
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Tinnefeld, Franz" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Tinnefeld, Franz" )' returned 265 results. Modify search

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(67 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] Eine von mehreren Bezeichnungen (wie z. B. adscriptio, extraordinaria munera) für Sondersteuern, die im röm. und byz. Reich zum Ausgleich zusätzlicher Ausgaben, z. B. in Notzeiten, aufgrund kaiserlicher Anordnung von allen oder auch nur von den reichen Grundbesitzern erhoben wurden und als unerwartete Belastungen durchweg verhaßt waren. Steuern Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography J. Karayannopulos, Das Finanzwesen des frühbyz. Staates, 1958, 138-141  N. Oikonomides, s. v. Secondary Taxes, ODB 3, 1863 f.


(166 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] [8] H. der Jüngere oström. Kaiser (Jan./Febr.-20. April? 641), Sohn des Kaisers Herakleios [7] aus dessen erster Ehe mit Fabia Eudokia, geb. in Konstantinopel 3.5.612, Augustus seit 22.1.613; auch, in Erinnerung an Constantinus [1] I. d. Gr., Νέος Κωνστάντινος/ Néos Kōnstántinos (lat. Novus Constantinus) genannt (zur Bed. des Beinamens [3. 1-9]) und deshalb in der mod. Forsch. auch, in Konkurrenz zu einem Usurpator im Westen des Reiches (Constantinus [3]), als Constantinus III. gezählt. Nach dem Tode des Vaters erbte H.…


(138 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
(Θεοφανώ). [English version] [1] Th. Anastaso (Θ. Ἀναστάσω). Byz. Kaiserin (ca. 941 bis nach 976 n. Chr.), Gattin Romanos' [3] II. (959-963), dem sie die späteren Kaiser Basileios [6] II. und Constantinus [10] VIII. gebar; sie wurde 963 Gattin Nikephoros' [3] II., an dessen Ermordung 969 sie als Anstifterin beteiligt war. Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography A. Kazhdan, s. v. Th., ODB 3, 2064 f. [English version] [2] Frau Ottos II., um 1000 n. Chr. (auch Theophanu, ca. 960-991 n. Chr.). Gattin des abendländischen Kaisers Otto II. seit 972, Nichte des byz. Kaisers Iohann…


(40 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] Heerführer im Krieg Ostroms gegen die Goten in It., nur bei Prokopios [3] (BG 3,10,2) unter dem Namen Βιτάλις als magister militum per Illyricum ca. 539-544 n. Chr. bezeugt. PLRE 3, 1380 f., Nr. 1 (s. v. Vitalius). Tinnefeld, Franz


(75 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (Βάραγγοι). Skandinavier, die etwa ab dem frühen 10. Jh. n. Chr. über das Gebiet der Kiever Rus' nach Byzanz gelangten (deshalb auch oft als Rus'/Ῥώς bzw. Tauroskythen bezeichnet), ab dem 11. Jh. auch Angelsachsen, die im byz. Heer (wo sie als bes. zuverlässig galten), v. a. aber in der kaiserlichen Garde dienten. Ihre kennzeichnende Waffe war die Streitaxt, die ihnen den Beinamen “Axtträger” (πελεκυφόροι/ pelekyphóroi) eintrug. Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography S. Franklin, A. Cutler, s. v. Varangians, ODB 3, 2152.


(95 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (σιλεντιάριοι). Ordnungshüter an den Kaiserhöfen des röm. Reiches seit Constantinus [1] I., benannt nach dem zeremoniellen Schweigen, das den Kaiser umgab. Sie unterstanden dem kaiserlichen Oberkämmerer ( praepositus sacri cubiculi); seit 437 n. Chr. sind am Hof von Konstantinopolis 30 s. unter drei decuriones bezeugt. Ihr Rang in der Hofhierarchie erhöhte sich bis zum 6. Jh.; danach nahm ihre Bed. ab. Doch werden die letzten s. noch in Quellen des 12. Jh. erwähnt. Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography A. Kazhdan, s. v. Silentiarios, ODB 3, 1896  R. Guilland, Titre…


(95 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (Οὐρβίκιος). Als oström. praepositus sacri cubiculi unter Theodosius [3] II. seit 434 n. Chr. und wieder unter Leo(n) [4] I. und Zenon bezeugt. Gegen Zenon begünstigte er zwar 475 den Usurpator Basiliskos, trug aber 476 zu dessen Sturz bei. Er stand Verina, der Witwe Leons I., nahe und unterstützte wohl auch 481 ein Komplott gegen Illos, der sie inhaftiert hatte. Zuletzt ist er als Befürworter der Wahl des Kaisers Anastasios [1] I. 491 und als Förderer frommer Stiftungen in Edessa [2] und im Heiligen Land 504/5 bezeugt. PLRE 2, 1188-1190. Tinnefeld, Franz


(87 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (Στότζας). Angehöriger der Garde des Martinus [2], den er 533 n. Chr. auf dem Feldzug des Belisarios gegen die Vandali begleitete. Rebellische Truppen in Afrika wählten ihn 536 zu ihrem Anführer. Nach einem vergeblichen Versuch, Karthago zu erobern, wurde er 537 von Germanos [1] besiegt und floh nach Mauretanien, rebellierte aber 541 erneut, nahm den Kaisertitel an und versuchte, in Nordafrika seine Macht auszudehnen, bis er 545 in einer Schlacht den Tod fand. Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography A. Kazhdan, s. v. S., ODB 3, 1959 f.  PLRE 3B, 1199 f.

Scholae Palatinae

(215 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] Berittene Gardetruppen im Dienst der röm. Kaiser seit Constantinus [1] I., gemäß der Notitia dignitatum fünf Regimenter im Westen und sieben im Osten des Reiches zu je 500 Mann, anfangs meist germanischer Herkunft, die insgesamt nicht zum Reichsheer gehörten, sondern dem magister officiorum unterstanden und von je einem Tribunen befehligt wurden [2]. Aber bereits seit Kaiser Zenon wurden die S. P. nur noch als Paradetruppen im Hofzeremoniell verwendet, und ihre Rolle als Schutzgarde des Kaisers wurde faktisch von der damals entstandenen …


(148 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] Flavius V., oström. Heerführer, der 513 n. Chr. wegen mangelnder Versorgung seiner Truppen, aber auch als Anhänger der Christologie der Synode ( sýnodos II. D.4.) von Kalchedon gegen den monophysitisch gesinnten Kaiser Anastasios [1] I. rebellierte (Monophysitismus). Als V. dessen Neffen Hypatios [4], der mit einem Heer gegen ihn entsandt worden war, in seine Gewalt gebracht hatte, willigte er 514 ein, diesen gegen hohes Lösegeld freizulassen und als Gegenleistung für die Ernennung zum magister militum per Thracias und ein Einlenken des Kaisers in der …


(52 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (Σεβαστός). Urspr. griech. Äquivalent für den lat. Titel Augustus, wurde am byz. Hof erst im 11. Jh. n. Chr. als Titel eingeführt, der nach 1081 von den Komnenenkaisern - auch in Kombinationen wie Sebastokrátōr - vornehmlich an Mitglieder ihrer Familie verliehen wurde. Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography A. Kazhdan, s. v. S., ODB 3, 1862 f.


(188 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (lat. factiones; griech. μέρη/ mérē oder, weniger prägnant, δῆμοι/ dḗmoi; siehe dḗmos [2] C.). Heute vorwiegend gebräuchliche Bezeichnung für Vereine oder Clubs, die seit der röm. Kaiserzeit, zunächst in Rom selbst, später auch in anderen Städten des Reiches, die Wagenrennen in den Hippodromen ( hippódromos [1]) organisierten. Sie gruppierten sich - durch die Farben weiß, rot, blau und grün voneinander unterschieden - um erfolgreiche Wagenlenker und zeigten in der Spätantike, v. a. im Osten des Röm. Reic…


(45 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (σκευοφύλαξ). Klerikales Amt der byz. Kirche, zuständig für liturgische Geräte, Heiligtümer und kirchliches Ritual, mit der Leitung eines Büros und höherem Ansehen verbunden; an großen Kirchen wie der Hagia Sophia in Konstantinopolis. Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography P. Magdalino, A. M. Talbot, s. v. S., ODB 3, 1909 f.


(108 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] [1] byz. Kaiser, 9. Jh. Byz. Kaiser (811 n. Chr.), Sohn Nikephoros' [2] I., in der Schlacht gegen den Bulgarenkhan Krum, in der sein Vater fiel, schwer verwundet; wurde nach kurzer Anerkennung als Thronfolger von Michael [3] I. abgelöst. Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography P. A. Hollingsworth, s. v. S., ODB 3, 1945 f. [English version] [2] Eunuch, 8. Jh. n. Chr. Eunuch im Rang eines πατρίκιος ( patríkios ), seit 781 n. Chr. λογοθέτης τοῦ δρόμου ( logothétēs tu drómu), siegreich über die Slaven in Griechenland 783, bis 797 sehr einflußreicher Ratgeber der K…


(159 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (Aelia V., griech. Βηρίνη). Oström. Kaiserin, Gattin Leo(n)s [4] I., gest. 484 n. Chr., begünstigte nach dem Tod ihres Gatten 474 zunächst die Herrschaft des Isauriers Zeno(n) [18], Gatte ihrer Tochter Ariadne und Vater ihres Enkels Leo(n) [5] II., unterstützte aber 475 vorübergehend eine Revolte ihres Bruders Basiliskos gegen Zenon. 478 versuchte sie zusammen mit Epinikos [2], den mächtigen magister officiorum Illos zu stürzen; doch kam ihr dieser zuvor und verbannte sie nach Tarsos. Er konnte sie aber 484 dafür gewin…


(256 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[1] s. Salomo (Σολομών) s. Salomo Tinnefeld, Franz [English version] [2] byz. Heerführer, 6. Jh. n. Chr. (Σολόμων). Byz. Heerführer unter Iustinianus [1] I., Eunuch aufgrund eines Unfalls in der Kindheit. Seit 527 n. Chr. im Dienst des Belisarios, kämpfte er gegen Perser und Vandalen und übernahm von ihm, 534 zum magister militum ernannt, den Oberbefehl im Vandalenkrieg. 534/5 wurde er auch praef. praet. Africae mit Sitz in Karthago. 535 siegte er in der Prov. Byzacena zweimal über die Berber. Eine Revolte seines Heeres konnte erst der aus Sizilien herbeige…


(64 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] [1] s. Musonianus s. Musonianus Tinnefeld, Franz [English version] [2] oström. Beamter, 6. Jh. n. Chr. (Strategios). Oström. Beamter, praef. Augustalis in Alexandreia ca. 518-523 n. Chr., erhielt den Titel patricius ( patríkios ) spätestens 530 und war Chef des Finanzressorts ( comes sacrarum largitionum) 535 bis ca. 538 n. Chr. Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography PLRE 2, 1034-1036, Nr. 9  Stein, Spätröm. R. 2, 433, 476 f.


(50 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (Σπαθάριος, “Schwertträger”). Vom 5. bis zum 12. Jh. n. Chr. Angehöriger einer Abteilung von Kämmerern (Eunuchen) am röm.-byz. Kaiserhof, welche seit etwa dem 8. Jh. einem prōtospathários im Senatorenrang unterstanden. Seit dem 10. Jh. sind auch Nichteunuchen als prōtospathárioi bezeugt. Tinnefeld, Franz Bibliography A. Kazhdan, s. v. Proto-S., ODB 3, 1748; s. v. S., 1935 f.


(215 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz
[English version] (Ζωή). Regierende Kaiserin von Byzanz 21.4.-12.6.1042 n. Chr. (geb. 978), entstammte als Tochter des Constantinus [10] VIII. (1025-1028) der Makedonischen Dynastie und legitimierte aufgrund dieser Herkunft auch das Kaisertum ihrer drei Ehegatten [2; 4]. Sie war verm. die für Otto III. bestimmte Braut aus Byzanz, die erst kurz nach dessen am 24.1.1002 erfolgtem Tod in It. eintraf. Ihren ersten Gatten Romanos [4] III. Argyros, den ihr sterbender Vater ihr 1028 zudachte, ließ sie 10…


(58 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Artavasděs, AD 742-743). Armenian, brother-in-law of the emperor of Byzantium, Constantine V, who began his rule on 19 June 741. A. revolted against him some time later, supposedly as the defender of image-worship. He was defeated by Constantine in November 743 and overthrown. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography ODB 1, 192 I. Rochow, Kaiser Konstantin V., 1994.


(216 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] A term used during the Roman Imperial Period and in Late Antiquity to refer to leadership functions in a variety of areas of public service [3], in the 4th-6th cents. AD in the expanded form praepositus sacri cubiculi (Greek praipósitos toû eusebestátou koitônos) to refer to the court position of imperial high chamberlain, which was reserved for eunuchs, under whom the chamberlains (see Cubicularius) served. The office of praepositus is first attested under Constantius [2] II for Eusebius [3]. As a confidant of the emperor, the praepositus often played a key role …


(28 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (πρωτοβεστιάριος/ prōtobestiários, Latin protovestiarius). Overseer of the Byzantine emperor's wardrobe, 5th-15th centuries, eunuch office second to the parakoimṓmenos . ODB 3, 1749. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)


(163 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] [1] E. Aelia Marciana Wife of the emperor Anthemius, AD 467 elevated to Augusta Only daughter of the emperor Marcianus, married Anthemius [2] in c. AD 453 who was later emperor in the west and had four sons and a daughter with him. In 467 she was elevated to Augusta. Her fate after the execution of her husband in 472 is unknown. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography PLRE 2, 423f. No. 6. P. Grierson, M. Mays, Catalogue of Late Roman Coins, 1992, 260f. [German version] [2] Concubine, later wife of emperor Iustinus I Originally a slave of ‘Barbarian’ origin by the name …


(82 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Βάραγγοι/ Bárangoi). Scandinavians who from about the early 10th cent. AD arrived in Byzantium by way of the territory of the Kievan Rus (hence also often described as Ῥώς/ Rṓs or Tauroscythae), from the 11th cent. also Anglo-Saxons who served in the Byzantine army (in which they were considered particularly trustworthy), but primarily in the Imperial Guard. Their characteristic weapon was the battle-axe, which earned them the nickname 'axe-bearers' (πελεκυφόροι/ pelekyphóroi). Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography S. Franklin, A. Cutler, s. v. Varangia…


(425 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Μαυρίκιος; Mauríkios). Flavius M. Tiberius, East Roman emperor (A.D. 582-602), born in 539 in Arabissus (Cappadocia), died on 27th Nov. 602 in Calchedon. M. replaced the caesar and later emperor Tiberius II in 574 as chief of the guard and was given the command in 577 as magister militum per Orientem to continue the Persian war. After victories near Callinicus in 580 and near Constantina in 581, he was given a triumphal reception in 582 in Constantinople. Tiberius, emperor since 578, affianced him to his daughter Constantina and…


(178 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Βασιλίσκος; Basilískos), Flavius. East Roman counter-emperor, brother of the empress Verina who was the wife of emperor  Leo I (457-474). Since 468, he held the office of mag. militum. In 468, he fought unsuccessfully against the Vandals, in 471, he supported Leo in overthrowing and murdering Aspar ( Ardabur), the powerful mag. militum, and revolted against Leo's son-in-law  Zeno (474-491) from January 475 until August 476 with the support of Monophysite groups. During his rule, he issued an edict to abolish the doctrines establi…


(67 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Γωβάζης; Gōbázēs). King of the Lazes, abdicated in c. AD 456 in favour of his son under pressure from the Roman government, visited Constantinople in 465/6 for negotiations with Emperor Leo I, in which Daniel the Stylite, who lived there and whom he revered, supported him in a mediating role. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography PLRE 2, 515 ODB 1, 585, s.v. Daniel the Stylite.


(1,554 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] [1] Flavius Iustinianus I. Roman emperor AD 527-565 The Roman emperor Justinian (AD 527-565), born c. 482 of Thracian-Illyrian origins as the son of a farmer, with the Latin name Petrus Sabbatius in Bederiana by Tauresium, in the area of the city Iustiniana Prima, which he later built (probably identical with modern Caričin Grad, 45 km south of Niš; see [1. 1085]), died on 14 November 565 in Constantinople. He owed his rise to  Iustinus [1] I, his mother's brother. He trusted I. especially, who was serving as candidatus in the imperial palace guard when his uncle c…


(92 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Στότζας; Stótzas). Member of Martinus' [2] guard, accompanying him on Belisarius' campaign against the Vandali in AD 533. Rebelling troops in Africa chose him as their leader in 536. After a failed attempt to conquer Carthage, he was defeated in 537 by Germanus [1] and fled to Mauretania. In 541 he rebelled again, assumed the title of emperor and tried to extend his power in northern Africa until in 545 he was killed in a battle. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography A. Kazhdan, s.v. S., ODB 3, 1959f.  PLRE 3B, 1199f.


(82 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (λογαριαστής, λογαριαστεύων, λογιστής; logariastḗs, logariasteúōn, logistḗs). From the 11th cent. AD the financial official responsible for the control of public expenditure in several departments of the central and provincial administration of the Byzantine empire. Alexios I (1081-1118) introduced a mégas logariastḗs as the top supervisor of the state expenses who initially acted with the sakellarios and later acted in his place. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography ODB 2, 1244f. R. Guilland, Titres et fonctions de l'Empire byzantin, 1976, XXI (1969).


(163 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Chancellery officials in the first division of the sacra scrinia, the imperial offices, who are attested in the Roman Empire from the latter part of the 3rd cent. AD. From c. 310, these were led by the magister officiorum and later by the quaestor sacri palatii. It was generally the task of the three scrinia ( memoria, epistolarum and libellorum) to manage communication between the Empire's central administration and the provinces. The memoriales under the magister memoriae, attested in the eastern part of the Empire in particular, were, on the evidence o…

Scholae Palatinae

(258 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Mounted guard troops in the service of the Roman emperor from the time of Constantine onwards, according to the Notitia dignitatum five regiments in the West and seven in the East of the empire, each of 500 men, initially mostly of Germanic origin, which on the whole were not part of the imperial army but were subordinate to the magister officiorum and were each commanded by a tribune [2]. However, by the time of the emperor Zeno the SP were used only as parade troops in court ceremonial, and their role as a defensive guard for the emperor had in fact been …

Isaurian emperors

(241 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Byzantine dynasty from AD 717 to 802 (Leo III, Constantinus [7] V, Leo IV, Irene and Constantinus [8] VI). According to an unreliable source on its origin, its founder Leo III came from Isauria, but in fact, as has long been known, he came from Germanicaea in Syria. Nevertheless, the dynasty has regrettably - because there had been an Isaurian on the imperial throne in the person of emperor Zeno (474-91) - retained its traditional name. The first two representatives of the dynasty…

Macedonian dynasty

(392 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Byzantine dynasty AD 867-1056, founded by Basilius [5] I, who hailed from the province ( théma) of Macedonia, after the murder of Michael III ( Amorian dynasty). Basilius was succeeded in 886 by his second son Leo [9] VI (until 912), who was in turn first succeeded by his brother Alexander [20] (until 913), then his son Constantinus [9] VII (913-959; b. 905). Initially, various regents reigned in place of the young Constantine, then, from 920 onwards, his father-in-law Romanus I; only from Janua…


(152 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
(Θεοφανώ; Theophanṓ). [German version] [1] T. Anastaso (Θ. Ἀναστάσω; T. Anastásō). Byzantine empress ( c. 941 until after 976 AD), wife of Romanus [3] II (959-963); the later emperors Basileius [6] II and Constantinus [10] VIII were their children; in 963 she became the wife of Nicephorus [3] II, and in 969 she instigated his assassination. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography A. Kazhdan, s. v. T., ODB 3, 2064 f. [German version] [2] Wife of Otto II, c. 1000 AD (also Theophanou, c. 960-991 AD). wife of the Western emperor Otto II from 972 onwards, niece of the Byzantine…


(65 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Σπαθάριος/ Spathários, ‘sword-bearer’). From the 5th to the 12th cent. AD a member of a body of chamberlains (eunuchs) at the Roman-Byzantine Imperial Court, from about the 8th cent. subordinate to a prōtospathários im Senatorenrang of senatorial rank. From the 10th cent. there is also evidence of non-eunuchs as prōtospathárioi. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography A. Kazhdan, s. v. Proto-S., ODB 3, 1748; s. v. S., 1935 f.


(110 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Οὐρβίκιος; Ourbíkios). Recorded as an Eastern Roman praepositus sacri cubiculi under Theodosius [3] II from AD 434 and again under Leo [4] I and Zeno. He did encourage the usurper Basiliscus against Zeno in 475, but in 476 contributed to his overthrow. He was close to Verina, the widow of Leo I, and in 481 probably also supported a conspiracy against Illus, who had arrested her. He is last recorded as an advocate of the election of the emperor Anastasius [1] I in 491 and as a sponsor of pious foundations in Edessa [2] and in the Holy Land in 504/5. PLRE 2, 1188-1190. Tinnefeld, Fr…


(145 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] The Republican office of consul (Greek ὕπατος, hýpatos) apparently continued under Augustus and his successors, but de facto, until AD 541, only as an honorary title, that after 541 was reserved exclusively for the ruling (east Roman) emperor (until the 7th cent.). As early as from the 7th cent. hypatos is documented on Byzantine seals as a  court title, that no longer has anything in common with the old office of consul. It is a relatively lowly rank according to the catalogues of ranks of the 9th and 10th cents. and is subordinate to the titles ἀνθύπατος ( anthýpatos, procon…


(59 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Σεβαστός/ Sebastós). Originally a Greek equivalent for the Latin title Augustus, was not introduced as a title in the Byzantine court until the 11th century AD; after 1081 it was conferred - also in combinations such as sebastokrátōr - by the Comnenian emperors predominantly on family members. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography A. Kazhdan, s.v. S., ODB 3, 1862 f.


(48 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (παρακοιμώμενος / parakoimṓmenos, 'the one who sleeps nearby'). Senior imperial chamberlain, the highest-ranking court eunuch at Constantinople, probably succeeding the earlier praepositus sacri cubiculi; reliably attested only from AD 780; a highly influential office in the 9th-11th cents. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography ODB 3, 1584.


(59 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (πρωτοστράτωρ; prōtostrátōr). Byzantine term, 8th-15th cents. AD, for the superintendent of the imperial grooms ('marshal'), who accompanied the emperor when riding. It was an influential position close to the emperor and was considered favourable for further advancement. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography R. Guilland, Recherches sur les institutions byzantines, vol. 1, 1967, 478-497  ODB 3, 1748 f.


(86 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Byzantine statesman, Armenian, brother of Theodora, mother of Emperor Michael III (AD 842-867). Bearer of the highest court title Caesar (καῖσαρ) since 862. He promoted the mission to the Slavs, founded a school for scientific studies in the imperial palace, furthered the elevation of the learned  Photius to patriarch. B. was murdered by the parvenu  Basilius [5] I, the founder of the Macedonian dynasty, on 21.4.866. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography LMA 1, 1456 ODB 1, 255f. P. Speck, Die kaiserliche Universität von Konstantinopel, 1974.


(275 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Ἴλλος/ Íllos or Ἰλλοῦς/ Illoûs). Isaurian, high-ranking official and general in the East Roman Empire. In February AD 474, together with  Verina, widow of  Leo(n) [4], he supported the elevation of his compatriot  Zeno to the position of emperor, but as early as 475 he joined forces with Verina and the usurper  Basiliscus. After the defeat of Basiliscus in 476 he soon sided with Zeno again and in 477 became magister officiorum and patricius. At his instigation Verina, who together with Epinicus [2] had attempted to get rid of I. in 478, was exiled to …


(51 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Illyrian. In AD 544, with the rank of ἄρχων ( árchōn; dux?) per Illyricum under Vitalis he was the defender of Bononia (Bologna) against the Goths, and in 551 took part in action against plundering by the Slavs in the Balkan peninsula. PLRE 3, 936f. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)


(154 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Leader of a Thracian troupe of horsemen under  Belisarius against the Persians in AD 530. Since about 539, together with him magister militum per Orientem, he undertook the campaigns against the Persians in 541 and 542. According to Procopius, Historia arcana (reliable source?), he was recalled in 542 supposedly because of high treason, and was incarcerated for more than two years. In 554, he saved an army under general Bessas in Lazica (Colchis) from annihilation by the Persians. It is highly likely that he is identica…


(34 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (πρωτασηκρήτις/ prōtasēkrḗtis). Byzantine term for the office of chief of the imperial secretaries (singular ἀσηκρήτις/ asēkrḗtis, from Latin a secretis), used in the 6th-12th centuries AD. ODB 3, 1742. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)


(66 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] (Ἑλικώνιος; Helikṓnios). From Byzantium, chronicler, known only from the Suda, wrote a χρονικὴ ἐπιτομή ( chronikḕ epitomḗ) from Adam up to emperor Theodosius I (Suda E 851). The Suda (A 3215 and 3868) quotes one note each from the chronicle on the lives of Apion and Arrian. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography PLRE 1, 411 [Heliconius] G. Wirth, Helikonios der Sophist, in: Historia 13, 1964, 506-509.


(56 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Mētrópolis (μητρόπολις) in the Nile Delta in Lower Egypt; in AD 640, it was defended by the dux Domentianus who was attacked by Amr, the commander of the Arabian-Islamic troops, in the spring of 641. He fled and his army was wiped out at N. PLRE 3, 408f. (Domentianus). Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)


(51 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] Isaurian, East Roman general, honorary consul AD 484; fought against the Vandals in 468; he followed Illus to Antioch in 481, and died in 484 having taken part in Illus' uprising against Emperor Zeno. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography PLRE 2, 728f. Nr. 2 Stein, Spätröm. R. 1, 577f.


(87 words)

Author(s): Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich)
[German version] B.I, born in AD 850/53, margrave of Friaul, grandson of Louis the Pious. Following Charles III's deposition in Tribur by Arnulf of Carinthia, B.I was installed as King of Italy in January of 888 in Pavia, but struggled for years with rivals (Wido and Lambert of Spoleto; Louis of Provence). In 915, he was crowned emperor by the Pope in agreement with Byzantium; in 924 he was murdered in Verona. Tinnefeld, Franz (Munich) Bibliography LMA 1, 1933 R. Hiestand, Byzanz und das Regnum Italicum, 1964
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