,6; vgl. Plin. nat. 7,102) berichten, daß R. nach seinem Konsulat, in dem er einen Sieg über die Aeq…


(385 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Name einer patrizischen gens, deren letzten bekannten Vertreter N. ( tr. mil. 258 v.Chr.) die Überl. schon für die Mitte des 3. Jh.v.Chr. verzeichnet. Nach Varro (HRR II p. 9 = Serv. Aen. 2,166; vgl. 3,407; 5,704) war der Stammvater der gens ein Gefährte des Aineias namens Nautes, dem Diomedes [1] das von den Griechen geraubte Palladion von Troja übergab, was der Ursprung eines bei den Nautii gepflegten Gentilkultes für Minerva war (vgl. Fest. 164 L.; Dion. Hal. ant. 6,69,1). [English version] [1] N., Sp. Legat des Consuls L. Papieius Cursor, trug maßgeblich zur dessen Sieg …


(92 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum)
[English version] [1] Vestalin, 483 v. Chr. lebendig begraben Vestalin, 483 v.Chr. wegen Unkeuschheit lebendig begraben. Dion. Hal. ant. 8,89,4 nennt sie O., doch ist ihr Name auch anders überl. (u.a. Liv. 2,42,11); verm. wurde er von den ant. Autoren aus der Verbindung der namentlich nicht bekannten Vestalin mit anderen Personen der Überl. gebildet (evtl. O. [2]). Müller, Christian (Bochum) [English version] [2] Vestalin 216 v.Chr. lebendig begraben Als Vestalin wurde sie 216 v.Chr. wegen Unkeuschheit zum Tode verurteilt und lebendig begraben (Plut. Fabius 18,3; Liv. 22,57,2). Mü…


(583 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Name einer patrizischen Gens, jedoch sind auch plebeische Träger des Names (gesichert M. [2]) belegt; nach ihr ist die tribus Menenia benannt. Im 5. Jh. v.Chr. brachte sie eine Reihe von Oberbeamten hervor, starb aber schon im 4. Jh.v.Chr. aus. Auffällig ist die Verwendung des Praen. Agrippa, das später nur noch als Cogn. erscheint [1. 19f.]. [English version] [1] M., Agrippa Triumvir coloniae deducendae 442 v. Chr., vermutlich identisch mit dem Consul von 439 v. Chr. 442 v.Chr. führte M. als triumvir coloniae deducendae (MRR I 54) eine colonia nach Ardea. Nach Livius (4,11,5f.)…


(119 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Röm.-ital. Gentilname, etym. verm. aus dem Praen. Maius [1. 185]; leichte Entstellung des Namens in der hsl. Überl. bei Livius (2,58,2): L. Mecilius als Mitglied des ersten Volkstribunencollegiums 471 v.Chr. (vermutlich nachträglich in die Liste eingefügt). [English version] [1] M., Sp. Volkstribun 416 v. Chr. Nach Livius (4,48) beantragte M. als tr. pl. IV 416 v.Chr. ein Ackergesetz, das vorsah, das von Rom eroberte und vom Adel okkupierte Land “Mann für Mann” ( viritim) zu verteilen, aber am Veto von sechs von den Patriziern für sich gewonnenen Volkstribunen schei…


(402 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Plebeiisches Geschlecht, das im 4. Jh. v.Chr. eine Reihe bedeutender Vertreter hervorbrachte (Stammbaum bei [1]). [English version] [1] P., Q. decemvir 450 v. Chr. Als Mitglied des zweiten Collegiums der decemviri 450 v.Chr. (MRR 1, 46f.) soll er gegen einen Einfall der Sabiner ins Feld geschickt worden sein (Liv. 3,41,9; Dion. Hal. ant. 11,23,1). Müller, Christian (Bochum) [English version] [2] P. Libo, M. Consul 314 v. Chr. Als cos. 314 v.Chr. kämpfte P. mit seinem Kollegen Sulpicius Longus siegreich gegen die Samnites (Liv. 9,24-26; Diod. 19,76,1-5). Nach …


(223 words)

Author(s): Zimmermann, Sylvia | Müller, Christian (Bochum)
[German version] [1] T. mons According to Varro (Ling. 5,41), term for the Capitolium, cf. Tarpeium Saxum. Zimmermann, Sylvia [German version] [2] Epithet of Iuppiter as lord of the Capitolium Epithet of Iuppiter as lord of the Capitolium, where the rock was from which traitors were thrown to their deaths in accordance with a law written by T. [4] (e.g. Ov. Fast. 6,34; Ov. Met. 15,866; Prop. 4,1,7). Zimmermann, Sylvia [German version] [3] T., Sp. Father of Tarpeia Father of Tarpeia, commander of the Capitoline fortress under Romulus [1] during the attack of the Sabine kin…


(243 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Name of a Roman family, which died out at the beginning of the 3rd cent. BC. Of the two Republican namesakes who held offices, N. [1] was of plebeian origin, while N. [2] must have been a patrician. Considering the questionable historicity of the latter, there were perhaps only plebeian Numicii, although this question cannot be definitively settled (on this topic [1. 20]). [German version] [1] N., T. Guarantor of the Caudinian agreement, handed over to the Samnites in 320 BC As one of the guarantors of the Caudine treaty, he was handed over to the Samnites in 320 BC (Cic. O…


(306 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Roman family name (Etruscan Latini), a derivation from the ethnicon Latinus. I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] L., T. According to the legend, Jupiter told L. during the Latin War to instruct the consuls to have the Ludi Romani repeated According to Livy (2,36,2-8), who sets the legend that was originally probably not fixed in time in 491 BC, Jupiter told L. in a dream during the Latin War that he should instruct the consuls to have the ludi Romani ( ludi ) repeated; L. finally obeyed these instructions after initially ignoring them twice and…


(244 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Name of a Roman gens, documented only since the 2nd cent. BC. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [1] N., L. People's tribune in 471 BC Member of the first college of people's tribunes (that of 471 BC) whose members are all known (Calpurnius Piso fr. 23 HRR = Liv. 2,58,1; Diod. Sic. 11,68,8). Müller, Christian (Bochum) [German version] [2] N., P. People's tribune in 449 BC, grandfather or great-uncle of Verginia According to tradition, N. was the grandfather or (great) uncle of Verginia; together with her betrothed, L. Icilius [1], he sought to protect he…


(235 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Name of a Roman gens, first appearing with O. [1]. Later members of the family are politically insignificant. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [1] O. Gallus, Q. Leader of a Roman embassy in 292 BC that transferred the cult of Asclepius to Rome During an epidemic in Rome in 292 BC, leader of a Roman embassy that transferred the cult of Asclepius from Epidaurus to Rome (MRR 1, 182); in 273, member of the first embassy to the Ptolemaic court in Alexandria [1] (MRR 1, 182; for the background to this embassy see [1. 141-145]). As cos. in 269 (MRR 1, 199), according to Pliny (HN 33…


(194 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Kierdorf, Wilhelm (Cologne)
[German version] [1] Wife of Marcius Coriolanus According to a much-related story about Marcius Coriolanus (in which V. plays only a subordinate role, however), when he and a Volsci army are outside Rome, the pleas of his wife V. and his mother Veturia cause him to refrain from attacking his home city (the story in e.g. Liv. 2,39,1-2,40,11; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 8,40-54; Val. Max. 5,2,1; 5,4,1; Plut. Coriolanus 33,1-36,6, but there, it is not his wife but his mother who bears the name V.). Müller, Christian (Bochum) [German version] [2] Pantomime actress, 1st cent. BC Freedwoman (and lover:…


(890 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Name of a patrician gens, of Etruscan origin, which brought forth two figures of significance in the early Republican period. Only in the 1st cent. BC does evidence appear for further bearers of the name. I. Republican era [German version] [I 1] L. (Flavus or Rufus ?), T. Consul in 501 and 498 BC, first dictator of Rome Consul in 501 and 498 BC (InscrIt 13,1,88; 350-53). The written record, up to Festus (216 L.), names L. as the first dictator of Rome (MRR I 9f.; 11f.), but it is divided on whether L. occupied the office during his 1st (Liv. 2,18,4-7 …


(1,935 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Höcker, Christoph (Kissing)
[German version] [1] Vitruvius Vaccus, Marcus According to Livy (8,19,4-8,20,10), V. was an influential citizen of Fundi (Fondi) who led the revolt against Rome that was undertaken by Privernum (Piperno) with the support of Fondi in 330/329 BC.  After the failed insurrection he was executed in Rome.  It is difficult to explain V's role in this revolt, given that he was clearly not an unimportant figure in Rome and owned a house there, which was then destroyed by decree of the Senate (Cic. Dom. 101 sti…


(222 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Name einer röm. Familie, die am Anfang des 3. Jh.v.Chr. erlosch. Von den beiden republikanischen Trägern des Namens, die eine Magistratur bekleideten, war N. [1] plebeischer Herkunft, während N. [2] Patrizier gewesen sein müßte. Angesichts der fraglichen Historizität des letzteren gab es vielleicht nur plebeische Numicii, doch ist dies nicht endgültig zu klären (hierzu [1. 20]). [English version] [1] N., T. Bürge des Caudischen Vertrages, 320 v. Chr. an die Samniten ausgeliefert Als einer der Bürgen des Caudinischen Vertrages wurde er 320 v.Chr. an die Samniten au…


(197 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Röm. Gentilname, zuerst mit O. [1] hervorgetreten. Die späteren Familienangehörigen sind polit. unbedeutend. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [1] O. Gallus, Q. Führer der röm. Gesandtschaft 292 v. Chr., die den Asklepioskult nach Rom überführte 292 v.Chr. Führer der röm. Gesandtschaft, die während einer Epidemie in Rom den Asklepios-Kult von Epidauros nach Rom überführte (MRR 1, 182); 273 Mitglied der ersten Gesandtschaft nach Alexandreia [1] an den Ptolemäerhof (MRR 1, 182; zum Hintergrund dieser Gesandtschaft [1. 141-145]). Als cos. 269 (MRR 1, 199) führt…


(274 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Römischer Gentilname (etr. latini), entstanden aus dem Ethnikon Latinus. I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] L., T. Der Legende nach wies Iuppiter ihn an, den Consuln während des Latinerkriegs eine Wiederholung der ludi Romani aufzutragen Nach Livius (2,36,2-8), der die urspr. wohl zeitlose Legende ins J. 491 v.Chr. setzt, gab Iuppiter L. im Traum die Weisung, den Consuln während des Latinerkrieges eine Wiederholung der ludi Romani ( ludi ) aufzutragen, der er nach zweimaliger Mißachtung und folgender Strafen schließlich nac…


(206 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum)
Röm. Gentilname, histor. erst seit dem 2. Jh.v.Chr. bezeugt. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [English version] [1] N., L. Volkstribun 471 v. Chr. Mitglied des ersten vollständig bekannten Volkstribunencollegiums von 471 v.Chr. (Calpurnius Piso fr. 23 HRR = Liv. 2,58,1; Diod. 11,68,8). Müller, Christian (Bochum) [English version] [2] N., P. Volkstribun 449 v. Chr., Großvater oder -onkel der Verginia In der Überl. erscheint N. als Großvater oder (Groß)onkel der Verginia, der gemeinsam mit ihrem Verlobten L. Icilius [1] diese vor der Begierde des Decemvirn…


(771 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Name einer patrizischen gens etr. Ursprungs, die in der Frühzeit der Republik zwei bedeutende Vertreter hervorbrachte. Weitere Träger des Namens sind erst wieder ab dem 1. Jh.v.Chr. belegt. I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] L. (Flavus oder Rufus ?), T. Consul 501 und 498 v. Chr., erster Dictator Roms Consul 501 und 498 v.Chr. (InscrIt 13,1,88; 350-53). Bis auf Festus (216 L.) nennt die Überl. L. als ersten Dictator Roms (MRR I 9f.; 11f.), ist aber uneins, ob L. das Amt in seinem 1. (Liv. 2,18,4-7 mit Verweis auf die unsichere Üb…


(656 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld)
Latin name of an ancient dynasty from Tusculum (in manuscripts frequently confused with Manilius and Manlius). Because the city was considered a foundation of Telegonus, the son of Odysseus and Circe, the Mamilii, from the early 2nd cent. BC at the latest, traced their lineage to Odysseus, via Mamilia, the daughter of Telegonus (coins: RRC 149; 362; in literature, from the Augustan period: Fest. 116f. L; Liv. 1,49,9; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 4,45,1). In the 5th cent. BC, with M. [I 1] the family was accepted in Ro…


(650 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn)
[German version] [1] V., Ap. Livy (3,54,13) lists V. as peoples' tribune in 449 BC among those who, after the end of the D ecemviri [1], had been voted into this office "more due to the hopes (that had been put into them) than due to their merits". Müller, Christian (Bochum) [German version] [2] V. Annalis, L. As peoples' tribune in 180 BC, he introduced a law about age limits that regulated the competition for offices and thus proved fundamental in the development of the cursus honorum [1]. In this, he had the consent of the Senate, which earned him and his…


(1,228 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Name of a Roman family (also often given as Vetusius; on the origin of the gens Veturia [1. 284]), for which the tribus Voturia was named [2. 42]. The Veturii played a prominent political role in various phases of the Republic: from the beginning of the Republic to the leges Liciniae Sextiae (367 BC) with the Veturii [I 3-6] Cicurini, in the time between 334 and 321 with V. [I 1], and in the time of the 2nd Punic War with the Veturii [I 7-8] Philones. While the patrician status of the Cicurini and Philones can be regarded as certain (but cf. [3.…


(590 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Rare Roman nomen gentile (epigraphically Numesius, ILS 9231). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican era [German version] [I 1] One of the praetors of the Latin league in 340 BC One of the two chief magistrates ( praetores) of the Latin League, who, with his colleague L. Annius [I 3], attempted to enforce perfect equality between the Latins and the Romans in 340 BC, firstly through negotiations and then by means of war; he also continued the war after the defeat of the Latins on Mt. Vesuvius (Liv. 8,3,9; 11,5-12). Müller, Christian (Bochum) [German version] [I 2] N. (?) Nucula Membe…


(572 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Bartels, Jens (Bonn)
Roman nomen gentile, sometimes confused with Sextius. The family surfaced as patrician with S. [1] and [5] in the mid 5th cent. BC. In the late Republic, it had only (politically insignificant) plebeian members. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [1] S., L. In order to illustrate the just administration of the first collegium of decemviri , especially the justice of C. Iulius [I 13] Iullus, Livy (3,33,9 f.) and Cicero (Rep. 2,61) tell the anecdote that after a corpse was found buried in the house of S., Iulius - who,…


(1,949 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne) | Walde, Christine (Basle)
Roman family, probably of Etruscan origin, that played an outstanding role, through the Verginii Tricosti branch (genealogy of the V. Tricosti in [1. 1519]), in Roman politics esp. in the 5th cent. BC. Characteristic of the V. Tricosti are the additional cognomina Caelimontanus, Esquilinus and Rutilus. The political importance of the family steadily declined from around the middle of the 5th cent., becoming altogether insignificant around the middle of the 4th cent. BC. If nothing else, however,…


(1,599 words)

Author(s): Schirmer, Brigitte | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn)
[German version] [1] Nomen gentile The name T. is the Latinized form of an Ancient Etruscan nomen gentile * tarq/χ u-na, from which the Latin name was derived by means of the -i̯o suffix inherited from the indo-European basic form. In Etruscan itself, the name in the form tarq/χ una is not attested; instances of a basic form * tarq/χ-  from the Archaic period are rare (cf. perhaps tarχ umenaia [1. 251, Cl 2.8], tarχ elnas [1. 86, Vs 1.2]). Inherited forms occur in Late Etruscan in the nomina gentilia tarcna/tarχ na ( cf. tarcnai, tar χ nas from the Tomba delle Iscrizioni, Caere, CIE 5907-5974; t…


(579 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld)
Latin. Name der alten Herrscherfamilie aus Tusculum (hsl. häufig mit Manilius und Manlius verwechselt). Da die Stadt als Gründung des Telegonos, des Sohnes des Odysseus und der Kirke, galt, führten sich die Mamilii spätestens seit dem frühen 2. Jh.v.Chr. über Mamilia, die Tochter des Telegonos, auf Odysseus zurück (Mz.: RRC 149; 362; lit. seit augusteischer Zeit: Fest. 116f. L; Liv. 1,49,9; Dion. Hal. ant. 4,45,1). Im 5. Jh.v.Chr. wurde die Familie mit M. [I 1] in Rom aufgenommen, erlangten Angehörige der M. mehrfach das Consulat (M. [5-7]; wohl im 1. Jh. v.Chr. ausgestorben. …


(4,197 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Graf, Fritz (Princeton) | Kytzler, Bernhard (Durban)
Name einer schon im 5. Jh. v.Chr. erloschenen patrizischen gens. Spätere Träger des Namens verdanken ihn der Provenienz aus der nach dieser gens benannten Tribus. [English version] [1] Horatii Gensmitglieder der Horatier (Königszeit). Der Sage nach (Liv. 1,24-26; Dion. Hal. ant. 3,13,4-22,10) entschied unter König Tullus Hostilius [I 4] ein Kampf der Drillinge der Horatier gegen die Drillinge der Curiatier statt einer Schlacht den Streit zwischen Rom und Alba Longa. Nachdem zwei Brüder gefallen waren, überwand der letzte H. s…


(506 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Seltener röm. Gentilname (inschr. auch Numesios, ILS 9231). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] Einer der Praetoren des latinischen Bundes 340 v. Chr. Einer der beiden Oberbeamten (Praetoren) des latinischen Bundes, der mit seinem Kollegen L. Annius [I 3] 340 v.Chr. zunächst mit Verhandlungen, dann auch mit Krieg die volle rechtliche Gleichstellung der Latiner mit den Römern durchzusetzen versuchte und auch noch nach der Niederlage der Latiner am Vesuv den Krieg fortsetzte (Liv. 8,3,9; 11,5-12). Müller, Christian (Bochum) …


(601 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Name of a Roman plebeian family, documented with certainty only from the 1st cent. BC on (T. [I 2] might be unhistorical). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican Period [German version] [I 1] T., C. Son of an ill-reputed (Cic. Phil. 13,23; the same as in Hor. Sat. 1,4,114?) Roman equestrian. In 58 BC [1], T. worked as quaestor urbanus against P. Clodius' [I 4] switch to the plebs . As tribune of the people in 55, he introduced laws that gave M. Licinius [I 11] Crassus and Cn. Pompeius [I 3] provincial terms of five years and exte…


(3,490 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Roman family name derived from the praenomen Tullus; oldest traditional bearer of the name is the sixth king of Rome, Servius T. [I 4]; until the time of Cicero and his family, other bearers are only rarely recorded. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] T., Attius As 'by far the first man of the Volsci at the time' (Liv. 2,35,7), tradition connected him with the story of Coriolanus, in which T. supported the latter in his plans out of an old hate for the Romans (Liv. 2,37,1-8; 2,38,1-5; 2,39,1; 2,40,12). Hi…


(441 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Roman plebeian nomen gentile, often confused with Siccius; members of the family frequently appear as people's tribunes in the 5th cent. BC, but the family is otherwise insignificant. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] S., C. Tradition links S. with the origins and early development of the people's tribunate ( tribunus plebis ): S. was firstly the initiator of the secessio plebis of 494 BC and then one of the people's tribunes, subsequently elected for the first time (Liv. 2,32,2; 2,33,2; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 6,45,2; 6,8…


(1,397 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Eck, Werner (Cologne) | Berschin, Walter (Heidelberg)
Oscan praenomen and Oscan/Lat. gentilic. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican Period [German version] [I 1] Pontius, Gavius Samnite general, delivered Rome its defeat 321 BC at Caudium Samnite general who in 321 BC famously defeated the Romans at Caudium and sent them 'under the yoke' (Liv. 9,2,6-6,4). The fact that the Samnite leader in the Social War (Social Wars [3]), P. [I 4], had the same name is no proof that P.' name entered the tradition only later. The annalistic tradition (in Liv. 9, 15,8), however, of P.'…


(949 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Bartels, Jens (Bonn) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
(In an older form also Peinarius, CIL I2 1357; 2469f.). Name of a patrician gens. According to tradition, they maintained a cult for Hercules at the Ara Maxima together with the Potitii (further evidence there). Hercules himself - or Evander [1] - is said to have transferred the cult to them at an extremely early time. The derivation of the name from πεινᾶν ( peinân, 'starve') is a scholarly construction based on the P. having had the smaller share in the sacrifices for Hercules (Serv. Aen. 8,270, i.a.). The family was also traced back to Pinus, the ostensib…


(521 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Bartels, Jens (Bonn) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld)
Name of an originally Etruscan plebeian family (Etruscan form Velimna) that was significant in the early Republic. The Volumnii of the 1st cent. BC are not its descendants. The tomb of the V. in Perusia (modern Perugia) with bilingual inscriptions (CIL XI 1963 - CIE 3763) was used from the 2nd cent. onwards. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) [German version] [1] V., P. Fought in 42 BC as a friend of M. Iunius [I 10] Brutus in the battle of Philippi, and wrote about it in a now lost work (Plut. Brutus 48; 51). Possibly identical to V. [4]? Bartels, Jens (Bonn) [German version] [2] V. Amintinus Gallus…


(3,846 words)

Author(s): Bartels, Jens (Bonn) | Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Name of a Roman patrician family (epigraphically also Serveilius), said to have migrated to Rome from Alba Longa under king Tullus Hostilius [4] (Liv. 1,30,2; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 3,29,7). The oldest branches are the Ahalae and Fidenates in the 5th and 4th cents. BC; the Caepiones and Gemini, from whom the Vatiae (Isaurici) descended, appear in the 3rd cent. The last prominent member of the Servilii Caepiones was the murderer of Caesar, M. Iunius [I 10] Brutus, son of Servilia [1], and himself adopted into the family. I. Republican Period [German version] [I 1] A fleet commander in the B…


(1,175 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Dingel, Joachim (Hamburg) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Roman nomen gentile, also confused with Sestius . According to tradition, the family achieved prominence in the 4th cent. BC with S. [I 6] who obtained access to the consulate for plebeians. The family was unimportant under the Republic, with the exception of S. [1 3]; the branch which was best known into the 3rd cent. AD originated with Caesar's follower S. [I 2], but it made spurious claims to be descended from the first plebeian consul S. [I 6] (hence the epithets Africanus and Laterensis). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] S., Q. Founder of t…


(1,664 words)

Author(s): Bartels, Jens (Bonn) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Benz, Lore (Kiel) | Eck, Werner (Cologne) | Plotke, Seraina (Basle)
I. Republican Period [German version] [I 1] P. Relative of Cicero's second wife Publilia A close relative (brother?) of Cicero's second wife Publilia; for this reason, he is frequently mentioned in Cicero's letters to T. Pomponius [I 5] Atticus. Bartels, Jens (Bonn) [German version] [I 2] P., Volero People's tribune in 472 and 471 BC People's tribune in 472 and 471 BC (MRR 1, 29 f.). P. is said to have introduced a bill in 472 to have the election of the tribunes of the plebs take place not in the comitia curiata, which were dominated by patricians and their clients, but in the comitia tributa (Co…


(4,620 words)

Author(s): Graf, Fritz (Columbus, OH) | Müller, Walter W. (Marburg/Lahn) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Kytzler, Bernhard (Durban)
Name of a patrician gens which had already died out in the 5th cent. BC. Later bearers of the name owe it to the provenance from the eponymous tribus. [German version] [1] Horatii Member of the Horatius gens (Royal period). According to legend (Liv. 1,24-26; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 3,13,4-22,10), under King Tullus  Hostilius [I 4], the conflict between Rome and  Alba Longa was decided by a fight between the Horatii triplets and the Curiatii triplets rather than a battle. After two brothers had fallen, the last H. overcame his opponent…


(1,221 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Oscan praenomen, later a widespread nomen gentile; literary refs. at Rome from as early as the 5th cent. BC (O. [I 5]), but historical evidence only from the 2nd cent. The Tusculan Opiter O., who is said to have given his name to the Mons O. at Rome, is an invention (Varro in Fest. 476 L.). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] O., C. Author of a law of 215 BC to limit displays of wealth Restricted the opportunities for women to display wealth by his law of 215 BC (Liv. 34,1,1-3 et alibi; MRR 1, 255). In 195, this legislation was repealed despite the res…


(1,326 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Eck, Werner (Köln) | Berschin, Walter (Heidelberg)
Osk. Praenomen und osk./lat. Gentilname. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] Pontius, Gavius Samnitischer Feldherr, brachte den Römern 321 v. Chr. die Niederlage bei Caudium bei Samnitischer Feldherr, der 321 v. Chr. den Römern die berühmte Niederlage bei Caudium beibrachte und sie ‘unter das Joch schickte’ (Liv. 9,2,6-6,4). Daß der samnit. Anführer im Bundesgenossenkrieg [3] (P. [I 4]) ebenfalls diesen Namen trug, ist kein Indiz dafür, daß P.' Name erst später in die Überl. gelangte…


(1,510 words)

Author(s): Bartels, Jens (Bonn) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Benz, Lore (Kiel) | Eck, Werner (Köln) | Plotke, Seraina (Basel)
I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] P. Verwandter von Ciceros zweiter Frau Publilia Ein naher Verwandter (Bruder?) von Ciceros zweiter Frau Publilia, der daher öfter in Ciceros Briefen an T. Pomponius [I 5] Atticus erscheint. Bartels, Jens (Bonn) [English version] [I 2] P., Volero Volkstribun 472 und 471 v. Chr. Volkstribun 472 und 471 v. Chr. (MRR 1, 29 f.). 472 soll P. ein Gesetz eingebracht haben, das die Wahl der Volkstribunen statt in den von den Patriziern mit ihren Klienten dominierten comitia curiata in den comitia tributa ( comitia ) vo…


(1,061 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
Oskisches Praenomen, dann weitverbreiteter Gentilname; in Rom bereits für das 5. Jh.v.Chr. lit. erwähnt (O. [I 5]), histor. aber erst seit dem 2. Jh. belegt. Erfindung ist der Tusculaner Opiter O., der dem Mons O. in Rom den Namen gegeben haben soll (Varro bei Fest. 476 L.). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republikanische Zeit [English version] [I 1] O., C. Urheber eines Gesetzes 215 v. Chr. zur Beschränkung der Demonstration von Reichtum Beschnitt 215 v.Chr. mit einem Gesetz die Möglichkeiten von Frauen, Reichtum zu demonstrieren (Liv. 34,1,1-3 u.a.; MRR 1, 25…


(876 words)

Author(s): Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Bartels, Jens (Bonn) | Eck, Werner (Köln)
(ältere Namensform auch Peinarius, CIL I2 1357; 2469f.), Name einer patrizischen gens. Der Überl. nach übte sie zusammen mit den Potitii (dort auch Belege) an der Ara Maxima einen Kult für Hercules aus, der ihr schon in frühester Zeit, nämlich von Hercules selbst bzw. Euandros [1], übertragen worden sei. Gelehrte Konstruktion ist die Ableitung des Namens von πεινᾶν ( peinán, “hungern”), weil die P. geringeren Anteil an den Opfern für Hercules gehabt hätten (Serv. Aen. 8,270 u.a.). Die Familie wurde auch auf Pinos, den angeblichen Sohn des Numa Pompilius…


(2,367 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Nadig, Peter C. (Duisburg) | Frigo, Thomas (Bonn) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld) | Et al.
Name of a Roman gens. The patrician bearers of the name from the 5th and 4th cents. BC that have come down to us are of disputed historicity, in any case the early family history has been embellished in the late Republic.  It is these Minucii that later membesrs (from the 3rd century BC) trace themselves back to. A prominent cognomen is Augurinus (M. [I 1-3] and [I 5 and 6]), deriving from the first plebeian augur M. [I 7], applied only subsequently to the early Republican members. The political zen…


(1,281 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Nadig, Peter C. (Duisburg) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
(also frequently Popilius). Name of a Plebeian gens attested from the 4th cent. BC. The family maintained a joint funeral cult (Cic. Leg. 2,55). Its most famous branch was the Laenates (with regard to the cognomen Laenas); insignificant from the early Imperial period onwards. Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) I. Republican period [German version] [I 1] P. Laenas Augur, in 44 BC adviser of the murderers of Caesar Augur (Cic. Att. 12,13,2), in 44 BC was the adviser of the murderers of Caesar and may perhaps have been tempted to betray them to the dictator (App. B Civ. 2,484; 487). Fündling, Jörg (B…


(2,687 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Schmitt, Tassilo (Bielefeld) | Kierdorf, Wilhelm (Cologne) | Nadig, Peter C. (Duisburg) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Et al.
Roman patrician gentilic name (from the praenomen Postumus ), found in the highest offices from the 5th cent. BC on and politically significant until the 2nd cent. BC. As dictator in 499 or 496 BC, an A. P. is supposed to have decided the battle at Lacus Regillus (Liv. 2,19-20). The Albi or Albini (Regillenses), who withdrew from politics with P. [I 9]'s military failure in the Jugurthine War at the end of the 2nd cent. BC, are his descendants. I. Republican Period [German version] [I 1] P., C. Etruscan haruspex, even consulted by Sulla Etruscan haruspex ( haruspices


(930 words)

Author(s): Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Bochum) | Müller, Christian (Bochum) | Nadig, Peter C. (Duisburg) | Fündling, Jörg (Bonn) | Eck, Werner (Cologne)
Name of a Roman plebeian family, perhaps of Etruscan origin [1. 185; 187]. The most important bearer of the name is M. [I 3]; the family is politically unimportant in the 1st cent. BC. Lex Maenia is the title of a Menippean satire of Varro (Varro Men. 153-155). The law concerned the power of the paternal head of the house; content and dating are contested [3. 1085 - 1121]. A further lex Maenia probably passed before 290 BC directed that the ‘agreement of the Senate’ ( auctoritas patrum) for elections be obtained before proclaiming the election results (Cic. Brut. 55). Elvers, Karl-Ludwig (Boch…
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