
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Goldhahn, Tobias" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Goldhahn, Tobias" )' returned 10 results. Modify search

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(159 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias | Strothmann, Meret (Bochum)
(Τιμάνδρα/ Timándra). [German version] [1] Daughter of Tyndareus and Leda Daughter of Tyndareos and Leda, sister of Clytaemnestra and Helene [1], wife of Echemus [1] of Tegea (Apollod. 3,126; 3,129; Paus. 8,5,1), and with him mother of Evander [1] (Serv. Aen. 8,130). Owing to a curse by Aphrodite on the daughters of Tyndareos (according to Stesich. in Schol. Eur. Or. 249, because Aphrodite had been passed over in a sacrifice by Tyndareos), T. leaves Echemus and goes to Dulichium with Phyleus, father of her son Meges (Eust. 305,17). Goldhahn, Tobias [German version] [2] Mistress of Alci…


(81 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias
[German version] (Ἀλ(λ)ηκτώ/ Al(l)ēktṓ, 'the one who never rests'). Along with Megaera and Tisiphone [1], A. is one of the Erinyes whose names are not mentioned until late (Apollod. 1,3). Described as particularly fertile by Vergilius (Verg. Aen. 7,324-329), she put Amata into a rage against the Aeneads at the order of Iuno, incited Turnus [1] to start a war against Latinus [1] and with a trick sparked the first fight between the Aeneads and the Latins (ibid. 7,341-571). Goldhahn, Tobias


(147 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias
(Θυμοίτης/ Thymoítēs). [German version] [1] Son of Laomedon Son of Laomedon [1], brother of Priamus, Trojan dēmogérōn ('elder of the people'; Diod. 3,67,5). In Verg. Aen. 3,32 the first to advise pulling the Wooden Horse into the city, according to Serv. Ad loc. in revenge for Priam's killing his wife and son, who had been born on the same day as Paris, because of a prophesy of disaster. Goldhahn, Tobias [German version] [2] Son of Oxyntes Son of Oxyntes, the last Thesid, king of Athens (Paus. 2,18,9). T. becomes king after killing his elder half-brother; after T. prove…


(145 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias
(Θέστωρ/ Théstōr). [German version] [1] Son of Apollo and Laothoe Son of Apollo and Laothoe [2], one of the Argonauts, as a seer also bears the name Idmon [1] (Apoll. Rhod. 1,139). Father of the seers Calchas and Alcmaon (Hom. Il. 1,69; 12,394), also of Theoclymenus (Hyg. Fab. 128), as well as Leucippe and Theone, cf. Hyg. Fab. 190: in this story it is told how T. and his two daughters were driven by a series of remarkable accidents off course to the king Icarus of Caria, where after a perilous climax the complexities ultimately resolve by means of anagnṓrisis . Goldhahn, Tobias [German version] [2…


(1,524 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias | Muggia, Anna (Pavia) | Toral-Niehoff, Isabel (Freiburg)
(Τάρας/ Táras). [German version] [1] Son of Poseidon and a South-Italian nymph Son of Poseidon and a South-Italian nymph (Paus. 10,10,8), or son of Heracles [1] (Serv. Aen. 3,551); hero and eponym of the town of Taranto ( cf. T. [2]) and of its river. He is considered to be the founder (Paus. l.c.), or at least the patron (Serv. l.c.) of Taranto. On a coin from Taranto, he is represented as a boy reaching out for Poseidon; the image of a dolphin rider appearing on other coins from Taranto, represents rather Phalantus [1], in spite o…


(127 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias
(Τοξεύς/ Toxeús). [German version] [1] Son of Eurytus A son of Eurytus [1], the king of Oechalia and a famous archer, and Antiope. According to Diod. Sic. 4,37, killed by Heracles [1], who conquers and destroys the city of Oechalia, together with his brothers Molion and Clytius [3] (according to Aristocrates in schol. Soph. Trach. 266: Clytius and Deinon). Goldhahn, Tobias [German version] [2] Son of the king Oeneus of Calydon and Althaea Son of king Oeneus of Calydon and of Althaea [1], a daughter of Thestius (Apollod. 1,64). Goldhahn, Tobias [German version] [3] Son of Thestius in Ovid Ac…


(79 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias
[German version] (Τρυγών/ Trygṓn, 'turtle-dove'). Nurse of Asclepius. According to Paus. 8,25,11 her grave was at his sanctuary in Thelphusa in Arcadia. According to Arcadian legends Antolaus, son of Arcas, handed the exposed Asclepius over to T. The name suggests that Asclepius was fed by a dove; according to other versions of the legend Asclepius is suckled by a goat and guarded by a dog. Goldhahn, Tobias Bibliography U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorf, Isyllos von Epidauros, in: PhU 9, 1886, 87.


(68 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias
(Ξενοδίκη; Xenodíkē). [German version] [1] Daughter of Minos A daughter of Minos and Pasiphae or Crete (Apollod. 3,7). Goldhahn, Tobias [German version] [2] (also Xenodoce). Daughter of Syleus (Also Xenodoce). Daughter of Syleus, killed by Heracles [1] (Apollod. 2,132). Goldhahn, Tobias [German version] [3] Trojan prisoner Trojan prisoner in a painting by Polygnotus [1] in the Lesche of the Cnidians in Delphi (Paus. 10,26,1). Goldhahn, Tobias


(54 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias
[German version] (Ξενοκλεία; Xenokleía). Prómantis of the Oracle at Delphi. At first unwilling to prophesy for Heracles [1], who is sullied by the murder of Iphitos, after the theft and return of the tripod she nevertheless does (Paus. 10,13,8; Apollod. 2,130; schol. Pind.  Ol. 9,43, without mention of her name). Goldhahn, Tobias


(65 words)

Author(s): Goldhahn, Tobias
[German version] (Θρύον; Thrýon). Township on the lower Alpheius [1] mentioned in Homer (Il. 2,592; 11,711f., under the name Thryoessa). Location not known for certain. In Antiquity identified with Epitalium on the southern bank of the Alpheius (Str. 8,3,23-25), but it may also have been situated on its northern bank [1]. Goldhahn, Tobias Bibliography 1 F. Bölte, Ein pylisches Epos, in: RhM 83, 1934, 324 f.; 327 f.