
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Krötke, Wolf" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Krötke, Wolf" )' returned 20 results. Modify search

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Verborgenheit Gottes

(1,584 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf
[English Version] . Die V.G. in der Welt ist der Grund dafür, daß es Gottesgewißheit (Gewißheit: II., III.) nur im Glauben geben kann. Wäre uns Gott mit den Sinnen zugänglich wie die Welt, dann bedürfte es keines Glaubens, der auf das, was man nicht sehen kann, vertraut (vgl. Hebr 11,2). Solange es Menschen in dieser Welt mit Gott zu tun bekommen, haben sie es darum mit der V.G. zu tun. Das kann allerdings keine absolute V. sein. Denn wäre Gott nur verborgen, könnte niemals Gottesgewißheit entsteh…


(1,243 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf
[English Version] I. Religionsphilosophisch Mit dem Wort W. hat Meister Eckhart den aristotelischen Begriff ε᾿n̆ε´ργεια/énérgeia (Vermögen) übers. W. empfängt nach Aristoteles ihren Namen vom Werk, vom Wirken her (vgl. Metaphysik Θ 1050 a 21ff.). Die Gestalt, die ein Lebewesen kraft der Entelechie der Seele und innerhalb der von ihr angezielten Möglichkeiten hervorarbeitet bzw. bewirkt, ist demnach wirklich. Von daher schwingen im dt. Wort W. immer zwei Bedeutungen mit. Im allgemeinsten Sinne bez. es einerseits das Sein überhaupt, aber auch ein Sei…


(1,324 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf
[German Version] I. Philosophy of Religion Meister Eckhart used a term corresponding to “reality” to translate the Aristotelian ἐνέργεια/ enérgeia (Capacity). According to Aristotle, reality derives its name from working, from having an effect (cf. Metaphysics Θ 1050 a 21ff.). The form that a living being produces or brings about through the power of the soul’s ¶ entelechy, and within the possibilities it aims for, is hence real. Because of this, two meanings always resonate in Wirklichkeit, the German word for “reality.” In the most general sense, it denotes on the o…


(290 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf
[German Version] ( superbia) is considered, in Christian teaching on sin, as the true expression of the sin against God. The finite, limited human being refuses to be content with his human nature. He or she wants to “be like God” (Gen 3:4), wanting to imitate God’s action and even God’s being. Pride can therefore also be described as presumptuous hubris, in which human beings try to misappropriate the divine. In Christian tradition, such striving was traced back to desire ( concupiscentia) (Augustine). Provided this interpretation is detached from fixation on sexuality, it …

Faith and Works

(1,166 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf
[German Version] The determination of the relationship between faith and works lies at the heart of the doctrine of justification. According to Paul, a sinner is justified by faith “apart from works of the law” (Rom 3:28). Luther made this more specific in his translation by saying that a person is justified “ solely by faith, without the works of the law.” The substance of this exclusive understanding of faith was directed against the letter of James (cf. Jas 2:24) and against the Roman Catholic doctrine of grace. According to Luther, faith that …


(1,094 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf
[German Version] Christian theology is actually christocentric by nature, as it derives its decisive statements concerning God, humanity, and reality itself from Jesus Christ, the focus of Christian faith (Christology). In him, God determined the salvation of humanity with eschatological validity. All claims of the church to the validity of its cognitive insights regarding God and humanity must therefore be measured in relation to Jesus Christ. ¶ In the history of Christian theology, however, this constitutive Christocentrism did not result in Jesus Chri…

Hiddenness of God

(1,913 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf
[German Version] The hiddenness of God in the world is the reason why certainty of God (Certainty: II, III) can only exist in faith. Were God accessible to us through the senses, as the world is, there would then be no need of faith that rests on that which cannot be seen (Heb 11:2). As long as people are confronted with God in this world, they must also come to terms with the hiddenness of God. This concealment, however, cannot remain absolute, since a certainty of God could never arise if he wer…


(525 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf
[German Version] I. Fundamental Theology. – II. Dogmatics I. Fundamental Theology The term anthropocentrism, which originated in theology and philosophy in the second half of the 19th century, designates first of all concentration on human experience as the way to reality in general, as opposed to the “geocentric” metaphysical cosmology of the modern period. In theology it means the comprehension…


(1,900 words)

Author(s): Cancik, Hubert | Krötke, Wolf
[English Version] I. Griechisch-römische Antike 1.Typen, Topik, Argumentationsmuster. a) Gottesvorstellungen, Mythen (Mythos/Mythologie), Kultpraxis (Kult/Kultus) waren in der griech.-röm. Kultur von Anfang an Gegenstand von Reflexion, Analyse und Kritik (Homer, Hesiod). Dabei sind zu unterscheiden erstens Mythen-, Kult-, R., Formen des Atheismus (Pantheismus, Deismus) und zweitens die Kritik der eigenen von der fremder Rel. (intra-/interrel. Kritik). Die Kritik zielt (α) (meist) auf Teilbereiche, Mißstände, Übertreibungen (»Aberglauben«), Mißbrau…


(901 words)

Author(s): Käppel, Lutz | Krötke, Wolf
[German Version] I. Study and History of Religion – II. Philosophy of Religion I. Study and History of Religion Greek ὕβρις, “pride, infringement, maltreatment, outrage.” The etymology of hybris is obscure (the second syllable may be related to βριαρός/ briarós, “strong”). The popular etymological derivation from ὑπέρ/ hypér, “exceeding (the correct amount),” common since the time of Homer, may not be correct for phonetic reasons. Hubris is the basic mental attitude that causes people to “go too far” when pursuing their own interests, and …

Religious Criticism

(2,242 words)

Author(s): Cancik, Hubert | Krötke, Wolf
[German Version] I. Greco-Roman Antiquity


(1,257 words)

Author(s): Kersting, Wolfgang | Krötke, Wolf | Sigrist, Christian
[German Version] I. Philosophy – II. Dogmatics – III. Sociology, Politics, and Social Ethics I. Philosophy

Flesh and Spirit

(2,268 words)

Author(s): Frevel, Christian | Reinmuth, Eckart | Krötke, Wolf
[German Version] I. Old Testament – II. New Testament – III. Dogmatics …

Good Works

(1,920 words)

Author(s): Beltz, Walter | Krötke, Wolf | Ulrich, Hans G.
[German Version] I. Comparative Religion – II. Dogmatics – III. Ethics I. Comparative Religion In the vocabulary of comparative religious studies, the expression good works (Lat. opera bona) is a metalinguistic concept borrowed from the 16th-century debates of ¶ confessional Christian theologians. It falls within the ethical aspect of religion and presupposes innumerable object-language verifications. Good works are human acts that are assessed positively by a religious …

Wort Gottes

(6,684 words)

Author(s): Prenner, Karl | Levin, Christoph | Hahn, Ferdinand | Krötke, Wolf | Meyer-Blanck, Michael | Et al.
[English Version] I. Religionsgeschichtlich Der Mensch erlebt die Übermittlung von Botschaften durch die Gottheit, durch gött…

Word of God

(7,795 words)

Author(s): Prenner, Karl | Levin, Christoph | Hahn, Ferdinand | Krötke, Wolf | Meyer-Blanck, Michael | Et al.
[German Version] See also Heavenly voice, Memra, Revelation. I. Religious Studies Humans experience messages from the deity or divine beings (Inspiration/Theopneusty, Revelation) in the form of speech. Formally we must distinguish (a) the word of the deity himself, as recorded in sacred scripture after a phase of oral transmission (Torah, Qurʾān, Vedas, Avesta); (b) words communicated by individuals specially chosen and called by God (the word that calls)…

Sünde/Schuld und Vergebung

(16,230 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf | Hock, Klaus | Grund, Alexandra | Metzner, Rainer | Holze, Heinrich | Et al.
[English Version] I. BegrifflichkeitSünde (S.) ist der Bruch des Gottesverhältnisses durch den Menschen. Dieser Begriff wird entleert, wenn er nur auf moralische Verfehlungen angewandt wird. Nur sofern ein innerweltl. moralisches Fehlverhalten als Dimension der Abwendung des Menschen von Gott begriffen wird, kann es mit Recht S. genannt werden. Der Grundakt der S. ist der Unglaube. Im Unglauben verschließen sich Menschen dagegen, daß sie Gott ihr Dasein verdanken und er sich ihnen zuwendet. Sie we…

Sin, Guilt, and Forgiveness

(17,599 words)

Author(s): Krötke, Wolf | Hock, Klaus | Grund, Alexandra | Metzner, Rainer | Holze, Heinrich | Et al.
[German Version] I. Terminology Sin is a human breach of relationship with God. The term is emptied of content if it is used only for moral lapses. Only if a moral transgression in the mundane world is understood as a dimension of human alienation from God can it properly be called sin. The fundamental act of sin is unfaith (Unbelief ). In unfaith we close our eyes to the fact that we owe our existence to God and that he turns to us in love. We resist the idea that he determines our lives totally. Therefore sin can also be und…

Jesus Christ

(19,624 words)

Author(s): Roloff, Jürgen | Pokorný, Petr | Köpf, Ulrich | Lathrop, Gordon W. | Krötke, Wolf | Et al.
[German Version] I. Name and Titles – II. Jesus Christ in the History of Christianity – III. Jesus Christ in Other Religions – IV. Jesus Christ in Jewish Perspective – V. Jesus Christ in Islamic Perspective – VI. Jesus Christ in Art I. Name and Titles